• 自由有度干涉应该规则之上不是代替它们

    Discretionary interventions should be on top of standing rules, not instead of them.


  • 还有一种危险就是用减代替援助而不是预期那样作为补充

    There's also a danger that debt relief will substitute for aid, rather than be additional, as it's intended to be.


  • 几个月的时间仅用一些段落就叙述完了,不是几页;开始还有许多聚会甚至可以持续早上4:30,后来只能用没四小时一次管道进食代替

    Months become a few paragraphs rather than whole pages; days blend into each other as dinner parties until 4.30am are replaced with four-hourly feeds through a tube.


  • 事实上更加认为癌症生活代替方式不是疾病

    In fact, I don't really think of cancer as a disease as much as an alternative form of living matter.


  • 汽油石油商品价格基于代替卖方供应成本而不是生产汽油的费用

    Gas and oil are commodities, and the prices are based on the cost to replace a seller's supply, not on how much the gas cost to produce.


  • 有时看到使用一个连字符(-)来代替文件名作为命令参数,这意味着输入应当来自stdin不是文件

    You will also sometimes see a hyphen (-) used in place of a filename as an argument to a command, meaning the input should come from stdin rather than a file.


  • 如果只是寻找文件不是网页,只需用index of代替intitle参数

    If you're looking for files rather than pages - give index of as the intitle: parameter.


  • 所以如果时间格式中间空格例如10Jun04不是 10-Jun-04 ),我们需要使用 using 1:4代替 1:2 。

    So if our time format had a space in the middle (for example 10 Jun 04 as opposed to 10-Jun-04), we would need to use using 1:4 instead of 1:2.


  • 你们当中多少人在坚持使用火狐浏览器,只因为火狐是IE最佳代替品,不是认为它完美的浏览器?请举手

    Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer?


  • 美国癌症学会称,核磁共振检查与X光检查结合使用不是代替

    An MRI should be used in conjunction with, not instead of, a mammogram, according to the ACS.


  • 超级胶原蛋白不是完整蛋白质用来代替饮食补充蛋白质。

    Note: Super Collagen is not a complete protein and should not be used to replace a dietary protein supplement.


  • 作为新闻舆论载体广播电视补充了不是代替报纸

    Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.


  • 计算机将若干字符连成,用一些字符代替其他字符另行处理字符串,不是算术方法或逻辑方法处理字符

    Rather than arithmetically or logically manipulating characters, a computer may concatenate strings of characters, replace some characters with others, or otherwise manipulate character strings.


  • 茶话会的茶具一般陶瓷器皿不是玻璃杯不能用热水瓶代替茶壶

    Tea party tea service general use ceramic vessels instead of glass, also cannot use thermos bottle instead of teapot.


  • 负责传递国王命令而不是代替国王发布命令!”文森特不屑于理会法兰克阻扰

    "You are responsible for the delivery of the king's order, not the order of the release!" Vincent is enraged at Frank obstruction.


  • 朋友一个的手足如此不可代替远远不是装饰

    Friends are just like hands and feet to a man, which are so important because which is indispensable more than additive.


  • 由于我方急需布料希望方能归还我方货款而不是其它布料代替

    Because our use of the fabric was urgent, we would like you to credit our account, instead of replacing the fabric.


  • 结果表明员工持股计划多样化养老金计划的补充不是代替

    The results indicate that ESOPs tend to supplement rather than substitute for diversified plans.


  • 网络出版传统出版有优势,它们之间不是互相代替关系,可以在内容、形式、经营方面实现互补与统一。

    The notion of niche as well as its principles is instructive for us to understand the relations between the web publishing and traditional p.


  • 主要改进使用一个树脂容器持续几个月不是”,因为它使用的薄膜的树脂代替娇嫩硅氧烷分离

    The primary improvement is that it USES a resin container that lasts for "months and not weeks" because it USES a film to separate the resin from the base instead of delicate silicone.


  • 偶尔黄豆扁豆代替或者在家自己做汉堡不是去饭店花钱这些选择既经济又健康。

    And that's without considering such economical options as occasionally substituting beans or lentils for meat, or making a sandwich at home rather than spending money at a restaurant.


  • 这里所否定不是一般只是这种特定的质,一特定的质立刻就被另一特定的质所代替

    This however is not a negation of quality altogether, but only of this definite quality, the place of which is at once occupied by another.


  • 指南什么特别是核电负面影响不是那里能源我们可以充分利用可再生能源代替

    The Share Guide: What specifically are the negative effects of nuclear power, and aren't there adequate renewable sources of energy that we could use instead?


  • 此处明文禁止代替其他学员(不是你自己)上交作业查看他人缴交内容。

    Attempting to submit on behalf of or access the submissions of any student other than yourself is expressly prohibited.


  • 例如:父母应该鼓励孩子自己做决定而不是代替他们

    Parents should encourage kids to makeup their own decisions instead of making for them.


  • 汽油石油商品价格基于代替卖方供应成本而不是生产汽油的费用

    Gas and oil are commodities, and the prices are based on the cost to replace a sellers supply, not on how much the gas cost to produce.


  • 汽油石油商品价格基于代替卖方供应成本而不是生产汽油的费用

    Gas and oil are commodities, and the prices are based on the cost to replace a sellers supply, not on how much the gas cost to produce.


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