• 目的改善渗透油田注水开发效果

    PurposeTo improve water flooding development effect in low permeability oil field.


  • 通常认为低渗透油田不会发生地层出

    It is generally considered that formation sand production does not happen in low-permeability oilfields.


  • 胜利油区五号桩油田桩74渗透油田

    Zhuang block 74 in Wuhaozhuang oilfield in Shengli petroliferous area is a low- permeability one.


  • 合理下,渗透油田油井产能可得到有效发挥

    Optimum flowing pressure will bring maximum productivity of the oil Wells in the low permeability oilfields.


  • 渗透油田水平井开发一项复杂而又有实际价值的工程技术

    The development of horizontal Wells in the low permeability oilfield is a complex and valuable engineering technology.


  • 搞好油藏注采系统调整高效开发渗透油田重要措施

    Successful adjustment of injection and production system is an important approach to exploit the low super low permeability reservoir efficiently.


  • 渗透油田提高资源利用率,提高原油采收率闯出了一条新的路子

    This provides a new path for making use of resource and enhancing oil recovery in very low permeability reservoir.


  • 实践证明,在合理的注采压力系统潜油电泵可以应用于低渗透油田

    The practice proved that the technology can reduce flowing bottom hole pressure, minish interlayer interference under reasonable injecting-producing pressure system.


  • 首次渗透油田压裂增产过程中一氧化碳气体生成机理进行了综合研究

    The generation mechanism of CO during fracturing stimulation in low permeability reservoir is first studied in this paper.


  • 油层压裂改造开发渗透油田基本措施以及尽早卡堵水的问题等。

    Formation fracturing is the basic measure to develop low permeability oil field. Water searching and shutoff should be done early.


  • 渗透油田压力恢复资料一般不能测出径向直线称为早期试井资料。

    Pressure restore well test data of low permeable oil fields cannot test the straight line segment of radial flow, being called earlier well test data.


  • 渗透油田开发过程中,油藏流体渗流储层岩土之间存在明显耦合作用

    During the development of low permeability reservoir, interaction between fluid flow and rock deformation is obvious.


  • 大庆外围渗透油田经过十几开发建设技术攻关摆脱油田的建设模式

    On peripheral low permeable oilfields of Daqing through development construction and technical tackling in past tens years the old construction mode of oilfield has been got rid of.


  • 实例计算表明方程预测精度较高,对渗透油田水平井产能预测重要参考价值

    Case calculation shows that the equation has high predicting accuracy and is an important reference for predicting productivity of horizontal Wells in low permeable oil fields.


  • 渗透油田开发裂缝密切相关,因此部署是否合理低渗透油田开发成败关键

    The development of low permeability reservoir is closely related to fractures. Suitable arrangement of well patterns is the key of successful development of low permeability reservoir.


  • 管式聚砜超滤分离装置现场处理采油污水经过处理的污水达到了渗透油田注水标准

    With tubular polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane separation unit treating the produced sewage on the spot, the treated sewage can meet the water injection standard in low permeability oil field.


  • 安塞油田鄂尔多斯盆地石油地质储量最大整装级大油田也是世界著名的特低渗透油田

    Ansai oilfield has the largest oil geological reserves in Ordos Basin, and the most well know extra permeability oilfield in the world, too.


  • 技术渗透油田应用解决聚合物注入、沾严重疑难井的测试问题

    The application of the technology in low permeability help us solve the difficult test problem such as polymer flooding; low inject quantity, serious pollute and water breakthrough.


  • 针对吉林英坨东地区渗透油田特点 ,应用识图、线方法综合研究油水层识别问题

    To apply differential analysis and non invasion line in low permeability oil fields, this paper presents a method for identifying oil water in reservoirs.


  • 低渗透油田天然裂缝人工裂缝,它既是增加导流能力的有利因素又是引起水不利因素。

    Natural fissure and manual fissure is not only a good factor to raise mobile capacity, but also a bad factor to lead to inundation.


  • 方法油田实际生产取得明显效果及特低渗透油田开发实现效益最大化具有重要意义。

    This method has obtained an evident effect in the oil field production. The advanced water injection can enhance the level of developing low permeability reservoirs and economic benefit.


  • 渗透油田测试分析结果表明IPR方程有效评价启动压力梯度动态变化油井动态影响

    The testing results of a low permeability reservoir indicate that this IPR equation can effectively evaluate the impact of starting pressure gradient on inflow performance.


  • 渗透油田由于存在启动压力梯度开采难度很大,因此,低渗透油田开发必须考虑启动压力梯度影响

    The impact of starting pressure gradient must be considered due to existence of starting pressure gradient and recovery difficulty during the development of low permeability oil reservoirs.


  • 鄂尔多斯盆地安塞渗透油田由于存在天然裂缝或人工压裂裂缝,造成了储集层平面渗透的方向均质性。

    Ansai oil field in Ordos basin is a ultra low permeability reservoir with natural and induced fractures, which caused serious lateral heterogeneity of permeability in the reservoir.


  • 深入研究该类孔隙结构特征低渗透油层渗流机理研究低渗透油田的合理开发具有重要实际指导意义。

    In? Depth study of the pore structure characteristics of such reservoirs can shed guidance on the study of fluid flow mechanism and on development planning for these reservoirs.


  • 通过渗透油田技术研究可以低渗透油田开发提供大量有用信息,对优化调整低渗透油田开发方案具有指导意义。

    Study on well testing technique for low permeable oil field can provide a large amount of information for low permeable oil field development, and can direct optimizing and adjusting development plan.


  • 由于渗透油藏生产能力注水能力很差渗吸采油油田开发中发挥着重要作用

    Due to poor production and injection capacity of low permeable reservoir, imbibition recovery plays important role in the oilfield development.


  • 由于渗透油藏生产能力注水能力很差渗吸采油油田开发中发挥着重要作用

    Due to poor production and injection capacity of low permeable reservoir, imbibition recovery plays important role in the oilfield development.


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