• 众所周知3G移动网络挑战处理伴随系统不断增多的视频

    One well-publicized challenge of mobile 3G networks is dealing with the ever-increasing amounts of video coming through the system.


  • 提出基于伴随系统理论电力系统主导不稳定平衡点求解方法。

    A new method based on the theory of adjoint systems to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point is presented.


  • 提出基于伴随系统变号系统求解电力系统经典模型稳定边界稳定平衡点的方法。

    A new method based on adjoint system and minus system to compute unstable equilibrium points on the stability boundary of power system classical model is proposed.


  • 本文根据伴随系统理论飞行器制导工具误差精度评定加以实际应用,求出落点偏差协方差矩阵

    In this paper, the adjoint system theory is applied to the guidance accuracy assessment of the flying vehicle, and the covariance matrix of the impact point deviation is solved.


  • 除了历史意义之外,考察工作室系统发展可能会提供一些线索,这些线索是关于伴随任何媒介的发展而出现的各种挣扎

    In addition to its historical interest, inspecting the growth of the studio system may offer clues regarding the kinds of struggles that accompany the growth of any new medium.


  • 由于我们伴随生物系统长大的,而且别无选择,所以我们总是加考虑地接受它们的成本

    But because we have grown up with biological systems and have had no alternatives, we have always accepted their costs without evaluation.


  • 然后第三点要说实现新的计算系统时所伴随产生的威胁模型

    And then, third, I would say, is the evolving threat model as you implement new types of computing systems.


  • 然而假如已有行星伴随恒星捕获另一颗行星,那么已有行星中的颗便会改变轨道这样的结果将会导致系统稳定

    However, if a star with planets captures another one, then one of its existing planets must change its orbit, and this could make the system unstable.


  • 太空里通讯伴随着特殊的电信号变,因此需要一个储存转送系统以保证通讯过程一步不会信息丢失。

    Space communication happens in distinct jumps, and requires astore and forwardsystem that can retain information at each step in the process.


  • 一个完全专业化会计系统允许关于相关文档详细信息伴随交易细节信息一起存储系统中,以便检索起来快捷容易

    A thoroughly professional accounting system allows details concerning related documents to be stored in the system with the transaction details so that retrieval is quick and easy.


  • 较贫穷国家危机往往会需要付出更深大的代价因为它们经常伴随货币系统崩溃

    Crises in poorer countries tend to be deeper and more costly, often because they are twinned with collapsing currencies.


  • 过程采用了加强型的协作伴随着该系统忠实组织的团队增量式的进行开发

    The process applies intensive collaboration as the system is incrementally developed by a committed, self-organized team.


  • 我们MDSK方法中,这种逻辑结构及其伴随协作通过使用系统模型工件中的统一建模语言(uml)被保存下来。

    In our MDSD approach, this logical structure and its accompanying collaborations will be captured using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams in the system model artifact.


  • 伴随越来越多的商家开始在产品中使用GoogleAndroid操作系统竞争加剧价格下降利润空间逐渐走低。

    With more and more vendors looking to Google's Android operating system to power their devices, profit margins are lowering as competition increases and prices decreasing.


  • 一个花费超过中等价位调谐器小型EeePC,再连上音响系统伴随一生音乐之旅就向你招手了。

    A small Eee PC, hooked up to your sound system, will cost no more than a mid-price tuner. A lifetime of musical exploration beckons.


  • ASDI公司意识到了纸张电子表格自动化资产管理系统的转变是伴随风险的,ASDI决定他们的所有IT需求交给Lookoff一家来作。

    Realizing the risks associated with moving from paper and spreadsheets to a semi-automated asset management system, ASDI decided to sole-source their it requirements to Lookoff.


  • 据估计,芒果操作系统的升级于今年五月登陆.微软没有敲定准确的发布日期.一代的Windowsphone 手机移动设备也将于今年秋季发售,包括那些来自Nokia的产品也将伴随此次升级发布.

    Microsoft still hasn’t locked down a specific release date. New Windows Phone devices coming this fall, including those from Nokia, will ship with the update.


  • jspjsd经常大学软件设计课程教授相当丰富记号伴随构造一个系统模型语义学

    JSP and JSD, often taught in university software design courses, had a fairly rich notation and accompanying semantics for constructing a system model.


  • 伴随巨大银行系统高额的贷款存款比率欧洲融资需求远远超过其他任何一个银行系统

    With its giant banking system and high loan-to-deposit ratios, Europe's refinancing needs far exceed those of any other banking system (see chart).


  • 美元泡沫破裂伴随这个系统崩溃时候,自由市场农民生产者富有律师和银行家走向破产

    When the dollar bubble bursts and the system collapses, the free market will allow farmers and goods producers to become wealthy while lawyers and bankers go broke.


  • 其他对于大堡礁及其生态系统环境压力来自径流水质问题,伴随大规模珊瑚白化气候变化以及棘冠海星周期性爆发现象。

    Other environmental pressures to the reef and its ecosystem include water quality from runoff, climate change accompanied by mass coral bleaching, and cyclic outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish.


  • 系统银行危机无法几个月内得到解决它们往往持续并且期间始终伴随信贷紧缩

    But systemic banking crises are not resolved in a few months: They usually last several years and are associated with a persistent credit crunch.


  • 伴随ERP系统企业合理化商业管理明显提高

    Along with the erp system and the enterprise rationalization, business management will be able obviously to enhance.


  • 伴随机构分析问题的深入,信息结构交互设计的构成中我们往往需要根据用户系统行动而动态地调整系统功能结构。

    With increasing frequency, information architectures and interaction designs are reshaped dynamically by the system as the user moves through the site.


  • 例如用于多人协作完成任务管理系统可以使用一个独特声音伴随成员任务完成。

    For example, a collaborative task management system might use a unique sound to accompany the completion of a member's assignment.


  • Chrome早期极客们使用浏览器毫无疑问就是Firefox至少卓越的拓展框架伴随生态系统

    In Chrome's early days, there was no question which browser was preferred among geeks: it was Firefox all the way, if only for its excellent extension framework and accompanying ecosystem.


  • Vista出现伴随内嵌数字版权管理,而不会出现Linux系统中。

    Vista comes with built-in digital rights management features that are not present on Linux boxes.


  • Siri伴随iPhone4S到来的一种语音识别个人助理系统

    Siri is the voice recognition/personal assistant that ships with the iPhone 4S.


  • 这种情况促使进一步调查清楚显示伴随新药治疗带来益处我们必须一个改进保护病人安全系统

    This warrants further investigation, but clearly indicates that, alongside the benefits of new drug treatments, we must have an improved system of patient safety.


  • 这种情况促使进一步调查清楚显示伴随新药治疗带来益处我们必须一个改进保护病人安全系统

    This warrants further investigation, but clearly indicates that, alongside the benefits of new drug treatments, we must have an improved system of patient safety.


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