• 我们i事实它知道肿瘤医生

    When we went down a mountain, I got to know a guy who was a tumour doctor.


  • 沿鼻隆钻探河道获得成功,实现了疙7-红台2油气区的复合连片。

    The drilling of lower channel sand bodies along the ridge of the nose-shaped uplift is successful, making Ge 7 to Hongtai 2 a continuous oil/gas-bearing area.


  • 经验证明时间分钟一分钟地不是小时一小时的浪费掉的。一低部有个一只故意翻的桶同样会流

    Experience proves that most time is wasted, not in hours, but in minutes, a bucket with a small hole in the bottom gets just as empty as a bucket that is deliberately kicked over.


  • 保健品生产商出资成立的保健品信息服务:“这项研究没有提供任何证据证实复合维生素乳腺癌相关。 鉴于英国女性对微量营养素的摄入量,且我国饮食结构不够完善,服用复合维生素能极大帮助此类人群提高维生素和矿物质的摄入量。”

    The Health Supplements Information Service, funded by supplements manufacturers, said: 'This does not provide any proof that multivitamins are linked to breast cancer.


  • 市场搅和成为一些对于贸易壁垒感到不舒服分原因。因为可能引起一些工作者公司艰难调整

    This "churn" in the market is part of what makes people uncomfortable about lower trade barriers, because it may cause difficult adjustments for some workers or companies.


  • 英国卫生希望取消目前禁令,并表示这是因为这样做病人风险非常”。

    The Department of Health wants to lift the current ban because it claims any risk to patients is ‘very low’.


  • 他们故乡进行产品核心的生产,有时诸如中国这样的劳务成本国家组合

    They all keep the production of core parts of their output at their home base, sometimes sending components for assembly in low-wage countries such as China.


  • 集团高层美国能源洽谈过有关联合研究的事宜,这表明技术转让不再一种西渐单向交流。

    ENN executives have talked to the US department of energy about joint research, a sign that the transfer of low-carbon technologies is no longer a one-way street from west to east.


  • 值得注意他们BDD症状严重活性就越就不能形成对象的整体图像

    Significantly, the more severe their BDD symptoms, the less activity there was in the brain regions responsible for processing an image holistically.


  • 最近厂家开始生产一些像素相机

    Recently, some manufacturers have (mercifully) begun to dial back the pixels in their cameras.


  • 意味着财务获得价格当下市场公平银行认为这些授权书所的价格要

    That means the Treasury will get a price that's fair in today's market, but less than the Banks think the warrants will be worth.


  • 例如退伍军人事务支付药费就d私营计划出40%。

    For example, the Department of Veterans Affairs pays about 40 percent less for drugs than the private plans in part d.


  • 他们告诉的第二件事:决定新车时,大家都知道应买一的,高效的CO2排放的车。

    What they don't tell you: If you definitely need a new car, it makes perfect sense to buy a small, super-efficient model with low CO2 emissions.


  • 促使铁道周六宣布由于上座率京沪线服务标准。

    That prompted the Railway Ministry to announce Saturday that it was reducing service on the flagship line as a result of low ridership.


  • 联邦饮食指南咨询委员会(The federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee)正考虑采用针对每一个人标准作为重新检查营养标准

    The federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is considering adopting the lower standard for everyone as part of its review of nutrition standards.


  • 西各州结婚超过3次人数占有很高的比例。其原因一是因为平均结婚年龄,极度的贫穷教育水平

    Southern and western states have the highest shares of those who are thrice (or more often) married, partly because of younger median marrying ages, more poverty and poorer education.


  • 过去14次交易中,拥有过价值或高或物品包括iPod touch,几山地自行车,一苹果笔记本MacBook Pro,高尔夫球1975年福特Bronco

    Over the last two years and 14 trades, he's had an eclectic assortmentof items in his possession, including an iPod touch, various dirt bikes, aMacBook Pro, a golf cart, and a 1975 Ford Bronco.


  • 离职高管们职位只比刘易斯一级,其中至少要求接到通知之日下班前办公室腾空。

    The departing executives, at least some of whom were asked to vacate their offices by the end of the day they were notified, were taken from the bank's 'band 1' layer of management, one rung below Mr.


  • 一个系列教程涵盖创造上面网纹多边形整个过程第二

    This is the second section of a two part tutorial series covering the entire process for creating the textured low poly wheel above.


  • 一个系列教程涵盖创造上面网纹多边形整个过程分。

    This is the first section of a two part tutorial series covering the entire process for creating the textured low poly wheel above.


  • 他们非常平衡,他们是如此完整,他们是如此平静,他们不可能变成云的,他们不可能降得那么

    They are very balanced, they are so whole, they are so tranquil, they cannot become parts of crowds, they cannot fall that low.


  • 杰拉尔德小一点因为每天租金相对很多

    Gerald was tempted to rent the smaller car, as the daily fee was considerably lower.


  • 毫无疑问水果大有裨益——水果热量,富含必要维生素微量元素,可以作为均衡营养膳食

    There is no doubt about it, fruit is good for you - it's low calorie, full of essential vitamins and micronutrients and can be enjoyed as part of balanced and nutritious diet.


  • 还有一个密度区域可能原始人类大脑

    There's also a region of low-density that could be a section of the hominid's brain.


  • 还有一个密度区域可能原始人类大脑

    There's also a region of low-density that could be a section of the hominid's brain.


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