• 治疗级别概率计算4个时段第一个时段住院死亡率相对危险度

    The relative risk of in-hospital mortality when the four later periods were compared with the earliest one was estimated with inverse probability of treatment-weighted analysis.


  • 结论再灌注治疗可以降低急性ST段抬高心梗住院死亡率,减少住院不良事件的发生。

    Conclusion: Reperfusion treatment may reduce the mortality of non-ST-elevation acute coronary infarction and the incidence of events in hospital.


  • 结论NPPV治疗明显降低ALI患者有创通气减少ICU滞留时间住院死亡率

    Conclusion: NPPV treatment has a significantly lower rate of invasive ventilation in patients with ali, can reduce the residence time of ICU and mortality rate.


  • 研究队列中,平均血糖水平大于位数水平的患者中,血糖不稳指数不是住院死亡率单独影响因素。

    Higher glycemic lability index was not independently associated with mortality among subjects with average glucose levels above the median for the cohort.


  • 目的评价简单风险指数(SR I)对急性ST段抬高性心肌梗死(STEM I)病人住院死亡率预测价值

    Objective: To evaluate the value of a simple risk index (SRI) which predict in-hospital mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).


  • 平均急性生理年龄慢性健康评估II (APACHE II)评分为16。43%患者产生毒血症,39%患者需要进一步透析治疗住院死亡率为24%。

    Mean Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score was 16, 43% had sepsis, 39% required dialysis, and hospital mortality was 24%.


  • 对比难民人口监测系统定期监测的居民各自的死亡率迁移住院死亡人员进行死因推断。

    Mortality, migration and hospitalization rates among IDPs and regular DSS residents were compared, and verbal autopsies were performed for deaths.


  • 关系住院社区死亡率获取医疗服务机会的比率也进行了计算,用来评估监测灵敏度

    Access to care ratios relating hospitalization rates to community mortality rates were computed and used to estimate surveillance sensitivity.


  • 研究住院病人死亡人数118例——11%的死亡率

    Among hospitalized patients in the study, 118 died - an overall 11% fatality rate.


  • 一些研究表明,据报道,工业化国家中,住院患者接受外科手术而导致严重并发症比率3 - 16%,其中永久性残疾死亡率为0.4 - 0.8%。

    Several studies have shown that in industrial countries major complications occur in 3% to 16% of inpatient surgical procedures, and permanent disability or death rates are about 0.4% to 0.8%.


  • 然而这种解剖学改变伴有症状运动耐量改善不伴有死亡率心脏原因住院下降

    However, this anatomical change was not associated with a greater improvement in symptoms or exercise tolerance or with a reduction in the rate of death or hospitalization for cardiac causes.


  • 晚秋冬季每年流行感冒导致住院死亡率

    During late fall and winter seasons, annual epidemics of influenza lead to high rates of hospitalizations and deaths.


  • 结论:普通住院病人诊治住院医师模式轻微降低住院时间,死亡率再入院率没有负面影响

    Conclusions for common inpatient diagnoses the hospitalist model is associated with a small reduction in the length of stay without an adverse effect on rates of death or readmission.


  • 结论:普通住院病人诊治住院医师模式轻微降低住院时间,死亡率再入院率没有负面影响

    Conclusions for common inpatient diagnoses the hospitalist model is associated with a small reduction in the length of stay with out an adverse effect on rates of death or readmission.


  • 许多研究已经证明卒中单元有效地降低急性卒中病人死亡率减少并发症提高卒中后生活质量缩短住院时间

    Many studies has demonstrated that stroke unit could effectively reduce mortality rate, decrease complication, increase life quality, and shorten inpatient time for the patients with acute stroke.


  • 目的分析探讨住院儿童死亡原因提高儿科临床工作质量,降低儿童死亡率

    Objective: to analyze and explore the death cause of children in hospital so as to enhance pediatric clinical work and decrease child mortality.


  • 结论机械通气病人发生非计划延长机械通气时间、住icu时间住院的时间,但增加死亡率

    Conclusions Unplanned extubation of mechanical ventilation patient can prolong mechanical ventilation period? ICU period and total hospital period, but it doesn't increase mortality.


  • 我们试求确定卒中5年内住院原因发生率以及死亡率

    We sought to determine the rates of hospital readmissions and mortality and the reasons for readmission over a 5-year period after stroke.


  • 结果住院分娩率人均卫生人员数、以及人口密度婴儿死亡率负相关;

    Results Institutional delivery rate, per capita health personnel and population density were negatively related to infant mortality.


  • 第六时,作者发现组血红素值显著差异变化住院时间死亡率亦无差异

    The authors found no significant difference in hemoglobin levels or change in hemoglobin levels at six weeks and found no differences inter ms of the length of hospital stay or mortality.


  • 国内资料统计HF病例同期心血管疾病住院病例20%,死亡率占40%。

    According to domestic informations, HF cases occupy for 20% in hospitalization of cardiovascular diseases, and it's mortality rate is about 40%.


  • 结果治疗死亡率后遗症住院周期,控制抽搐时间上明显优于对照组

    Results: the mortality, sequela, the in-hospital time and time for convulsion control in the treatment group were significantly superior than that in the control group.


  • 目的:该研究旨在调查伊朗伊斯法罕新生儿重症监护中心(NICU)住院新生儿气胸发病因素发生率死亡率

    OBJECTIVE: to assess the predisposing factors, frequency and mortality of pneumothorax (PTX) among the newborns hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Isfahan, Iran.


  • 尽管许多进步治疗慢性心脏衰竭需要做更多工作减少高风险死亡率病人住院,心脏衰竭,说:”亚伯拉罕

    "Despite numerous advances in the treatment of chronic heart failure, more work is needed to reduce the high risk of mortality for patients hospitalized for heart failure," said Abraham.


  • 两组死亡率住院率也无差异,结果相似

    Results were similar for the outcome of death or all-cause hospitalization.


  • 结果常规中西医结合组在手术、并发症率、平均住院时间死亡率方面存在显著性差异。

    Results: Compared with routine group, the purgation group has lower mortality rate, lower surgical operation rate and shorter average cure time than routine group.


  • 正如可能预料中卒中诊断心力衰竭以及肾功能衰竭的存在发现也是影响住院病人死亡率的因素。

    As might be expected, a diagnosis of stroke, the presence of congestive heart failure, and renal failure were also found to significantly affect in-hospital mortality.


  • 记者昨日卫生厅获悉有效降低孕产妇死亡率减轻贫困孕产妇住院分娩经济负担

    Reporter yesterday from the Provincial Health Office was informed that for the effective reducing maternal mortality, poverty alleviation maternal hospital maternity financial burden.


  • 同样早期报道中指出住院期间抑郁死亡率增加有关,而4个月后又公布了结果

    The results come after an earlier report from the same cohort linked depression at hospitalization with increased mortality 4 months later.


  • 同样早期报道中指出住院期间抑郁死亡率增加有关,而4个月后又公布了结果

    The results come after an earlier report from the same cohort linked depression at hospitalization with increased mortality 4 months later.


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