• 新药不了什么忙…就目前情况不了。抱歉应该通知家庭其他成员

    There are new drugs, but they wont help... not in his current condition. Im very sorry. You should probably notify any other members of the family.


  • 起初他们教会了忙,可能永远让他们忙。”Andrea

    "At first their church helped out, but you can't keep that up forever," Andrea says.


  • 最终女孩大学毕业,自己出去工作几个女儿家里打理生意

    Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to work in the family business.


  • 虽然可能喜欢家务应该家里父母干点活。

    Although you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house.


  • 果你从来没有养过猫,正在考虑养一只,那就去和猫主人聊聊,或者他们照看一下家。

    If you've never actually owned a cat, but are thinking of it, talk to cat owners, or offer to house-sit for a cat owner.


  • 服务治理点忙,需要好的领导以及组织文化真正采用SOA的大宗买进。

    Service Governance can assist, but it takes good leadership and buy-in from the organization (culture) to reallyadoptSOA.


  • 女人开始外出寻食她们别的男人发生了关系,因此似乎获取了一层保障——要是她们伴侣死了还有能够她们养育孩子提供资源

    But as women went out to gather food, they slept with other men, creating an insurance policy — to have someone who would help rear children and provide resources should their mate die.


  • 仅仅因为愚蠢记者一些毫无意义惹人发怒问题就精神错乱吗?

    But am I going to flip out just because some dumb reporter asks a bunch of pointless and infuriating questions?


  • 可能不是救世主如果拉涅利无法拯救罗马,他至少可以俱乐部笔开支。

    He may not be the messiah but if Ranieri cannot save Roma, he will at least have made the club a saving.


  • 如果熟悉意图显现冥想将会对你且,不是必需的。

    If you're familiar with intention manifestation and meditation it will help greatly, but it's not required.


  • 如果一个比较上网又绰绰有余,也许这时你会 - 也许你会朋友照顾一下孩子,机场附近逛逛。 如果可以挣外快你觉得怎么样?

    If you’ve got a shortish but not insignificant chunk of time to spare onlineperhaps you’re babysitting for friends, or hanging around waiting at an airport – how about getting some extra cash?


  • 比如如果有人欺负,你也许会觉得害怕如果你看到同学受欺负并且感到害怕,你可能会他说话挺身而出

    For example, you might feel afraid if someone bullied you, and when you think a classmate feels afraid, you may say something (a kind word) or come to her defense.


  • 其实我们就只是游戏他们愿承认买给我们纯粹是个玩具,利用年轻一代科技知识上这点优势,我们可以他们减轻一些负罪感

    We just wanted to play games but they didn't want to admit they were simply buying us a toy, but via our youthful vantage point of technical knowledge we helped assuage their guilt.


  • 大多数国家固执追求通货膨胀目标对于问鼎更高的民选职位完全不了忙似乎巴西有点不大一样

    In MOST countries the dogged pursuit of an inflation target is not a help in seeking high elected office. But it seems Brazil may be different.


  • 他们他们他装板,买了一张车票转身道谢的时候,他们却已经不见了

    They said they installed aluminium sidings, and bought a bus ticket for him; but when he turned round to say goodbye, they had gone.


  • 选项可能赢得以色列国际上赢得一些喝彩,风险承认哈马斯反抗坚持的主张取得了胜利。

    This option might win Israel some plaudits internationally, but it risks allowing Hamas to claim that its resistance and steadfastness has triumphed.


  • 学业上成功让很有成就感喜欢冲劲十足的朋友一起努力同时我乐于后进生”一起玩,看来他们更加真挚忠诚

    While I do enjoy accomplishing my academic goals and working with this highly motivated group of friends, I also enjoy "the losers," who to me seem much more sincere and loyal.


  • 当然并不是每个孩子得上别人的忙,他们所学习知识的真正了解父母是无法同他们相比的。

    Not all friends will be able to help but those who truly understand the material will probably be better helpers than parents.


  • 可怜阳光不知所措,一次又一次着想雪球这种悲伤的状态中解脱出来,都遭拒绝。

    Poor Sunshine didn’t know what to make of it. He kept trying to push Snowball away from her sad station, but she refused to budge.


  • 有时候让模特摆放手势最好办法是你确实会打破“永远不要碰你的模特”的规则社交中和握手一样,是几乎没有冒犯的。

    Often times the best way to position the hands is to do it yourself.While this does break the "don't touch the model" rule, it is the social equivalent of a handshake and is rarely found offensive.


  • 有时候让模特摆放手势最好办法摆,确实会打破“永远不要碰你模特”的规则社交中和握手一样,是几乎没有冒犯的。

    Often times the best way to position the hands is to do it yourself. While this does break the "don't touch the model" rule, it is the social equivalent of a handshake and is rarely found offensive.


  • 市场没有那么宽容他们不管付出多少努力而只看你有没有他们解决掉问题

    Markets are less forgiving. Customers don't care how hard you worked, only whether you solved their problems.


  • 美国人乐意他们朋友多数情况下他们希望只是忙。

    Americans will be willing to help their friends. But most of the time, they hope that the helping would be concerning small things.


  • 德尔就读莫尔·伯勒学院时期同学吉玛·威廉表示读书会上,有时一女友会一起学校吧,米德尔顿却会留在学校,因为喜欢这些”。

    Gemma Williamson, a classmate at Marlborough, said that when groups of girls sneaked out of school to go to pubs in Reading, Miss Middleton preferred to stay in, because "it wasn't her thing".


  • 虽说丈夫很多忙自从上月获晋升后需要常常出差

    Though my husband has been helping me a lot, with his promotion last month, he has to travel a lot.


  • 詹姆斯耳——如果愿意改改收集高座自行车的爱好,个弱视博尔顿理发师他理理发的话。

    Nothing doing, David James apart, if he's willing to shift his Chopper collection and begin a painstaking search for a visually-impaired Bolton barber.


  • 詹姆斯耳——如果愿意改改收集高座自行车的爱好,个弱视博尔顿理发师他理理发的话。

    Nothing doing, David James apart, if he's willing to shift his Chopper collection and begin a painstaking search for a visually-impaired Bolton barber.


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