• 坐着轮椅,是一个出色的篮球运动员,但就像其他孩子一样,在投篮不中或传球失误时,他也会感到沮丧失落。

    He is in a wheelchair and is a good basketball player, but just like any kid, it upsets him when he misses a shot or makes a bad pass.


  • 上半场我们遇到了麻烦,传球失误很多他们很大的反击空间。

    In the first half we suffered a lot and made too many mistakes in passing and allowing them to counter-attack.


  • 失误(turnover):投球失误,原因可能传球失误运球失误或者进攻犯规

    Turnover: Loss of ball, either through an errant pass or dribble or an offensive foul.


  • 先是传球失误之后尤尼·塔斯球传给了11码位置的尼·摩尔开始向前推进。

    After two incomplete passes, Unitas connected with halfback Lenny Moore on an 11-yard play to start moving the offense up the field.


  • 传球失误导致本方进攻效率下降同时导致防守被动比赛进程产生消极的影响

    Pass error would lead to reduced efficiency of the offensive side, while leading to a passive defense, and will play a negative impact on the process.


  • 传球失误导致本方进攻的效率下降,同时导致防守被动会对比赛进程产生消极的影响

    Passing errors will decrease the offensive efficiency, and lead to the passive defense at the same time, and will have a negative influence to the competition.


  • 难度不大而且没被施压情况下,大牌球星们拙劣地犯下一连串传球失误卡佩罗任务之艰巨显而易见

    As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes, the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.


  • 本文传球失误角度出发结合2008年欧洲杯比赛录像探讨传球失误原因特征及其比赛进程影响

    This article from the perspective of passing errors, combined with the 2008 European Cup video, explores the reasons for passing errors, characteristics, and its impact on the process of the game.


  • 本文传球失误的角度出发,结合2008年欧洲杯比赛录像探讨传球失误原因特征及其比赛进程影响

    This article analyze the passing errors, combined with the 2008 European Cup match video, explore the reasons for passing errors, feature, and its influence on the games process.


  • 我们开场时20分钟踢得不错场上只有米兰队,我们创造许多机会然后我们被迫失球同时出现传球失误

    We started well, in the first twenty minutes there was only Milan on the pitch, we managed to create a lot of chances, then we conceded the goal and misplaced a few passes.


  • 2001年田纳西太阳神队EddieGeorge——分区季后赛中,由于自己的一个传球失误导致其他达阵成功。

    2001 - Eddie George, Tennessee titans-blew a pass that led to the other team's touchdown in the Divisional Playoffs.


  • 不过赛季第一对阵富勒比赛中,莱曼处理传球失误使得前锋大卫·距离破门,此时离开球不到分钟

    However in the first game of the season against Fulham, Lehmann failed to deal with a back pass and allowed striker David Healy to slot home from close range after barely a minute of play.


  • 传球或许只是一种新的潮流:那些球队创造更多机会的球员也不可避免地制造更多失误

    The jump and pass may be just a part of a greater trend: players who are counted on to create for their teams will necessarily turn the ball over more frequently.


  • 很明显科比已经判到绿衫军防守轮换所以他的这个传球几乎不会出现失误

    Clearly, Kobe had anticipated the Celtics defensive rotation, so there was little risk of a turnover.


  • 坎比亚索经常进攻发起者传球聪明有创造力而且带球很稳,极少失误(这句貌似是这么翻译)。

    Cambiasso is often the instigator of attacks, his passing and creativity is intelligent, and he rarely fails to find his target with a ball.


  • 第一告诉我们同伴相比,他的表现很好,刨传球的小失误不过失误的确科比弱项

    First, it tells us that Bryant performs well, compared to his peers, with regards to passing turnovers, while lost ball turnovers are a weakness of his.


  • 第二的时候,科比板凳枷锁大叫,因为老鱼传球造成失误,让他好失望

    In the second quarter, Bryant was upset at Gasol, yelling at him on the bench for not catching a pass from Fisher that led to a turnover.


  • 相反地,掘金总是要犯至少一个失误:在传球过程慢了,在关键时候补防没有到位

    In contrast, the Nuggets always seem to turn the ball over late in the game at least once and have at least one defensive breakdown at a critical juncture.


  • 摘 要: 通过中国男篮在国际重大比赛中失误分析,发现赛队相比,比赛失误多于对手主要出自替补队员,且失误类型集中传球运球技术;

    Absrtact: Compared with the opponents, the reasons of the faults mainly due to the substitutes and the form focus on the ball passing and dribble.


  • 从现在来讲易建联传球容易失误并且实在没有什么创造力

    Yi appears TO prone at this point, and really not a good creator once he does get into his offensive set.


  • 里特尔的传球差点迫使卡瓦略摆乌龙,当时切尔西处理一个长传球出现失误西德维尔大力射门打偏

    A cross from Little forced Carvalho into a last-ditch intervention, while Steve Sidwell slammed a shot just wide after Chelsea had failed to deal with a long ball down the right channel.


  • 里特尔的传球差点迫使卡瓦略摆乌龙,当时切尔西处理一个长传球出现失误西德维尔大力射门打偏

    A cross from Little forced Carvalho into a last-ditch intervention, while Steve Sidwell slammed a shot just wide after Chelsea had failed to deal with a long ball down the right channel.


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