• 允许存在传输延迟引起时间漂移

    Time deviation due to propagation delay can be tolerated.


  • 传输延迟应答客户机选择SACK选项

    The client selects the value of its SACK options whenever transmitting a delayed ACK.


  • 另外可以通过增加传输延迟减少节点碰撞。

    In addition, we also can reduce the collision effects through increasing transmission delay.


  • 电离层传输延迟误差GPS测量主要误差之一

    Ionosphere delivering delay error is one of the main errors in the GPS measuring.


  • 带宽利用率传输延迟评价下一代网络性能两个重要指标

    Bandwidth usage efficiency and transmission latency are two important issues to evaluate the performance of the next generation network.


  • 信息传输延迟理论指导网络环境进行实时性分析。

    Under the guidance of the theory about delays in the transmission of information, the realtime behaviors of the two kinds of network are analyzed.


  • 网络提供较好的服务质量(丢失率传输延迟)兼容多种业务

    The network could provide good quality of service (in packet loss rate and the packet transfer delay) and be compatible with a variety of services.


  • 主动型服务调用计时器设置服务合理预期响应时间,并传输延迟予以一定考虑

    An aggressive service-invocation timer is set to the reasonable expected response time of the service, with some consideration for transient delays.


  • 车用汽油机存在传输延迟直接用于反馈控制影响空燃比控制精度

    For air fuel ratio signal of a gasoline engine, there exist transmission delay, which affects the control accuracy of air fuel ratio using directive air fuel ratio sensor signals.


  • 在很多时候路径可能拥挤,可能出现事故自然灾难业务冲突这些都会导致传输延迟

    Many times, the paths can be congested and there may be accidents, natural disaster or business disputes that can cause transmission delays.


  • 双环网络有效性一个重要参数信息传输延迟可以直径度量

    One important parameter about double loop networks is information trot delay, it may be measured with the FIG diameter.


  • 有保证服务品质包含参数:封传输延迟、封包延迟变异,以及封包遗失

    Guaranteed QoS includes three basic parameters: packet transfer delay, packet delay variation and packet loss rate.


  • 请求传送服务返回响应所需时间(这个时间取决于传输延迟传输速度以及数据)。

    The time for transporting the request to the service and the response back (which depends on the transport latency, the transfer speed and the amount of data).


  • 尽管数据传输延迟其它方法稍微有些,但是随着节点度数增加这种差别越来越

    Though the data delivery delay is a little larger than other methods the difference between them becomes smaller as the degrees of nodes increase.


  • 本文主要讨论通过代理技术改善媒体服务质量降低媒体传输延迟以及减轻网络负载

    This paper mainly discusses how to improve QoS of streaming media, decreases the transmission delay and relieves the network load by proxy caching technologies.


  • 高速ASIC封装电性能参数包括传输延迟特性阻抗、信号串扰以及封装电感电容等

    The electric characteristic parameters of package for high speed ASIC include propagation delay, characteristic impedance, cross talk, parasitic inductance and capacitance.


  • 内容包括传输延迟传输能力、链数目、单一结点或链路失效影响重构瓶颈六个方面。

    The contents of analysis and conparison are transmission delay, transmission capacities, the number of links, failure effect, bottleneck and reconfiguration.


  • 多径路由协议能够有效提高路由健壮性进行负载均衡提高数据传输带宽,降低数据传输延迟

    Multipath routing protocols can improve the robustness of routing, provide load balancing and perform better bandwidth and delay of data transmission.


  • 处理实际问题必要在细胞引入信号传输延迟这种延迟项的系统称为延时细胞神经网络

    It's necessary to induce delays, among cell when transmitting information in solving real problems. This is so called Delayed Cellular Neural Networks (DCNNs).


  • 为了解决无线上网误码率较高传输延迟问题需要一种用于改善有线和无线链路综合性技术

    To solve the problems of high BER and large transmission delay in wireless Internet, there should be a comprehensive technology to improve wireline and wireless link.


  • 该方法可使码率控制算法具有更高效率,低码率的情况下可以提供更好图像质量降低传输延迟

    As a result, the new strategy is more efficient and can provide higher quality of image in low-delay communications, thus reducing the transmission delay.


  • 系统降低流媒体传输延迟控制网络传输范围、提高P2P网络安全性可管理性等方面都显著进步

    This system made remarkable progress in reducing transmission delay, controlling network transmission scope, and enhancing P2P network security and management.


  • 一种可以用可变速率传输数据通信系统速率分组数据传输改进了正向链路应用降低传输延迟

    In a data communication system capable of variable rate transmission, high rate packet data transmission improves utilization of the forward link and decreases the transmission delay.


  • 转发器可以延伸有用电缆长度增加不确定的节点,转发器可作为提供网络控制器可以接受额外的传输延迟

    Repeaters can extend the useful cable length and node count indefinitely, provided the network controller can tolerate the additional propagation delays.


  • 由于网络传输延迟远远小于磁盘访问, 用网络传输代替磁盘访问能够有效地降低虚拟机平均磁盘访问延迟

    The goal of REMOCA is to reduce disk access, which is much slower than transferring memory pages over modern interconnect networks.


  • 讨论数字电路逻辑级模拟元件传输延迟模型元件状态值模型的建立,逻辑模拟的算法以及元件计算方法

    Discuss the three aspets of the logical-level simulation theory of digital circuits: the construction of delay model and multi-state model, simulation algorithms, and methods of component computation.


  • 仿真实验结果表明该路由协议有效地均衡网络负载节点能量消耗减少数据传输延迟延长网络生存时间

    Simulation results show LBC can effectively balance the load and energy consumption of cluster heads, decrease the delay of packets, and obviously prolong the lifetime of networks.


  • 同时发现各线路间传输延迟半个周期不一致,因此在接收端应把采样时钟上升沿调整所有解出数据稳定时刻

    So the synchronous parellel data can be gotten if the rising of sample clock is set at the middle of the stable time of all deserialized data.


  • 通过rtt分析发现变化传输延迟延迟ack使用RTT指示拥塞引入明显误差从而影响dca算法准确性

    By analyzing RTT's component, it is found that various transmitting delay and delayed ACK bring obvious errors in using RTT as the signal of network congestion, and affect DCA algorithms' veracity.


  • 针对控制网络固有随机传输延迟提出了一种新颖的控制模式,实现了对存在多步随机传输延迟的网络控制系统的数学建模。

    The transmission delays introduced by the network should be taken into consideration during the design of the network-based closed loop control system.


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