• 整整一天一直伦敦街头走来走去。

    I've been slogging around the streets of London all day.


  • 不是一辈子都伦敦街头钱吗?

    Hast thou not begged the streets of London all thy life?


  • 看见那个老妇了吗?她蹒跚伦敦街头

    Have you seen the old girl who walks the streets of London?


  • 是个令人惊异的时代-伦敦街头到处可见贩卖杜松子酒手推车

    The stories from that era are amazing — there were gin pushcarts working their way through the streets of London.


  • 一个迷失灵魂飘荡伦敦街头直到结识了福尔摩斯。

    He is something of a lost soul, adrift in London, until he's introduced to Holmes.


  • 250多尊艺术家手绘幼年亚洲大象模型本周亮相伦敦街头

    More than 250 life-sized "baby elephants" hand-painted by artists and designers were dotted around London this week to raise awareness of the plight of Asian elephants.


  • 品牌将熟悉传统中国美学伦敦街头文化解构重组。

    The brand deconstructs and reassembles a blend of classical Chinese aesthetics and London street culture.


  • 作家乔治马尔可夫就是伦敦街头被蓖麻毒素颗粒害死

    Writer Georgi Markov was infamously assassinated on the streets of London by a ricin pellet fired from an umbrella.


  • 今年赶皮毛潮流,戴俄罗斯哥萨克阴寒伦敦街头,暖意融融。

    Getting on board the fur trend, Fearne Cotton walks the wintry streets of London in a white Russian cossack hat.


  • 汤姆自己从来不知道富贵为何物,因为是个乞丐,整天伦敦街头流浪

    Tom had never known riches himself, for he spent his days as a beggar wandering alone through London.


  • 英国伦敦街头哑光粉色兰博·基尼蝙蝠跑车LP670 - 4 SV,好

    Matt pink bat in Lamborghini sports car on the streets of London LP670-4 SV, so pretty!


  • 20世纪英国伦敦街头刚刚出现出租汽车全钢车身的轿车开始投入生产

    The early 20th century, the streets of London taxi has just appeared, all-steel car body are beginning to put into production;


  • 加上其他地方借调警力,伦敦街头警察数量大约往常的三倍,达到了1.6万人。

    Borrowing from other forces, the number of officers on London's streets was almost trebled, to 16,000.


  • 如此,想要伦敦街头找到一个锁定的地方简直是轻而易举——仅仅需要环绕在最近的电杆就行了

    As such, finding a spot to lock it up on London's busy streets is a cinch - you simply wrap it around the nearest lamppost.


  • 周末这天,19位身着婚纱姑娘熙攘伦敦街头不过,其中也不乏位男士混水摸鱼

    This weekend, 19 dressed in marriage gauze girl walked in a bustling streets of London, but some several men to fish in troubled waters.


  • 这位西班牙门将对阵罗马的比赛零封对手,今天携手女友遛着小狗出现在伦敦街头

    The Spanish keeper, fresh from keeping a clean sheet in the Gunners' Champions League victory over Roma, was spotted out with his girlfriend walking their dog in North London today.


  • 12月8周五英国橄榄球队举行了盛大国家庆典几十万球迷汇聚伦敦街头他们的球队致敬

    A National Day of celebration was held on Monday, December 8, for the English rugby team, and hundreds of thousands of fans lined the streets of London to pay tribute to the English team.


  • 款车外观驾驶伦敦街头一台标准黑色出租车一样——发动机内蕴含着跑车制造商莲花公司投入的最尖端技术

    The car looks and drives just like a standard London black cab - but underneath the bonnet is some cutting-edge technology by sports carmaker Lotus.


  • 昨晚伦敦警方经历骚乱第三。他们失去自己伦敦街头权威,过去一夜骚乱程度比前两天更甚

    By late last night, the Met had suffered a third night of the loss of its authority on London's streets, and the latest outbreak of mayhem was apparently the worst so far.


  • 花费12徒刑保持被关闭后臭名昭著的安全-骇客大客大教堂海明威回到伦敦街头寻找收集他的亏欠

    After spending 12 years in prison for keeping his mouth shut, notorious safe-cracker Dom Hemingway is back on the streets of London looking to collect what hes owed.


  • 花费12徒刑保持被关闭后臭名昭著的安全-骇客大客大教堂海明威回到伦敦街头寻找收集亏欠

    After spending 12 years in prison for keeping his mouth shut, notorious safe-cracker Dom Hemingway is back on the streets of London looking to collect what he's owed.


  • BBC一项调查发现伦敦街头许多儿童行乞者都来自罗马尼亚吉普赛社区每人每天可看护着挣得数百美元

    BBC investigation has found that many child beggars active on the streets of London come from Romania's Gypsy community and each can earn hundreds of dollars a day for their minders.


  • BBC一项调查发现伦敦街头许多儿童行乞者都来自罗马尼亚吉普赛社区每人每天看护着挣得数百美元

    A BBC investigation has found that many child beggars active on the streets of London come from Romania's Gypsy community and each can earn hundreds of dollars a day for their minders.


  • 最新侦探》(以讽刺揭发各种丑闻为主的杂志)封面展示了伦敦街头汽车燃烧的场景,而穿着风衣帽的年轻抢劫者们还一旁观看着。

    The cover of the current issue of Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical magazine, shows cars ablaze in a London street as marauding, hoodie-wearing youngsters look on.


  • 1877年,托马斯史密斯伦敦街头生活中这样描述:许多看起来脏兮兮小商店里进行着买卖生产便士冰激凌牛奶交易。

    little villainous-looking and dirty shops [in which] an enormous business is transacted in the sale of milk for the manufacture of halfpenny ices.


  • 1877年,托马斯史密斯伦敦街头生活中这样描述:许多看起来脏兮兮小商店里进行着买卖生产便士冰激凌牛奶交易。

    little villainous-looking and dirty shops [in which] an enormous business is transacted in the sale of milk for the manufacture of halfpenny ices.


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