• 史蒂夫喜欢这种方式度过的业余时间

    Steve enjoys spending his extra time this way.


  • 由于动物不同速度生长着,这儿有些身上还有清晰可辨的肋骨,“还要时间。”

    As the animals develop at different rates, some of the cows here still have well-defined rib cages, "They've got a bit further to go. " he says.


  • 如果雄心壮志,愿意投入大量时间所在单位每个人都会以他榜样

    If he has ambitious goals and is willing to put in long hours, everyone in his unit will follow his example.


  • 哥兰特两个选择安排萨姆满负荷地工作占用所有时间直到再被分到地方,或者另一个选择指导,支持帮助那些真正的项目工作,帮助成功完成。

    Grant had two options: he could assign Sam busy work to keep him occupied until he was assigned elsewhere, or he could give him the coaching and support he needed to do real work and succeed.


  • 随着时间的流逝,这些自己的力量创办的公司成功了——皮克斯公司现已归属特•迪斯尼公司,成为成功动画片制作公司,其它部分公司也是如此。

    Over time, these succeeded in their own right—Pixar, now owned by Walt Disney, became the most successful animated-film company—or as part of something else.


  • 过去8-10年里拉登已经少地退休了残余的时间能量着那颗通缉价格2500万美元的脑袋,苟延残喘。

    Bin Laden has been more or less retired for the past 8-10 years, spending his time and energies in staying alive with a $25 million price on his head.


  • 一位唐宁街发言人:“首相已经重新调整了日程确保能够安排未来几天进入状态需要时间。”

    A Downing Street spokesman said: "The prime minister has reprioritised his diary to ensure he can put the time that is required into shaping the next few days."


  • 二月份时,公司意大利常驻时间帮助合作商安装设备解决技术问题

    In February the company sent him to Italy for a year to help partners install equipment and to solve technical problems.


  • 然后不同面额不同时间间隔好几次面额的硬币将车票的可能最大价格付给司机。

    Then he pays with the largest possible number of small COINS, which he delivers a few at the time, in varying amounts and at irregular intervals.


  • 对于立即上任能获得荣耀为豪的指挥官来说,时间无法拥有的奢侈品。

    For a boss who prides himself on attaining instant glory, time is one luxury Mourinho cannot allow himself.


  • 最后委员会20票对19将科林除名,因为显然"需要更多时间虚拟农场上"。

    Kerin "needs more time for his virtual farm," the council decided, voting 20-19 to give him that time.


  • 事实上朋友邻居很惊讶竟然选择工程这样困难领域说,这个领域工作时间著称。

    In fact, friends and neighbors were surprised he picked a difficult field like engineering, he said, with a reputation for long hours.


  • 因为动物不同速度生长着,所有些身上看到清晰可辨的肋骨:“还要时间。”

    As the animals develop at different rates, some of the cows here still have well-defined rib cages: "They've got a bit further to go, have those," he says.


  • 每年花200时间巡视全国市场测试竞争对手的产品了解消费者需求

    He spends 200 days a year travelling the country, visiting markets and testing competitors' products to get a sense of what consumers want.


  • 如果膝盖不犯毛病的话,也会慢跑多数时间是在跑步机上小时4.4英里速度进行缓坡走练习。

    He jogs if his knee doesn't bother him, but most often he walks on the treadmill at a speed of 4.4 miles per hour with a slight incline.


  • 阿萨德开会时间知名——六七个小时的会而不需要休息。

    Assad was famous for long meetings-he could go on for six or seven hours without taking a break.


  • 零售商决定啤酒库存量多少。这不仅仅基于过去的销售记录基于天气预报社会媒体聚会闲聊体育比赛时间

    A retailer, for instance, might decide how much beer to stock based not just on previous sales records, but also on weather forecasts, party chatter on social media and schedules for sports matches.


  • 但是,等待的时间越长,这个计划价值议案要求伊朗的低浓缩铀运往国外进行浓缩用于和平目的

    But he said the more time that goes by, the less value there will be to the plan for Iran to send all its low-enriched uranium abroad for enrichment for peaceful purposes.


  • 简直工作了:即便如此也发现,有更多剩余时间家人朋友

    "I made looking for a job my job," he said. Even so, he found he had plenty of time left over to spend with friends and family.


  • 眼见自己的进度缓慢或许感到沮丧,请记着:永不匆忙一向准时要你一生时间去为你永恒的角色预备。

    You may feel frustrated with the seemingly slow progress you're making in life. Remember that God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.


  • 重点奥司扎那米使用问题,预防重症疾病死亡降低住院必要性缩短住院时间

    Emphasis was placed on the use of oseltamivir and zanamivir to prevent severe illness and deaths, reduce the need for hospitalization, and reduce the duration of hospital stays.


  • 特别地,保证任何时间文件或形式出具活动证据

    In particular, he shall ensurethat he can provide evidence of his activity at any time by means of documentsand other records.


  • 美妙处并非只在于olev电力驱动而是因为运行自行充电几乎不需要时间充电或者使用大容量电池储存大量电能

    The beauty of the OLEV isn't just that it's electric, but that, because it charges while it's operating, it rarely needs long periods to recharge or huge batteries to store large quantities of power.


  • 说的第一件事打算放弃了但是放了我鸽子,感到很内疚喝杯酒小费补偿损失的时间

    The first thing he told me was that he was not going to go through with our date, but he felt bad about standing me up and would buy me a drink and tip for my time.


  • 周二早上手撑巨大雨伞的卡扎非利比亚电视台作了短时间的露面,驱散已经委内瑞拉谣言

    Qaddafi appeared briefly on Libyan television Tuesday morning, clutching a giant umbrella, to dispel rumors that he had already fled to Venezuela.


  • 周二早上手撑巨大雨伞的卡扎非利比亚电视台作了短时间的露面,驱散已经委内瑞拉谣言

    Qaddafi appeared briefly on Libyan television Tuesday morning, clutching a giant umbrella, to dispel rumors that he had already fled to Venezuela.


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