• 另一方面,英明命令杀害民却选择把贤放走。

    Meanwhile, Yingming orders Shimin to kill Shixian. However, Shimin sets Shixian free instead.


  • 组织并没有要求必须达到某种程度严重性才能宣布已暴发流行。

    However, WHO has not required a set level of severity as part of its criteria for declaring a pandemic.


  • 虽然六月第一周里澳大利亚病例显著上升但世卫组织依然推迟最后升级

    Through the first week in June, as cases began to skyrocket in Australia, WHO continued to put off the final call.


  • 组织没有此类奖研金资助金规划,卫组织的某些特别规划部门资助研究

    WHO does not have a scholarship or grant programme as such, however certain special WHO programmes and departments do fund research.


  • 禽流感没有达到广泛传播程度卫组织要求所有国家抑制病毒传播增加紧迫感

    The flu has not reached pandemic proportions, but the WHO is asking all countries to combat the spreading virus with "increased urgency."


  • 每年超过两百万这样检测进行,卫组织它们不道德,会导致患者误诊误治

    More than two million such tests are carried out annually, but the WHO says they are unethical and lead to misdiagnosis and the mistreatment of patients.


  • 尽管不是这个联合小组成员但世卫组织技术事项上知识产权组织提供建议我们具有履行职能的优势。

    Although not part of the consortium, WHO will provide advice to WIPO on technical matters, and we are well-positioned to perform this function.


  • 卫组织官员坚持认为一种流感流行定义应该流感病毒的传播速度影像对象来决定,而严重程度并非必须考虑。

    But who officials have insisted that a flu pandemic is defined by how fast a novel flu virus spreads, and who it affects, not necessarily how severe it is.


  • 同时指出这些活跃在国际市场新兴市场企业资产规模远超国内同行倍以上,因此本土市场中具有极大的竞争力。

    The World Bank also notes that, on average, emerging-market companies that tapped international markets were ten times larger in assets than their domestic rivals, giving them great strength at home.


  • 至少3千万疫苗储备,以防贫穷的国家再发生天花。卫的储备并非最新疫苗,使用如果携带着HIV病毒则诱发艾滋病

    Who also has at least 30 million doses for poor countries in case the virus re-emerges, but that supply USES older vaccines that can trigger AIDS in people who have HIV.


  • 幸运是,早期工艺19纪中期得以复兴;艺术家们重新开始在设计使用有色玻璃铅条

    But luckily there was a revival of the early techniques in the mid-1800s and artists went back to creating colored glass and using the lead strips in their designs.


  • 巴赫于1750年,直到19早期音乐天赋充分得到赏识

    Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized.


  • 直到19纪80年代蒸汽将帆布去掉,因为早期船用引擎经常发生故障

    But steamships didn't lose their sails until the 1880s, because early marine engines had a nasty habit of breaking down.


  • 巴赫1750年,直到19音乐天赋得到充分认可

    Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musical gift was fully recognized.


  • 到了5罗马帝国崩塌开始了香料直接贸易停止了所以人们对于香料运输来源地的直接认识也就中断了。

    But when Rome collapsed in the fifth century and the Middle Ages began, direct trade of spices stopped, and so did that kind of hands-on knowledge of travel and geography.


  • 列支敦士登邻国瑞士使用相同货币19纪60年代以来,列支敦士登一直一个独立国家

    Liechtenstein uses the same money as its neighbor Switzerland, but it has been an independent country since the 1860s.


  • 正如之前提到的,更新的野化饱受争议

    But as I alluded to earlier, Pleistocene rewilding is extremely controversial.


  • 到了16,人们发明了摆钟,钟摆摆动的幅度很大因此效率

    By the 16th century, a pendulum clock had been devised, but the pendulum swung in a large arc and thus was not very efficient.


  • 精灵、小妖精侏儒似乎远古时代永恒产物,妖精诞生20

    Elves, goblins, and trolls seem to be the timeless creations of the distant past, but gremlins were born in the 20th century.


  • 更新再野生化基于良好意图知道更大程度上只是同一件事重演。

    Pleistocene rewilding is based on good intentions, but you know, it probably would just be more of the same thing.


  • 在全球范围内可口可乐麦当劳这样的品牌可能广为人知家公司对20美国影响都不能与迪士尼相提并论

    Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonald's may be more widely known, but neither concludes 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.


  • 尽管证据很少,这种现象并不一定局限更新,而可能东南亚诸岛发生早。

    This phenomenon was not necessarily confined to the Pleistocene, but may have occurred much earlier in the Southeastern Asian islands, although evidence is fragmentary.


  • 描绘只巨大蜘蛛吞食蜂鸟画面,可能符合淑女形象,令人惊讶的是梅里安18纪之交这样做的时候,没有人对此提出反对

    It may not have been ladylike to depict a giant spider devouring a hummingbird, but when Merian did it at the turn of the 18th century, surprisingly, nobody objected.


  • 实际上我们今天所知道乐器20纪20年代人们出于实用目的造出来、之后持续发展演变而

    But really the instrument we know today was the result of a continuing development that started for our practical purposes in the 1920s.


  • 如果要把大笔资金清理环境灾难上,那么最好钱花在那些乏味紧迫问题上,比如处理第三国家卫生的问题上。

    If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries.


  • 俄罗斯车臣暴行可以追溯到19场血腥殖民运动之后,这个面积小石油丰富地区并入沙皇帝国

    Russia's atrocities in Chechnya go back to the 19th century, when the diminutive but oil-rich region was annexed to the Czarist Empire after a bloody campaign of colonization.


  • 肥胖20纪80年代开始蔓延,许多其归咎于食物份量增加缺乏运动,这不可能全部原因。

    The obesity epidemic began in the 1980s, and many people attribute it to increased portion sizes and inactivity, but that can't be everything.


  • 肥胖20纪80年代开始蔓延,许多其归咎于食物份量增加缺乏运动,这不可能全部原因。

    The obesity epidemic began in the 1980s, and many people attribute it to increased portion sizes and inactivity, but that can't be everything.


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