• 企业税保持不变:即企业28%,小企业21%。

    Corporation tax remains unchanged at 28% for big companies and 21% for small ones.


  • 为了保持在同行面前的竞争力,众多经济体降低了企业税税率。

    Economies reduced corporate-tax rates to stay competitive with their neighbours.


  • 爱尔兰12.5%的企业税税率一直困扰着欧元区的其他成员

    Ireland's 12.5% rate continues to irk fellow euro-zone members.


  • 奥巴马准备大幅增加企业税但是最终负担需要普通家庭来承担。

    Obama is also pushing for a big tax hike on corporations, but the burden of that will also fall on working families.


  • 其中一个可能选择提高企业税。但鲍曼认为,此举削弱爱尔兰经济

    One likely option is raising Ireland's corporate tax - Bowman said that would weaken the country's economy.


  • 企业税增长另一面所得税消费税下降,因为复苏没能提高就业率

    An increased tax take from the corporate sector is the flip side of the reduced income - and consumption-tax revenues that stem from a jobless recovery.


  • 企业税方面的变动极大地影响到了资本拥有者某种程度上工人承担了。

    Corporate tax changes largely affect owners of capital, but are also borne to some extent by workers.


  • 如果相信,就听听微软怎么的——如果增收企业税的法案获得通过工作输出到海外

    If you don't believe it, listen to Microsoft Corp. — which has said that it will move jobs offshore if the corporate-tax increase goes through.


  • 爱尔兰象征性夹点就是12.5%的企业税德两国为了自身利益,要求强制提高企业税

    The symbolic pinch-point for Ireland is its 12.5% corporate-tax rate, which France and Germany self-interestedly want to force up.


  • 美联储可以根据这个数据做出诊断吗?追踪企业项拨公司警告称这种就业增长似乎已经停止

    Can the Fed rest its diagnosis on this data? Firms tracking the money companies withhold for tax purposes warn that job growth seems to have stopped.


  • 2007年经济合作与发展组织成内部企业税税率平均28%,比起20世纪80年代下降了40%。

    Across the OECD the average corporate-tax rate was 28% in 2007, down from over 40% in the 1980s.


  • 企业税并且没有所得税就是为什么那些公司喜欢选择德克萨斯州作为公司总部所在地的原因。

    Corporate taxes are low and there is no state income tax, which is why Texas has also become so popular as a headquarters for big companies.


  • 当被问及是否增加开支或者减少企业税更好一些时只有15%的人支持前者,而63%的人偏向减税

    Asked whether it would be better to increase spending or to cut business taxes, only 15 percent favored spending; 63 percent favored tax cuts.


  • 苏瓦计算,如果企业税当前的35%下调15%的水平那么苹果每股收益或将提高6%左右。

    Cutting the corporate rate to 15% from the current 35% level could boost Apple's earnings per share (EPS) by 6%, Suva calculates.


  • 爱尔兰试图利率降低,但是在法国阻挠下没有成功。法国坚持认为,爱尔兰企业税税率过必须提高

    Previous attempts to lower its interest rate had been stymied by French insistence that Ireland's low corporate tax rate be raised.


  • 希望第二故乡上世纪八十年代那样征收世界上最低企业税(而现在美国却是最高的国家之一)这当然可以

    He also wants his adopted home to have one of the lowest rates of corporate tax in the world, as it did in the 1980s. (it now has one of the highest.) Fair enough.


  • 希望第二故乡上世纪八十年代那样征收世界上最低企业税(而现在美国却是最高的国家之一)当然可以。

    He also wants his adopted home to have one of the lowest rates of corporate tax in the world, as it did in the 1980s. (it now has one of the highest.)


  • 一些其他税收可能下放,不过主要都是次要的税收,飞机旅客,以及其他显然的纳税大户,如企业税北海石油天然气税。

    A few other taxes might also be devolved (mostly minor ones, such as air-passenger duty, and explicitly not big earners such as corporation tax or North Sea oil and gas levies).


  • 不过苏黎世总部外国控股公司其非瑞士境内的营业收入可以减免企业可以申请混合企业税优惠进一步降低税率

    But foreign holding companies using Zurich as a base can be exempt from tax on non-Swiss earnings and firms can also apply for "mixed company tax privilege" to agree lower rates.


  • 同时也免征双重税收这种税收困住了(法人)公司部门法人公司必须缴纳企业税而后公司的股东还必须要缴纳他们分红所得税

    They also escape from the double taxation that plagues the corporate sector: corporations have to pay corporate taxes and then their shareholders have to pay taxes on their dividends.


  • 罗姆尼的源自小布什的竞选方案相对更为温和,他建议削减企业税扩大削减所得税范围,即使这样也只是招来了投票人更多惊异而不是热情

    Even Mr Romney's much more modest call to cut the corporate tax rate and extend income-tax cuts dating from George Bush junior's presidency generates more dismay than enthusiasm among voters.


  • 当今世界上大多数发达国家针对公司企业所得税税率约为三分之一

    Most advanced countries of the world today have a corporate profits tax rate for large corporations of about a third.


  • 最高法院周四裁决改善企业各州关系使更多网上购物者支付销售税

    The Supreme Court decision Thursday will better businesses' relations with states make more online shoppers pay sales tax.


  • 大型连锁企业一直全国范围内征收销售税因为它们通常货物运输任何都有实体

    Big chains have been collecting sales tax nationwide because they typically have physical stores in whatever state a purchase is being shipped to.


  • 熟悉常见纳税人贸易企业包括退还出口过程及其截止日期

    Be familiar with the common taxpayer trading enterprises including refunding export taxes process and its deadlines.


  • 我们需要儿童减税额增加一倍削减资本利得通过降低企业所得税来保证美国就业

    We need to double the child deduction, cut the capital gains tax, and keep jobs in America with a lower business tax.


  • 阿布扎比征收企业所得税对于外国传媒公司来说吸引力

    A big attraction for foreign media firms is that Abu Dhabi does not have a corporation tax.


  • 无论是中国2008年把法定企业所得税税率33%降低25%,或是美国把企业所得税税率从39%削减至35%,各大企业很少全额支付其应缴税额

    Whether it's China lowering its statutory corporate income tax rate from 33% to 25% in 2008, or the U.S. cutting corporate income taxes from 39% from 35%, companies rarely ever pay the full load.


  • 无论是中国2008年把法定企业所得税税率33%降低25%,或是美国把企业所得税税率从39%削减至35%,各大企业很少全额支付其应缴税额

    Whether it's China lowering its statutory corporate income tax rate from 33% to 25% in 2008, or the U.S. cutting corporate income taxes from 39% from 35%, companies rarely ever pay the full load.


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