• 另一方可能会发现提出永不退休的人几乎没有影响力论点通常会变得更加困难

    On the other, the new generation can find it more difficult to advance an argument that typically holds little sway to a nevertiree.


  • 千禧似乎着这样一个矛盾:一方,他们表着无拘无束然而另一方,他们却注重风格个人品牌

    Millennials, it seems, face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.


  • 一方全局变量一种同一组件内的任一码片段使用的变量。

    A global variable, on the other hand, is available to be used in any snippet within the same component.


  • 一方说这种现象使得年轻教育越发困难——一旦他们步入社会接触残酷现实,多年的教育可能就被遗忘

    On the other hand, it may make the education of the younger generation exceedingly difficult-years of education may be forgotten once they step into the society and touch the harsh reality.


  • 但是人们预期难很多特别是财富的流动这一方所以之间继承传递的财富恒定的。

    But it's much, much rarer than people believe, and especially wealth transmission, so money that goes from generation to generation to generation is very flat.


  • 海丝眼中丁梅尔牧师先生除去珠儿曾经过的那样,总用捂着心口之外,没有表现出显易见的受折磨征候

    To Hester's eye, the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale exhibited no symptom of positive and vivacious suffering, except that, as little Pearl had remarked, he kept his hand over his heart.


  • 一方社会需要是一能够充分理解如何自立生活的孩子。

    On the one hand, the society demands a generation that fully comprehends how to lead a self-sustaining life.


  • 如果不能理解迈出一步多么大胆去中文网上聊天室看看吧。听着中国官方日的一之词长大的青年民族主义者那里发表着他们的困惑

    For a sense of how bold a move this is, you can turn to China's Internet chat-rooms, where young nationalists raised on an official pap of anti-Japan diatribes seem puzzled.


  • 甚至美国那些好的文科院校里成绩单反映出本科生专业就在以前认为是难以想象的狭窄

    Even from America's great liberal arts colleges, transcripts reflect an undergraduate specialization that would have been unthinkably narrow just a generation ago.


  • 一方女性继续产假的原因并不是为了孕育下一而是因为她们薪酬相对较低,而这会收入不平等一直持续下去

    Women continued to take parental leave not just for tradition's sake but because their pay was often lower, thus perpetuating pay differences.


  • 另一方上世纪90本世纪华尔数百万美元的奖金高了高端公寓房需求时,曼哈顿地产价格飞涨也是不必惊讶的。

    Nor is it surprising that Manhattan real estate prices soared in the 1990s and early in this decade, as multimillion-dollar Wall Street bonuses pushed up demand for high-end apartments.


  • 一方他们嘴上很好听,重建一个有效国家50年斯堪的纳维亚为蓝本

    On the one hand it pays lip service to the idea of rebuild an effective state in the image of Scandinavia in the 1950s.


  • 你们友以雄辩口才所宣称的“这是生活以及不是我的主人”的另一阐释证明。

    This is the flip side of "It's my life,"and "you're not the boss of me,"and other eloquent proclamations of your generation,When you turn 18,it's on your dime.


  • 20世纪90末,。至今他敬仰勇气自尊幽默感

    He met Miss Suu Kyi several times in the late 1990s and remains in awe of her courage, dignity and even sense of humour.


  • 也许这一举措为了拓宽年轻阅读也说不定;

    Perhaps the intention was to vary the literary diet of the young;


  • 穆尼算得上是上世纪三十华纳兄弟公司炙手可热的男演员之一。电影《疤大盗》中他饰演过很多令人震撼人物角色

    Muni was perhaps the top actor at Warner Brothers in the 1930s, starring as powerful characters in films like "Scarface."


  • 一方哈莱姆文艺复兴期间以及之后布鲁斯热潮影响了一美国黑人

    On the other hand, the blues craze during and after the Harlem Renaissance influenced a whole generation of black Americans.


  • 二者不能,与教学重叠德育实践容易成功,教学共通少的德育实践困难得多。

    The practice of moral education overlapping teaching can work easily, but there are great difficulties if it is less common to teaching.


  • 一方作为公务员老一眼里看起来工作

    On other hand, being a civil servant looks like a decent job in the old generation's eyes.


  • 一方作为公务员老一眼里看起来工作

    On other hand, being a civil servant looks like a decent job in the old generation's eyes.


  • 过去几十年来老挝森林覆盖大幅度减少,1960,老挝的森林覆盖是60%以上,如今,只有大约40%。

    Forest cover in Laos has declined sharply over recent decades from over 60 percent in the 1960s to around 40 percent today.


  • 千禧是被过度夸奖每个只要露个就会赢得一件奖品一点已经引起了人们的热议。

    Much has been made of Millennials' upbringing as the overpraised generation, where everybody wins a trophy just for showing up.


  • 这位90NBA的第一个状元后卫十分叛逆

    But this 90's NBA first foremost person in the field fullback also has his extremely rebel's one side.


  • 一方如果老一退休就没有机会步入工作岗位

    On the other hand, if the old generation doesn't retire, the new generation couldn't have the opportunity to walk into their working position.


  • 为此,应当不做“中间层校正”,采用自由空气重力异常加上地形趋势校正”之结果形成地形趋势自由空气重力异常。

    So, instead of'intermediate layer correction', we should adopt free air gravity anomaly and'topographic trend surface correction', which result in topographic trend surface free air gravity anomaly.


  • 题材选取、叙事策略影像风格三方紧密联系一起,共同体现了第六导演追求

    In a word, the theme selection, the narrative strategy and the image style integrates as a whole, show the pursuance of the sixth generation.


  • 丁梅尔身上表现了人弱小压榨下脆弱形成喜剧的本源之一

    From Dimmesdale who is also a strong performance in the face of oppression of the weak side, which is the root cause of the tragedy.


  • 50那时已经非常出名了,不过我们从未私下

    This is the late '50s so she is already very famous, but this is a personal side of her we've never seen before.


  • 一方,于1800年诞生英国正在为教会在末日道和没落哀恸。

    On the other hand, dispensationalism was born in England in the early 1800s bemoaning the latter-day apostasy and ruin of the church.


  • 一方,于1800年诞生英国正在为教会在末日道和没落哀恸。

    On the other hand, dispensationalism was born in England in the early 1800s bemoaning the latter-day apostasy and ruin of the church.


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