• 美国代表团团长凯利开幕式提到会谈提出美方建议

    At the opening ceremony, head of the US delegation James Kelly mentioned that he would submit the US proposal during the talks.


  • 米勒法官代表团团长,多切·斯特地方法院首席法官。

    Judge Rosalind Miller, Delegation leader, First Justice, Dorchester District Court.


  • 各国代表团团长表示会谈出现积极势头这一势头丧失

    Heads of delegation said that this round of talks has shown positive momentum, which must not be missed.


  • 体育代表团团长少先队员向献上鲜花愉快地笑了。

    The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.


  • 体育代表团团长少先队员向献上鲜花愉快地笑了。

    The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of fresh flowers.


  • 日本代表团团长开幕式发言时称,此次会谈检验机制一个机会

    Q: At the opening ceremony, the head of the Japanese delegation noted that this round of talks is an opportunity to test out the Six-Party Mechanism.


  • 不过英国代表团团长西蒙·克莱格认为他们雅典的目标很现实

    However the British Olympic Association Mission DE Chef Simong Clegg is only realistic about their chances in Athens.


  • 取得什么成果?方会谈韩国代表团团长魏圣洛在北京访问

    The ROK chief negotiator to the Six-Party Talks is also visiting.


  • 安德鲁王子作为英国代表团团长出席上海世博会英国国家活动。

    Prince Andrew will also attend the UK National Pavilion Day of the Shanghai World Expo as head of the British delegation.


  • 正如美国代表团团长所说双方方案共同因素,有很多值得认真研究积极想法。

    Just as the head of the us delegation said, there are common elements between the two plans which deserve careful analysis.


  • 了解六方会谈朝方代表团团长金桂冠已经北京开始的有关工作

    As far as I know, Kim Kye Gwan, head of the DPRK delegation of the Six-Party Talks has arrived in Beijing and started his work.


  • 中国代表团团长张军大使《禁止化学武器公约第15缔约国大会一般性辩论中的发言

    Statement by H. E. Ambassador Zhang Jun, Head of the Chinese Delegation at the Fifteenth Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons convention.


  • 苏格兰代表团团长JonDoig昨日表示,在部分公寓里面流浪劳动者粪便充斥其间。

    Jon Doig, head of the Scottish delegation, said yesterday that some apartments are covered with feces from stray dogs and laborers.


  • 各国代表团团长表示第一阶段会议中,大家取得了不少共识,摆在面前的任务艰巨

    The heads of the delegations said a number of consensuses have been reached in the first phase of talks. However, the tasks remain formidable.


  • 各国谈判代表团团长举行会议,他希望他们如何执行谈判第二阶段达成协议作出总体安排

    He says they are going to have a meeting among heads of delegations and he hopes they can make the overall arrangements on how to implement the agreement reached in the second phase of the talks.


  • 上述丑闻传出后,希腊奥运会代表团团长帕帕多伊安纳吉斯向希腊奥委会递交辞呈,但却未得获批准。

    In the wake of the scandal, they had the head of the Greek Olympic team, Yiannis Papadoyiannakis, resign from his post. The Greek Olympic Commitee rejected his resignation.


  • 中国代表团团长武大伟发言通过一系列双边接触坦率深入地交换意见进一步增进了相互了解

    Wu Dawei, chief of the Chinese delegation, said in his speech that after a series of bilateral contacts the six parties have exchanged in-depth opinions frankly and enhanced mutual understanding.


  • 今天开幕式上,各方代表团团长除了中方促成第二会谈做努力表示感谢以外表明了愿意合作态度。

    At today's opening ceremony, in addition to offering thanks to China for its efforts which have made the second round of talks a reality, heads of delegations also expressed willingness to cooperate.


  • 因此,来自一个环境团体保护自然环境国际联合代表团团长Sue Mainka认为参加这个会议的成员正在发生改变

    As a consequence, says Sue Mainka, head of the delegation from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, an environmental group, the people who come to the meetings are changing.


  • 我们自豪能来到这里,必要非要赢得奖牌能够参加这样个盛事不丹这样的国家来说就是很了不起的事了,”不丹代表团团长说道

    "We are very proud to be here, we don't have to win any MEDALS, just to participate is a big thing for a country like Bhutan," said Bhutan's chef-de-mission.


  • 他们同行的还有难民代表团团长肯尼亚人泰格拉•洛鲁普,身为首位赢得纽约马拉松冠军的非裔运动员奥运会奖牌收入囊中

    Along with the athletes was the ROT chef DE mission, Kenyan Tegla Loroupe, the first African woman to win the New York Marathon and who also has three Olympic Games under her belt.


  • 曾大量走访英国、美国澳大利亚泰国新加坡日本及其国家图书馆学院大学图书馆,三作为代表团团长(尤其是在1976至1988年)。

    U. S. A., Australia, Thailand, Singapore Japan and other countries to study library schools and university libraries, thrice as leader of academic delegations (especially between 1976 and 1988).


  • 曾大量走访英国、美国澳大利亚泰国新加坡日本及其国家图书馆学院大学图书馆,三作为代表团团长(尤其是在1976至1988年)。

    U. S. A., Australia, Thailand, Singapore Japan and other countries to study library schools and university libraries, thrice as leader of academic delegations (especially between 1976 and 1988).


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