• 但是保证决不责备狱吏和建造监狱人。

    Yet I assure you that I do not wish to reproach the warder not the Builder of the prison.


  • 当然正确但是建议事实所谓的现实之间有着本质的区别。

    Yes, but I am suggesting to you that there is a distinction between truth and so-called reality.


  • 其实假如离开非常舍不得但是其实太过份了调皮

    In fact, if I leave you, my heart and is very reluctant to you, but I to you too, my heart is very naughty.


  • 争吵中一个最难也是最聪明的做法说:“但是我对你生气关于/因为/......(争论内容)”。

    One of the most difficult but smartest things to say during an argument is, “I love you but I’m so pissed at you about/for/because [insert argument here].”


  • 也许,”皮诺乔回答说,“但是削皮。”

    "You may be right," answered Pinocchio, "but I will not eat the pears if they are not peeled."


  • 自尊但是好像高估重要性。

    I hate to deflate your ego, but you seem to have an exaggerated idea of your importance to me.


  • 应该现在作业帮助——但是很多通用原则这些原则对你以后演讲当然帮助。

    This should help you with your current assignmentbut a lot of the principles I'll be putting across will be general principles which will, of course, help you with all your future presentations.


  • 写信告诉服务非常失望已经预订了一张桌子但是们按预定时间那里的时候,告知没有座位了。

    I am writing to tell you that we were quite disappointed with your service. We had booked a table, but when we went there at the time as arranged, only to be told there were no seats available.


  • 来说没什么区别但是来说就不同了。

    It makes no difference to you, but it does to me.


  • 但是如果地球大部分中的一员,对你建议如下:如果改善什么,现在就开始改善,如果想要点什么有好处的事情呢,现在就开始做。

    But if you're like most other humans on earth, here's my advice: if you want to change something for the better, start to change it. If you want to do something positive, start to do it.


  • 有人告诉这样有时占便宜,他们的,但是可以告诉:以诚待人让得到的远远超过失去的。

    Some people tell me that occasionally I would be taken advantage of. They are right, but I can tell you that that loss is nothing compared to what I gained.


  • 知道学院自己内在问题但是允许那些问题人际关系技巧造成了负面影响。

    I understand you have your own internal problems at the institute but you have allowed them to adversely affect your interpersonal skills.


  • 下面观测资料来说可能显而易见但是工作中却让费解时间

    The following observation may be obvious to you, but it wasn't that obvious to me for a long while in my career.


  • 明白这些试图表现亲切或是表示对你的热情,但是如此称呼他们面前西装革履的售货员或是商贩旁边同样西装革履的男人如此称呼吗?

    I understand the attempts to be friendly or convey warmth, but would the salesperson or vendor addressing me as I stand before them in a suit do the same to a man next to me dressed similarly?


  • 明白这些试图表现亲切或是表示对你的热情,但是这些售货员如此称呼她们面前西装革履的,她们也旁边同样西装革履的男人这样称呼吗?

    I understand the attempts to be friendly or convey warmth, but would the salesperson or vendor addressing me as I stand before them in a suit do the same to a man next to me dressed similarly?


  • 作为老师时,可以找到工作但是自从试图基于实际技能工作,不是基于一个标签时,没有感兴趣。

    I could get jobs when I was a teacher, but ever since I've tried to get jobs on the basis of my actual skills rather than on the basis of a label, no one wants to know.


  • 知道有些交际但是最大胜算就是等到咀嚼完毕……那之后将会高兴美食频道的东西喋喋不休,并且进行有关猫咪重复演讲

    I know you want to socialize, but your best bet is to wait until we're done chewing... then, I'll be happy to rattle of facts about Food Network and engage in repetitive speech about my cat with you!


  • 上去也许并不意味着什么但是告诉自己孩子患有自闭症的父母来说,这不为是个奇迹。

    That might not sound much to you, but let me tell you - for a parent of a child with autism these are major miracles.


  • 过去几个月里如何发掘自己超强能力谈很多但是从来没有解释怎样开始就分辨能力。

    So, over the past couple months I’ve talked a lot about developing your superpowers, but I never explained how to figure out what your superpowers are in the first place.


  • 相信已经这样问题搞得不耐烦了,但是还是觉得必要,那就是研究创业者来说有什么意义,他们可以从中学到什么呢?

    And the questions that I'm sure you're tired of being asked, but I think it needs to be asked again, is: what relevance and what learning is there in your research for the entrepreneur?


  • 他们聊聊感受...明白承认自己孤独件困难的事情,但是出来,真的对你帮助

    Talk to them about your feelingsI know it can be difficult to admit to loneliness, but talking to someone about it can truly help.


  • 从没任何人食物什么但是服务员信用卡

    I've never seen anybody do anything to your food, but I have seen servers mess with your credit card.


  • 剩下里,依然但是那些年的记忆现在看来只是虚情假意

    For another four years you continued to be kind to me - but my memory of those years, as it turns out, is a false memory.


  • 因此,打开窗户了亮话,“如果喜欢的话,希望现在说实话,就拒绝”,但是没有这样做。

    As soon as I opened the door to him, I said, "If you don't like me, I'd rather you just said so now and turned away", but he didn't.


  • 如果了欧冠,会觉得懊恼但是来讲更重要俱乐部球队始终如一的坚定。

    If you don't win it you're very frustrated but what is important for me is the consistency of the Club and of the team.


  • 简化只是种把生活材料简洁方法但是来说却是什么有用的。

    The clean-slate method is just one way to simplify your life and your stuff, but it's worked very well for me.


  • 发明进行严格的试验但是非常遗憾通知,试验结果是彻底失败的。

    We put your invention through the acid test, and, I'm extremely sorry to tell you, failed miserably.


  • 虽然感觉有点怪但是大声自己说“原谅自己曾经伤害了”,然后做个深呼吸

    As odd as it may feel, apologize aloud to yourself, "I forgive myself for hurting this person," and take a deep breath.


  • 尽量写作时间自己状态最好时候来说,就是早晨写到这里刚好上午923分),但是对你来说,可能下午晚上或是深夜

    Try to position your sessions during your best writing times: for me, that’s morning (I’m typing this at 9.23am) but for you, it could be afternoon, evening or late at night.


  • 尽量写作时间自己状态最好时候来说,就是早晨写到这里刚好上午923分),但是对你来说,可能下午晚上或是深夜

    Try to position your sessions during your best writing times: for me, that’s morning (I’m typing this at 9.23am) but for you, it could be afternoon, evening or late at night.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定