• 事实上本可以确定自己对营养素需要这样非常昂贵的,而且结果目前的推荐日摄食量的结果非常相似

    The fact is, you could have your very own nutrient requirements determined, but it would be terribly costly, and would likely bear strong resemblance to the current RDAs.


  • 顺便说一下,如果熟悉JAX - RPC处理程序概念,则中介编程模型与之非常相似(并不相同!)

    By the way, if you are familiar with the concept of JAX-RPC handlers, mediations follow a very similar (but not the same!) programming model.


  • 尽管布局仅只使用了少量颜色并且所有信息块的定位非常相似导航选项显而易见的。

    Although the layout USES only few colors and all blocks are positioned very similarly, the navigation options are obvious.


  • 2005年让·查尔斯德·梅内塞斯枪击案虽然情况非常不同当时过早做出官方解释却与当前的情况颇为相似

    The echoes of the premature official version issued in the very different circumstances of the Jean Charles DE Menezes shooting in 2005 are strong.


  • 清单5展示了创建XML文档dom代码步骤清单4非常相似其中的方法名称发生了变化

    Listing 5 shows code to create a DOM tree of an XML document, and the steps are very similar, even though the class and method names change.


  • 尽管evmsn运行使用ncurses控制台上evmsgui使用现代、基于GTK +的界面,两个程序界面非常相似

    Although evmsn runs on the console using ncurses, and evmsgui USES a more modern GTK + -based interface, the interfaces of the two programs are very similar.


  • 尽管技术(XSLTphp)的基本机制完全不同的,两种实现结果代码非常相似结构

    Although the fundamental mechanism underlying these two technologies (XSLT and PHP) is quite different, the resulting code will have a remarkably similar structure between the two implementations.


  • H&M设计师限量版系列上“合作”,生产出产品与设计师主打系列非常相似价格仅相当于后者的很小一部分

    The kind of thing H&M has made a virtue of by “collaboratingwith designers on limited-edition lines that look very much like the designer's main lines but cost a fraction of the price.


  • ExpressionEngine使用了与Be yondi非常相似结构避免了不必要的问题

    ExpressionEngine USES the very same structure like Beyondis, but avoids unnecessary question marks.


  • 锡伯族语与满非常相似吴先生只有两千人会锡伯语,而且这个数量也在急剧下降。

    The Xibo language is very close to Manchu, but Mr Wu says only about 20, 000 speak it and their Numbers are rapidly diminishing too.


  • 新款机型之前iPhone4在外形上非常相似配置了升级换代的摄像头速度更快处理器以及为人瞩目的声控软件一软件可以使用户手机发问。

    The new model looks similar to the previous iPhone 4 but has an upgraded camera, faster processor and highly regarded voice-activated software, which allows users to ask questions.


  • 这种三层结构冠状物”与非洲西部头发编梳的样式非常相似一种象征着荣誉庆祝图案,同时这个词语的是古典檐口顶层

    The three-tiered "corona" echoes West Africa headdresses, a celebratory image of honor, but the term also refers to the top layer of a classical cornice.


  • 计时设计与之相对应劳力士版本非常相似还是会一些不同

    The design of the Chronograph itself is very similar to that ofthe Rolex counterpart. However there is a few differences.


  • 我们不会考虑太远,这种床垫许多品质非常相似记忆泡沫同时也有不少低过敏素质

    We won't get too far into this, but this type of mattress has many qualities very similar to the memory foam, and it also has many hypoallergenic qualities.


  • 资源数量及其组成油松林辽东栎林变化非常相似光资源的组成林冠特征关系在两森林间存在差异。

    The quality and composition of the pine forest and oak forest were highly similar while the relationship between the composition of light and the canopy characters varied with forest types.


  • 事实并不是这样当然广州许多公司他们生产相似的产品,而且他们非常有钱生意太多很难谈判

    Sure, Guangzhou has lots of companies, but they all produce similar things, and because they are so wealthy and have so much business, they are hard to negotiate with.


  • 他们表面上存在一些区别实质上非常相似

    There are some superficial differences, but essentially they're much the same.


  • 也许没有100%地遵循某个常规并不会让成为糟糕的语言因为方面它跟其他大多数语言都非常相似

    It may not follow a specific convention 100% strictly, but it does not make it a worse language as it's more than enough similar for most parts.


  • 虽然二氧化碳变化受到三种轨道周期复杂组合控制先前各个间冰期趋势非常相似

    Although a complex combination of all three orbital cycles controls co2variations the trends during previous interglacial intervals were all surprisingly similar to one another.


  • 身上先进双足功能头骨非常相似类人猿

    Its body showed advanced bipedal features, but the skull closely resembled the ancient apes.


  • 虽然美国西南部不同地区地形多种多样天气模式非常相似

    Even though the topography of different areas of the southwestern United States is diverse, the weather patterns are quite similar.


  • 人们之间文化差异非常好在身势一些相似之处。

    With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.


  • 人们之间文化差异非常好在身势一些相似之处。

    With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.


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