• 人们仍然大多胡萝卜喂马而且他们自己

    But people still mostly fed carrots to horses, donkeys and pigs, and didn't eat them themselves.


  • 美国网速以往任何时候都人们仍然抱怨网速太慢。

    America's Internet is faster than ever before, but people still complain about their Internet being too slow.


  • 然他生活在2000多年前,但人们仍然记得并尊敬他对教育的贡献。

    Although he lived over 2,000 years ago, people still remember and respect him for his contribution to education today.


  • 人们仍然约会他们几乎不认识的人时需要非常的留意。

    However, much caution is still needed when people date with those who are almost fully strange.


  • 同样的,《》也是这样,尽管奇幻背景设定人们仍然表现得有血有肉。

    The same holds true for a Song of Ice and Fire, where despite the fantastical setting, people behave like real people with real motivations for their actions.


  • 我们生活时代历史上科学程度最高的,人们仍然相信恒星行星能够决定他们的命运

    We live in a time that is more scientifically aware than any other period in history and yet people still believe the stars and planets can determine their fate.


  • 今天的保罗罗西一个知识渊博受人尊敬电视评论员人们仍然会不断索取签名,他攀谈或者合影

    Today Pablito is a knowledgeable and respected television commentator, but there are still no end of people who stop him for an autograph, an interview or simply to have their photo taken with him.


  • 尽管眼睛得到休息后,视力模糊或者视觉疲劳症状消失但人们仍然担心看屏幕久的长期影响

    While symptoms like blurred vision or eye fatigue should fade when eyes are rested, there are also concerns about the long-term impact of too much screen time.


  • 虽然基因治疗整体取得了很大的进展但人们仍然需要开发更好更安全基因注入细胞的注射方式

    Despite the overall progress, there is still a need to develop improved and safer approaches to deliver genes into cells.


  • 尽管这次威胁看来已经过去人们仍然这次攻击严重性留有疑问这次蠕虫制造者受到的惩罚表示好奇。

    Even though the threat seems to have passed, questions remain about just how serious this attack was and if there will be any repercussions for the worm's creator.


  • 现在许多中国人自己房子,在过去几年里,房地产价格曾经一翻翻,人们仍然排队等候机会

    Now, many Chinese purchase their own house. In the past several years, the price of the estates has been doubled and redoubled, but still, people wait in queues for chance to buy.


  • 可能真的仍然不能告诉我们人们数字媒体时间增长时,整个一代人会发生什么

    That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows.


  • 不断变化建筑规范人们逐渐发展品味以及维护这些精美标志牌高昂成本企业欣然接受了发光二极管它们节约能源,成本仍然很高

    Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient but still carry great cost.


  • 的名字传播所及,到哪儿人们认得来,就我干蠢事传扬所,谁生平了如指掌。即使这样,我仍然从中看到好的一面

    Still, in the very fact that people will recognise me wherever I go, and know all about my life, as far as its follies go, I can discern something good for me.


  • 目前仍然不够明朗人们态度更多受到所了解到疫苗接种带来的益处的影响,还是更多受到接种疫苗带来风险的影响。

    What remains unclear, however, is whether people's attitudes are more strongly influenced by the perceived benefits of vaccination or by the perceived risks of not being vaccinated.


  • 研究表明人们得到他们所谓快乐(结婚生子财富名誉)时,他们常常仍然高兴起来。

    But research has shown that when people achieve their ideas of happiness (marriage, children, wealth, fame), they often are still not happy.


  • 虽然这些趋势鼓舞人心所有国家仍然为数众多人们易于染病

    While these trends are encouraging, large numbers of people in all countries remain susceptible to infection.


  • 人们仍然能够不可持续鱼类需要明白这对人类环境影响

    People can still eat fish, but they need to understand that there are consequences - for people and the environment - to eating fish that come from unsustainable sources.


  • 之以日,履行王室职责的同时,人们开始注意王子年近四十仍然形只影单

    But as time passed, as he span between the royal duties, people began to 5 remark that the prince was approaching 40 and still unmarried.


  • 人们阿拉斯加定居已经有数千年了,在2000年至2007年间,阿拉斯加人口增长了9%,阿拉斯加的人口仍然不足七十万。

    The population grew nine percent between two thousand and two thousand seven. Still, fewer than seven hundred thousand people live in Alaska.


  • 人们就疑惑了:为什么那么埃及仍然贫穷、不会技术常常对生活状况不满大部分人无法改变

    That begs the question why so many of them have remained poor, unskilled, often unhappy with their lot and largely unable to change it.


  • 基于临床试验结果研究结果表现出的良好前景研究者们仍然相信这种治疗程序成为未来人们一个现实选择

    But based on promising results in preclinical trials and the results of the study, researchers still believe the procedure may be a realistic option for other patients in the future.


  • 接受他们邀请希望支持他们,经过反复考虑,我的出现可能会转移人们这场活动用意关注,希望这场活动的焦点仍然戴安娜生平贡献

    I accepted and wanted to support them. However, on reflection I believe my attendance could divert attention from the purpose of the occasion which is to focus on the life and service of Diana.


  • 人们理由怀疑公司网络流量分类方式趋势仍然值得研究

    There is reason to question the company's categorization of web traffic, but the trend is worth examining none the less.


  • 人们仍然能认出容貌越来越记不起他的名字

    People recognized his face, but fewer and fewer remembered his name.


  • 去年四月英国石油公司墨西哥湾深海石油钻井爆炸后,大量石油被泄漏到了海洋里;尽管人们已经清理大部分泄漏的石油,生活在墨西哥湾的渔民仍然感到未来渺茫

    Even though much of the oil that spilled from last April's Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has been cleaned up, the future is still murky for people who make a living plying Gulf waters.


  • 去年四月英国石油公司墨西哥湾深海石油钻井爆炸后,大量石油被泄漏到了海洋里;尽管人们已经清理大部分泄漏的石油,生活在墨西哥湾的渔民仍然感到未来渺茫

    Even though much of the oil that spilled from last April's Deepwater Horizon rig explosion has been cleaned up, the future is still murky for people who make a living plying Gulf waters.


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