• 来说有帮助,意味着最终产品能为他们所用

    That was useful for me but it also meant the final product worked better for them.


  • 意味着更多周边国家麻烦可以轻易扩张整个欧元区实体。

    But it also means that more trouble in peripheral countries could easily spread to the entire euro-zone economy.


  • 德国,虽然也意味着一种关于严酷和谐。

    In Germany, where it was until recently a taboo phrase, it means something like the harmonisation of rigour.


  • 就提供了所需的灵活性意味着容易创建表述明确的图片。

    This allows flexibility, but it also means that it is very easy to create a picture that is ambiguous.


  • 使得最大变更集合节点可以继续工作,意味着一个主机上的变更丢失

    This permits the node with the largest change-set to continue but means that changes to one host will be lost.


  • 意味着一旦犯错,那无数方法可以纠正所以放松,然后尽情享受。

    But it also means that if you make a mistake, there's a nearly infinite amount of ways to fix it. So you should simply relax and play.


  • 压低了医药成本意味着德国医生只能赚取相对于美国同业者大概一半三分之二的收入

    This keeps costs down, but it also means physicians in Germany earn between half and two-thirds as much as their U.S. counterparts.


  • 使具有较高效率意味着客户机事件通知延迟到直到发生另一个不相关的客户机调用

    This makes it highly efficient but means that client notification of events is delayed until the client makes an unrelated call.


  • 使网络游戏的火拼中略胜一筹,也意味着没办法巴黎出租车司机指明去处了。

    This renders me potent in an online firefight, but means I'm lacking when it comes to giving directions to a Parisian taxi driver.


  • 第三公共债务巨大增长缓解短期需求不足,但也意味着将来需要削减的债务增加

    Third, big increases in public debt, while cushioning demand in the short term, increase the overall debt reduction that will eventually be needed.


  • 通用汽车的销售预估显示增长持续意味着今年中国汽车业增长不断放缓明年放缓更多。

    GM's sales forecast points to continued growth, but it also means high-pitched growth in the Chinese auto industry is going to continue to slow this year and then slow down even more next year.


  • 虽然扩大核能发电规模可能减少二氧化碳排放意味着多得多的国家产生多得多的富集材料

    Though this might mitigate carbon dioxide emissions, it will mean a lot more enriched nuclear material generated and in many more countries.


  • 简单巨大的相交赋予平衡对称性意味着结构具有14层高建筑物的高度,具有完全空心核心

    Simple and enormous intersecting walls give a balanced symmetry but are also the means by which the structure stands at the height of a 14-storey building, with an entirely hollow core.


  • 印度庞大人口使得GDP看起来很大意味着有着庞大的贫困人口婴儿死亡数妇女分娩死亡数以及世界上最多营养不良儿童

    India's big population makes its GDP look big, but also means it has the largest number of poor people, infant deaths, maternal deaths in childbirth, and highest child malnutrition in the world.


  • 金融领域,“贷款并证券化(originate anddistribute)”银行借贷模式能够分散风险意味着只要美国房地产市场出现问题全世界银行要受到损害

    In finance the "originate and distribute" model of bank lending may have dispersed risk, but it also meant that a problem in the American housing market damaged Banks all over the world.


  • 问责制意味着计数:计数实际提供资源衡量影响要计数出生死亡人数,并调查记录死亡原因

    Accountability means counting: counting the resources actually delivered and measuring their impact, but also counting births and deaths, and investigating and recording the causes of these deaths.


  • 并不意味着我们只有马友友曲子背景刺激下便妄想着精通大提琴手,教科书枕头底下便妄想代数考试获得高分。

    This doesn't mean, of course, that we can just play Yo Yo ma in the background and expect to master the cello, or put the textbook underneath the pillow and expect to ace the algebra test.


  • 意味着瘙痒有时确实实实在在生理体验可以单凭大脑暗示激活

    That means that itching, while at times a genuine physical sensation can also be activated by the power of the brain's suggestion alone.


  • 尽管指定样式通常意味着指定格式使其标准化可以它表示内容结构含义

    Although generally meant to specify and standardize formatting, a named style can also convey the structure and meaning of the content.


  • 或许意味着我们多有几年时间改进防范工作没有

    This may mean that we have some more years in which to improve preparedness, or it may not.


  • 是个很酷主意有评论家不客气地指出了这种缺少挡泥板的设计意味着下雨天你将会是一泥泞

    It’s a cool idea, but critics point out that the lack of fenders means water from the road will splash up onto the rider.


  • 比起McCain-Lieberman方案提案经济影响得多同样意味着减排问题上收效甚微。

    The economic impact would be much smaller than under the McCain-Lieberman plan but so, too, would the reductions in emissions.


  • 诱拐意味着捕获带走某个人在通常情况下这违背那个人的意愿,有可能只是因为意外状况

    Abduction is the capture and taking of a person, normally against their will but perhaps just in an unexpected situation.


  • 一个大洲,发自肺腑的捧腹大笑意味着同一件事,即快乐我们不曾留意,我们他人一同时候笑声会出卖我们。

    A hearty, belly laugh means the same thing on every continent: joy. But when we laugh with someone else, our chuckles may divulge more than we realize.


  • 吝啬卑鄙喜怒无常高贵华丽听起来令人兴奋无比,但也可能意味着面临挑战或是驯服某个野蛮粗鲁

    Mean, moody, and magnificent may sound exciting... so, too, may the idea of taking on a challenge, or 'taming' someone 'wild'.


  • 并不意味着一切很多事情可以做,如果只是尝试

    It doesn't mean you can do everything, but there are a lot of things you can do, if you just try.


  • 并不意味着一切很多事情可以做,如果只是尝试

    It doesn't mean you can do everything, but there are a lot of things you can do, if you just try.


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