• 表示研究中一项令人惊奇的发现,无论对于男性还是女性大腿的多少心脏病风险密切相关的。

    He said that a surprising finding in the research is that the risk associated with thigh circumference and heart disease is almost the same for men and women.


  • 其中令人惊奇发现关于中国

    One of the most surprising findings was about the perceptions of China.


  • 篇文章中你能找到一些令人惊奇的发现

    HBR puts some surprising findings to the test.


  • 得到令人惊奇发现惊奇的新大陆文化动植物等。

    Wonderful discoveries had been made of strange new lands, cultures, animals and plants.


  • 一项令人惊奇发现表明我们心智能力在30没有完全成熟。

    A surprising discovery suggests our mental faculties have not yet been fully tapped by the age of 30.


  • 也许三个研究令人惊奇发现就是衰老肿瘤退化基本机制

    Perhaps the biggest surprise provided by the three studies was the discovery of senescence as a primary mechanism of tumor regression (Figure 1).


  • 令人惊奇发现深海下的极熔岩海洋沉积物同时释放出温室气体

    In a surprise finding, undersea hot lava is baking ocean sediments and releasing greenhouse gases. By Larry o 'hanlon.


  • 一个令人惊奇的发现是,玩家流行病学家的模型所考虑的要频繁自身置于危险境地

    One surprise was that players put themselves into risky situations more often than epidemiologists allow for in their models.


  • 丈夫正在准备一次搬家令人惊奇的发现是,以前搬家时带着好多东西其实从没使用过

    My husband and I are now preparing for a move, and it’s amazing how many things have moved with me several times in the past but have never been used.


  • 令人惊奇发现怀孕保护效应因为许多表明保护作用的激素生长因子信号基因也有表达

    A surprising finding was evidence of a protective effect of pregnancy as well, since the expression of many hormone and growth factor signaling genes suggests protection.


  • 社会心理学中,仅仅别人在场会抑制我们在一个紧急情况下采取帮助行为这一令人惊奇发现

    In social psychology this is the surprising finding that the mere presence of other people inhibits our own helping behaviours in an emergency.


  • 表示研究一项令人惊奇发现就是无论是对于男人还是女人来说,人们大腿的多少心脏病风险密切相关的。

    He said a surprising finding in the research is that the risk associated with thigh circumference and heart disease is almost the same for men and women.


  • 这里输入译文该项令人惊奇发现揭示植物在4万7千2百万年前地球上繁衍——之前认为的时间要早整整1千万

    The amazing find indicates that plants had already colonised the earth 472million years ago - a full ten million years earlier than first thought.


  • 尽管这是个令人惊奇的发现但是也可能解释为这些女性发病率高的国家,女性患者在定居这些国家之前已经感染了艾滋病毒

    That is a surprise, but might be explained by women having been infected before they settled down.


  • 没有详细说明的反正没有空间Gartner发表份报告指出并不令人惊奇的发现就是3G网络并没有带来用户所期望速度

    What I did not elaborate on - and didn't have space for anyway - was a recent report compiled by Gartner that noted its unsurprising findings that 3g networks don't deliver the speeds users expect.


  • 克莱门斯他的同事们令人惊奇发现随着被改造过的这一实验小鼠的成长,它们体重变得超常,尽管它们的骨骼正在消解而并不实验对照组中的小鼠更多

    The most surprising finding for Clemens's team: as the modified mice aged they became overweight even though they were losing bone and not eating more than the controls.


  • 人类能够生物学中提取自然逻辑用以制造一些有用东西,这个发现令人惊奇

    It is an astounding discovery that one can extract the logic of Bios out of biology and have something useful.


  • 旧金山美国加州大学Nirao Shah同事打算研究那些大脑神经会对睾丸激素产生响应他们发现一个令人惊奇现象。

    Nirao Shah and his colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco wanted to find out which neurons in the brain were responding to it. What they discovered was a surprise.


  • 令人惊奇的研究者发现男孩女孩大脑结构功能几乎没有差异

    But surprisingly, researchers have found very few large-scale differences between boys and girls in brain structure or function.


  • 但是令人惊奇其它发现

    But other findings were more surprising.


  • 仅仅因为发现感染乙肝病毒就有可能丧失找工作教育机会使得这种并不光彩服务变得越来越普遍也令人惊奇了。

    It's no surprise the shady services have become popular, given how those with the virus are cut off from work and education opportunities once their status is disclosed.


  • 但是令人惊奇每年都能发现有人宣称找到绕过第二定律方法还不知怎么地就说服了,一些非常聪明,让他们以为这个真的管用

    But it's amazing, that every year you find somebody coming up with a way of going around the second law and somehow convincing people who are very smart that this will work.


  • 过去几十年里科学家研究发现分化细胞推回山顶的方法,令人惊奇是,甚至可能将细胞直接推入另一条峡谷

    In the past decade, scientists have figured out how to push differentiated cells back up the hill and, perhaps even more surprising, directly from one valley to the next.


  • 福布斯搜寻了每年美国劳工部下属劳工统计局收集资料发现15个令人惊奇年薪六位数的工作

    Forbes combed through data gathered annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the Labor Department, to find the 15 most surprising six-figure jobs.


  • 于是研究许多发明物历史及其相关发明家因而发现一些令人惊奇故事

    He goes through the histories of a lot of inventions and inventors. And finds some surprising stories.


  • 甚至可能有点惊奇发现完成某些相当令人惊异事情只要几十代码可以了。

    You may even be a little surprised to see that it takes only a few dozen lines of code to do some fairly amazing things.


  • 不久前我们检查了糖果类旁边那些包装果仁杂锦价格令人惊奇发现每磅价格高达10美元!

    We checked unit prices of those small bags of trail mix hanging in the candy aisle not that long ago and were shocked to find that they cost about $10 a pound!


  • 成为无纸化会一项令人感兴趣的实验惊奇发现自己是多么重视那些数年来积累纸张。

    The move to paperless has been an interesting experiment and I've been amazed at just how attached I have become to the pieces of paper I have saved over the years.


  • 成为无纸化会一项令人感兴趣的实验惊奇发现自己是多么重视那些数年来积累纸张。

    The move to paperless has been an interesting experiment and I've been amazed at just how attached I have become to the pieces of paper I have saved over the years.


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