• 分析人士指出TCI持股行动作为议员第一摔跤股权看到

    Analysts pointed out that, TCI holdings for action can be seen as Lau and equity for the first time wrestling.


  • 2006年作为议员巴马畅销书无畏希望军事干涉列出理论依据。

    In "the Audacity of Hope", the bestseller Mr Obama wrote as a senator in 2006, he set out a theory of military intervention.


  • 作为议员消除匿名专项拨款,推出了新的透明措施如此一来,民众可以清楚地了解他们所缴税款的去向。

    As a Senator, I helped eliminate anonymous earmarks and created new measures of transparency so Americans can better follow how their tax dollars are being spent.


  • 作为议员奥巴马信息自由流动”投了支持票,上台后却没有实际行动,这样的言行不一似乎是个反复出现的问题。

    In what seems to be a recurring theme, Senator Obama supported the Free Flow of Information Act, but President Obama does not.


  • 一些国会议员甚至希望国王贾南德拉作为一个立宪君主

    Some Congress members might even hope to retain King Gyanendra as a constitutional monarch.


  • 接着星期四下午挑选密苏里州议员汤姆.伊格尔顿作为竞选伙伴之后,而当天晚上的投票又默认了另外几个提名人被拿出来比较。

    Then, on Thursday afternoon, after he picked Senator Tom Eagleton of Missouri to be his running mate, McGovern allowed other names to be put in nomination against him during the voting that night.


  • 作为此事的回应,保险业他们那些让他们能承受得起方便使用议员一起对抗这个方案

    In response, the insurance industry says they'll fight the plan with congressmen who are both affordable and easy to use.


  • 这位来自俄亥俄州国会议员仅以始终如一的棕褐色皮肤作为巴马的笑柄而为人所知

    The ten-term congressman from Ohio is known chiefly for his unwavering tan, the butt of some teasing from Mr Obama.


  • 沃尔福威茨早些时候会见公民社会代表一样,议员们也提出了教育质量问题,作为他们谈话主要议题

    As with the civil society representatives who Wolfowitz met earlier, the parliamentarians raised the quality of education as a major subject in their talks.


  • 然而他的不良行为相伴,爱德华·肯尼迪作为一名勤奋务实卓有成效议员,他国会山树立了好名声

    In parallel with this misconduct, however, Kennedy was establishing a well-deserved reputation on Capitol Hill as a diligent and effective legislator.


  • 戴维·卡梅伦作为首相首次下议院回应质询时表示全体议员受害者一样感同身受。

    David Cameron, addressing the House of Commons at his first Prime Minister's Questions, said that the thoughts of MPs were with the victims.


  • 作为此事的回应,保险业他们那些让他们能承受得起方便使用议员一起对抗这个方案

    In response, the insurance industry says they'll fight the plan with congressmen who are both affordable and easy to use. "— Conan o 'brien."


  • 然而,议员Benjamin Raspail提出观点乃是制定一个全国性的节日作为具有共和色彩的一揽子计划的一部分,该计划包括采纳马赛曲法国国歌

    The idea then, proposed by Benjamin Raspail, a deputy, was to create a “national festival”, as part of a republican package that also included adopting “La Marseillaise” as the French national anthem.


  • 格拉姆议员议案置放于即将通过的拨款法案之中,作为这份长达11 000议案的一项附加条款

    Senator Gramm attached a rider limiting the C.F.T.C. 's authority to an 11, 000-page appropriations bill.


  • 瑞安90年代作为国会议员杰克·普的演讲稿撰写,坎普曾在在70年代80年代使供给经济学派成为共和党选举抱负中的核心。

    In the 1990s Mr Ryan was a speechwriter for Jack Kemp, the effervescent Congressman who, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, made supply-side economics a centrepiece of Republican electoral ambitions.


  • ,他希望议员经过认真研究之后作决定,他要求参议员建议作为一个系统而不是单独法案来看

    He said he hoped they would decide on them only after careful study. He asked them to see the proposals as a system of compromise, not as separate bills.


  • 格雷厄姆说:“认为作为一名美国议员,我应该能力所在的争取一些资金,只要这些透明的,支出是有道理的。”

    "I think I should have the ability as a United States Senator to direct money back to my state as long it is transparent and it makes sense," said Lindsey Graham.


  • 按照现在情况联盟只是国际协议一个象征包括作为恶人议员洛奇在内的反对派只是成熟的阻力。

    As it now stands, the League is but a symbol of international accord, and the opposition to it - with Senator Lodge as the villain - is just an inchoate obstructive force.


  • 年后拉姆重返华盛顿,这次是作为芝加哥市议员认为该市应当成为世界都。

    Within a few years Rahm would be back in Washington, as a Congressman from Chicago, the city he thought should be capital of the world.


  • 无论是作为社区组织者议员还是一名国家议员——身体力行地全情投入,力保这个梦想可以实现

    As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States Senator - he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.


  • 作为纽约议员自己定位以色列亲密伙伴伊朗的言辞咄咄逼人。

    As US senator for New York, she positioned herself as a close friend of Israel and adopted aggressive rhetoric towards Iran.


  • 作为一个出租车司机儿子,他当选无疑是顺应最近出身卑微的人下议院议员获得英国公众生活耀眼职位的趋势

    The son of a taxi driver also continues the recent trend of MPs from humble backgrounds filling one of the most gilded posts in British public life.


  • 麦凯恩星期四访问英国,这作为国会议员出访欧洲中东地区的组成部分

    McCain was in Britain Thursday as part of a congressional trip to Europe and the Middle East.


  • 谈到下一步怎么办国会议员可能颇感束手无策。不过议员也许有必要研究一下本次经济恢复以往历次经济危机哪些不同,以此作为切入点。

    Members of Congress might be scratching their heads over what to do next, but perhaps as a starting point, members should look at how this recovery is different from previous ones.


  • 他们就有可能不会查出主动要求任命巴马人选议员,而作为交换卫生公众服务部长位子

    They might not have caught him offering to appoint Mr Obama's candidate of choice to the seat in exchange for his own appointment as secretary of health and human services.


  • 他们第二个儿子刚刚出世时候,当时没有出院,她正在竞选议员的丈夫邀请作为自己竞选经理

    Just after the birth of their second son, while she was still in the hospital, Mr. Sanford, who had been weighing a run for Congress, asked her to be his campaign manager.


  • 雅典议员希望引进火葬燃烧尸体作为解决问题方法

    Athens' city council wants to introduce cremation, that is burning dead bodies, as a means of dealing with the problems.


  • 雅典议员希望引进火葬燃烧尸体作为解决问题方法

    Athens' city council wants to introduce cremation, that is burning dead bodies, as a means of dealing with the problems.


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