• XSL完成任务构建规范从而允许应用程序抛弃所有专用转换代码

    XSL took this task and built a specification upon it, enabling applications to ditch all of their proprietary transformation code.


  • 第二步骤是T4引擎编译转换程序集并执行代码,以产生输出文本文件

    In the second step, the T4 engine compiles the transformation class into an assembly and executes the code, generating an output text file.


  • 程序数组节点转换说明性强的变量从而使代码易于阅读

    The program transfers the array nodes into more descriptive variable names, making the code easier to follow.


  • 而言之,应用程序中应该使用二进制数据类型DB 2交换XML因为这样做可以避免不必要的代码转换

    In a nutshell, use binary data types in your application for exchanging XML with DB2 as this avoids unnecessary code page conversion.


  • 除了促进代码重用可以复杂转换分成易于理解程序块。

    In addition to promoting code reuse, it can also break complex transforms into chunks that are easy to understand.


  • 代码会通过UML2API读取模型通过JET技术帮助编写转换程序以及文本导出文件系统资产中。

    The code will leverage the UML2 API to read the model, and JET technology to help you write the transformation itself and export the text to filesystem resources.


  • 因为代码交叉编译发生于字节码级别,所以其过程并不需要文件转换——意味着开发者仍旧可以使用Visual Studio.Net作为他们可移植程序开发环境

    Since the code is cross-compiled at the bytecode level, there is no source conversion - this means that Visual Studio.Net remains the sole development environment for the ported application.


  • 除了映射数字字节字段,在本地语言应用程序选择了正确代码字符串数据转换适当代码页。

    In addition to mapping numeric and byte fields, it also converts string data to the appropriate codepage when the correct codepage for your native language application is selected.


  • 话说,编译生成代码手工编写不用泛型检查程序类型安全进行强制类型转换所得到的代码基本相同

    In other words, the compiler generates pretty much the same code you would have written by hand without generics, casts and all, after checking the type-safety of your program.


  • 运行表示技术引擎编译程序标记页面转换适当格式并且需要修改任何代码(典型情况下)。

    Running the engine or compiler for the presentation technology converts it to the proper format, and no code changes have to be made (in the typical case).


  • AMDD明显地严重依赖模型转换应用程序代码未来工程自动化。

    AMDD obviously relies heavily on models and transformations to automate the forward engineering of application code.


  • 一旦开发框架以及相关插件,就必须开发模型转换生成利用那些资产应用程序代码

    Once a framework and associated plug-ins have been developed, model transformations must be developed to generate application code that leverages those assets.


  • 碰到字符转换方面问题时,首先要识别应用程序所涉及DB 2UDB数据库服务器使用哪些代码

    When you encounter problems with character conversions, first identify which code pages are being used by the application and the DB2 UDB database server involved.


  • 生成链接代码使用数据绑定框架处理数据结构xml之间的转换细节应用程序直接访问数据结构。

    The generated linkage code handles the details of converting data structures to and from XML using your chosen data-binding framework, giving your application direct access to the data structures.


  • AMDD方法中,通过现有应用程序框架之上模型转换生成应用程序代码基于技术框架的。

    In the AMDD approach, the application code is generated via model transformations on top of an existing application framework, which is based on a technical framework.


  • 注意PHP应用程序代码达到最少,因为大部分业务逻辑和转换位于查询中。

    Also note that the amount of PHP application code is minimal, since most of the business logic and transformation is in the query.


  • 迭代过程运行重新运行原始应用程序代码确保高质量转换

    This iterative process enables the original application source code to be run and rerun to ensure a high-quality transformation.


  • 可以编写类似的代码或者插件程序自己流化的或者复杂的日志转换格式良好的HTML文件,从而获得更好可读性易用性

    You could write similar code or a plugin to convert your own streamed or complex logs into well-formatted HTML files for better readability and easier use.


  • 使用符合快速应用程序开发理念代码模式模板模型转换方法可以使实现加速

    Implementation can be accelerated using code-level patterns, templates, and model-transformation methods following a rapid application development paradigm.


  • 应用程序代码往往捕获转换异常,其间常常废弃许多详细信息

    Application code also tends to catch and translate exceptions, usually discarding many details in the process.


  • 几年移动只是转换内容代码适应设备,而现在移动体验已经演变承载移动应用程序成熟平台

    While just a few years ago, mobile was about transcoding content to fit the device, the mobile experience has evolved into full-fledged platforms for hosting mobile applications.


  • 模型转换着重根据框架插件扩展应用程序元数据元素创建代码

    A model transformation is focused on creating source code based on application metadata elements that extend classes in either the framework or a plug-in.


  • 通过提供新的可视代码片段类型(包括转换程序编号),以及通过在一个类别中提供更多的可视代码片段,可视代码片段支持进行改进。

    Visual snippets support has been improved by providing new categories of visual snippets, including converter and Numbers; as well as by providing more visual snippets within a category.


  • AMDD情况下,通过模型转换取代人工工作,将糟糕需求影响繁殖应用程序代码

    In the case of AMDD, the effects of poor requirements are propagated to the application code by means of model transformations instead of manual human effort.


  • 现在我们需要一个程序这个转换标准C 语言就可以了。对于这个简单例子来说,我们将使用Perl 来实现这个程序因为可以对字符串中的用户代码进行评测语法 C 语言非常类似。

    Now we just need a program to convert our macro into standard C. For this simple example, Perl is used because it can evaluate user code in a string, and its syntax is largely C-like.


  • 如果转换数据代码接近定位数据的代码二者使用相同语言编写那么应用程序常规复杂性极大地降低

    The general complexity of the application will decrease considerably if the code that transforms the data is near the code that locates the data and both are written in the same language


  • 清单7中的代码片段一个用于执行xml2json转换逻辑测试驱动程序

    The code snippet shown in Listing 7 is a test driver that exercises the xml2json converter logic.


  • XQueryXML输出转换功能可以内置的条件逻辑支持相结合减少应用程序代码复杂性

    XQuery's ability to transform XML output can be combined with its built-in support for conditional logic to reduce the complexity of application code.


  • 对于CLI遗留(legacy)JDBC驱动程序使用代码转换

    For CLI and legacy JDBC drivers, code page conversion tables are used.


  • 一旦掌握细节可以消息发送ksymoops实用程序试图代码转换指令堆栈映射内核符号

    Once you capture the details, the message then can be passed to the ksymoops utility, which attempts to convert the code to instructions and map stack values to kernel symbols.


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