• 三分之一以上员工他们按规定休假期间被召回办公室

    More than a third of workers said they called into the office while technically on holiday.


  • 休假期间顶替工作。

    I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.


  • 休假期问,她在国际上谈论了环境问题。

    During her vacations, she spoke internationally about the environment.


  • 回国休假期间,拜访了祖母看到后院一个喂鸟的容器。

    On a vacation back in the United States, she visited her grandmother and noticed a bird feeder in the backyard.


  • 那家海滨旅馆夏天休假期间漫天要价。

    That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.


  • 正如人们预想一样,夏季求职最麻烦的休假期间安排面试

    The trickiest part of a summer job hunt is, as you might imagine, scheduling interviews around people's vacations.


  • 在同当前雇主商量超出你的额定假期之外的休假之前需要考虑一下公司政策

    Before approaching your current employer to ask for time off that is over and above your current vacation allotment, you need to consider company policy.


  • 2009年一月乔布斯开始病休休假期间,乔布斯秘密飞往田纳西州进行移植手术

    In January 2009, Mr. Jobs went on a medical leave. During the leave Mr. Jobs secretly flew to Tennessee for a liver transplant.


  • 其中一个首创就是在旅游者工作休假期间提供度假机会

    One initiative has been the development of tourist opportunities in which the tourists both give and receive through working vacations.


  • 例如对于Bob人事部门负责批准休假请求职员来说,“假期并不意味着是同一事物

    For instance, "vacation" doesn't mean the same thing to Bob and to the personnel department clerk in charge of leave requests.


  • 并且若是休假期间没有查收的话,一直那样感觉,会有人很开心取代自己去做这样的工作。

    And if you don't check in on your days off, there's that lingering feeling that there's always someone else more willing who'd be happy to replace you at a moment's notice.


  • 那家海滨旅馆夏天休假期间漫天要价。

    The inn at the beach charged inrationally during the summer holiday. That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.


  • 一些公司这样休假长达22除了正常带薪假期外;这种休假大量库存多年慢慢累积起来的。

    Some companies give 22 such days, on top of normal paid holiday; vast stocks of these have built up over the years.


  • 大多数国家全职工作者有带假期不过强迫一定休假

    Full-time workers in most countries all received paid vacation days, but no one forces you to use that time.


  • 一定涉及已经采取了哪些行动保证的工作内容休假期间得以解决。

    Be sure to mention what steps you have taken to ensure that your workrelated duties will be covered in your absence.


  • 如果所在公司仍旧允许今年假期明年使用,不休假会让公司增加成本

    If you happen to work in a company that still allows vacation days to be carried over from one year to the next, this costs the company money.


  • 有些雇主们禁止他们的员工无薪休假期间从事任何有关于工作的事情,查收语音邮件或者黑莓

    Some employers forbid employees to do anything even work related on their furloughs, such as checking voicemail or BlackBerrys.


  • 36%英国人坦称他们休假期间一般穿比较随意。 英国人喜欢穿着袜子穿凉拖的习惯是出了的。

    The findings came despite 36 percent of Britons -- who are famed for fashion blunders like wearing socks with sandals -- admitting that they dress more adventurously than usual while on a break.


  • 休假期间以后涉及酒精时,适量有重大关系

    During the holiday season and beyond, moderation matters when it comes to alcohol.


  • 一调查显示截至8月22日,22%上班族都还没有尚未计划掉任何假期尽管休假的话可能会这些假期失效。

    The survey showed that up until August 22 percent of workers had not used or planned to use any vacation days, despite potentially forfeiting the days if they were not taken.


  • 乔布斯休假期间,苹果公司除了声称在6月底重回工作外就很少透露乔布斯的信息

    During his absence, Apple said little about Mr. Jobs other than that he would be back at the end of June.


  • 但是件事人们的看法各相同休假期间查看邮件到底好不好

    But there is one thing on which there is no agreement at all: whether it is OK to check emails while on holiday.


  • 三藩市——苹果公司在周一称,公司的创始人之一,首席执行官史蒂芬·乔布斯在5个月的疗养休假之后重新返回工作岗位。 在休假期间乔布斯接受肝脏移植手术

    Steven P. Jobs, its co-founder and chief executive, had returned to work following a five-month medical leave during which he had a liver transplant.


  • 法国审计法院(the CoursdesComptes)(法国国家审计机关)近期发布的篇报告指出,法国的空中交通管制员人均每年竟有31带薪休假期,着实令人震惊。

    One recent report by the Cours des Comptes, the national auditor, indicated that French air-traffic controllers get, on average, an astonishing 31 paid weeks off a year.


  • 不要试图把会议安排夏季(六月八月),通常一个休假

    Do not try to schedule meetings during the summer (June through August), as this is a common vacation period.


  • 如果看上去似乎所有休假离开痛苦工作场所而进行精神健康休息那么这可能因为受到了职场暴力。

    If it seems like all of your paid time off is being used for mental health breaks to get away from the misery of your office, it could be because you're being bullied.


  • 如果看上去似乎所有休假离开痛苦工作场所而进行精神健康休息那么这可能因为受到了职场暴力。

    If it seems like all of your paid time off is being used for mental health breaks to get away from the misery of your office, it could be because you're being bullied.


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