• 佛教传播中国时,石制建筑变得更高

    As Buddhism spread to China, the stone-built structures became taller and more elaborate.


  • 佛像不仅佛教传播载体还是造型优美工艺精湛的艺术品

    Buddha is not only the carrier of Buddhism spread, but also a work of art which is beautifully shaped with exquisite workmanship.


  • 北朝佛教传播的特点重禅修理论,形神之辩代表性的人物是杜弼

    In North Dynasties, Buddhists paid more attention on how to do than on theory, the representatives are Du Bi and Xing Shao.


  • 为什么这个地区会出现如此石刻文物?在所有音乐图像反映出佛教传播问题,在图像中涵盖佛教中礼佛仪式世俗化问题;

    Why do occur in this region so many stone artifacts?All the music in the reflected image in the propagation of Buddhism, the image covers the Buddhist ritual bowing secularization;


  • 在该处地址上曾经伫立一个佛教寺庙而且青州在古代是佛教印度传播中国根据地

    A Buddhist temple had once occupied the site and Qingzhou was an ancient stronghold of the religion that had spread from India.


  • 相信教诲首先一个日本佛教学者本世纪中叶西方最先传播的,此后各种日本禅师随之出现

    The teaching of Zen was, I believe, first propagated in the West during the middle of the present century by a Japanese Buddhist scholar, and since then various roshis have followed.


  • 一再创造贯穿佛教背光中国传播全过程

    This kind of recreation went through the whole process of Buddhist back light spreading in China.


  • 不仅仅传播佛教也是传播中日友谊促进中日合作友好使者

    He was not only spread the Buddhism but also the friendly ambassadors spreading china-Japan friendship and promoting china-Japan cooperation.


  • 历时20漫长旅程访问了110个国家佛教传播作出了宝贵贡献

    He visited 110 countries during a long journey which lasted 20 years, making an invaluable contribution to the spread of Buddhism.


  • 佛教印度传播世界各处教导容易地不同文化相适应,接受教导。

    As Buddhism spread from India to all parts of the world, the teachings were readily assimilated with the cultures of the people who accepted the teachings.


  • 佛教书法关系研究全文分为第一阐述传播佛教的经文书法。

    Buddhism and the calligraphy relational researchan articleal together divides into two chapters: The first chapter elaboration disseminates Buddhism's religious texts calligraphy.


  • 东汉以后佛教中国传播逐步深入中国传统文化产生很大影响刺绣艺术也是如此。

    Since the Eastern Han, Buddhism had gradually spread across China, exerting a tremendous influence upon not only Chinese traditional culture but also embroidery art.


  • 这次大辩论使佛教得到了传播今天讨论形神关系留下了经验教训

    The debating made the Buddhism spread quickly, and we work over the relation between Shape and Spirit today can use their experience and teaching.


  • 并且课题研究在继承利用民族传统文化以及传播东方文化中的人生智慧核心佛教理念有着一定实际意义

    Also, the issue of succession and the use of traditional culture and the dissemination of Eastern culture to life as the core of the Buddhist concept of wisdom all have some practical significance.


  • 长江流域各地三国出土白毫相俑佛教地区早期传播产物

    The article thinks that the Baihaoxiang figures which were excavated in the tombs from Three Kingdoms to Jin dynasty in the valley of Yangzi river were the result of Buddhism's early spread.


  • 佛教禅宗学说传到日本得到广泛的传播日本人民族意识影响极大

    The Zen sect, of Buddhism has effected the nation's consciousness greatly after it was summonsed to Japan.


  • 由于人口密度交通便利妇女们之间交流频繁快捷佛教信仰传播较为容易

    As the high population density, transportation facilities, the exchange of women usually frequent, fast, Buddhism spread easier.


  • 佛教流行期间六朝时期隋朝之前,传播来自印度通过贵霜阿富汗期间我国汉末时期。

    Buddhismwas popular during the Six Dynasties period that preceded the Suidynasty, spreading from India through Kushan Afghanistan into Chinaduring the Late han period.


  • 佛经翻译而言,它既是传播佛学手段,又是佛教扎根于中国前提。

    As far as the translation of Buddhist scriptures is concerned, the translation is both means of disseminating Buddhism and presupposition of localization of Buddhism in China.


  • 佛教文化中土的深入传播,佛经故事虚构性与叙事性在中土叙事传统中的渗入,使得孕育在神话叙事与历史叙事母体中的中古志怪故事开始走向了小说文体成熟。

    The article researches the influencements that narration in Buddhist Scripture had on the style of writing of the mid-ancient Zhiguai stories while Buddhism spread to China in the mid-ancient time.


  • 佛教中的摄、业道都是净化世风、成就人类道德有效方法,可以通过多种形式手段传播给世人。

    In Buddhism, the Four All-Embracing Bodhisattva virtues, the Six Paramitas and ten good Acts are effective means to purify the social climate and achieve good virtues.


  • 佛教公元前3世纪开始向印度以南地区传播途经锡兰、室利佛逝、中南半岛早期人国家、南等,最终成为东南亚大陆民族主要宗教信仰。

    From BC 3rd, Buddhism had been spreading to the south region of India. By way of Sri Lanka, Srivijaya, the Mons and Funan, Theravada Buddhism became the main relief of Southeast Asia mainland.


  • 佛经文献印刷术发明传播有着密切关系,由于对佛经的大量需求驱动而发明了印刷术,由于佛教的广泛传播使佛经文献与印刷术技术一起海外流传。

    Finally, the great demands for Buddhist scripture home and abroad also led to the invention and wide-use of printing, thus the Buddhist scripture and printing spread all over the world.


  • 随着佛教传入,这种造型最终传播到了中国,从而影响石狮的造型。

    I also hold the idea that the molding of squat lion is the typical molding in buddhism art, and this molding has had an important influence in that of Chinese door's anvil lion.


  • 随着佛教信仰传播佛教艺术朝着地方化多样化的方向演变,适应各国需要

    As the spread of buddhist religion, buddhist culture also evolves to localization and diversity to meet the needs of various countries.


  • 佛教文化传播过程中国原有图案形式内容其影响,相互融合

    During the spread process of Buddhism, Chinese original forms and contents of pattern have been affected and integrated.


  • 佛教文化传播过程中国原有图案形式内容其影响,相互融合

    During the spread process of Buddhism, Chinese original forms and contents of pattern have been affected and integrated.


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