• 如果美国都认为可以随便摆脱这种责任美国经济带来灾难性后果

    It would be disastrous for the economy if Americans concluded they were free to walk away from such commitments, he says.


  • 试图通过提醒自己是个失败历史角色来激怒笑着,不要随便就把历史中去。

    An attempt to sway him by saying he is a historical figure fails – “Don’t consign me to history” – but it does make him smile.


  • 乔凡尼,给一个手表来就能随便

    He told Giovanni, steal me a watch and you can ride my bus all you want.


  • “从历史上来看,红酒走势不错也许已经接近泡沫破裂的时候,”交易者,“随便,甚至似乎成了葡萄酒掮客。”

    "Historically wine has had a good run, but there is a feeling it is getting near the end of the bubble," said one City trader. "Every man and his dog seems to be cropping up as a wine broker."


  • 也许就是随便听到这么只是当作戏言放在脑后。

    I heard him but I was concentrating on my spin kicks so I put it on the back burner of my mind.


  • 可以重新学着怎么健康烹饪一堆食材(译者注: 有没有人可以把batchesand freeze 翻得更到位?) [即一饭],因此不会去外面或者随便弄点快餐,”莫斯

    He might retrain himself on how to cook healthier in batches and freeze [meals], so he’s not tempted to eat out or fix quick things, ” Mosca said.


  • 喜欢伦敦吗?”爱德华心想随便什么,把话头岔开

    "Do you like London?" said Edward, willing to say any thing that might introduce another subject.


  • 这种情况比喻成爱情超市购物。芬克尔心理研究显示,当人们面临太多选择时往往会随便决定做出的决定则通常很糟糕

    He compared it to shopping at 'supermarkets of love' and said psychological research shows people presented with too many choices tend to make lazy and often poor decisions.


  • 女巫听了之后气慢慢一些:“如果事情真的这样,可以随便采多少莴苣,个条件:你必须把你妻子将要生的孩子交给我。

    My wife saw your rampion from the window, and felt such a longing for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat.


  • 告诉可以随便离开保住自己我是一顺责怪的话也不会

    I told him he might whistle me off, save himself, and I would say no word of blame.


  • 爸爸不能随便离开工作岗位。

    My Dad said, he couldn't go away from his post casually.


  • 正是名字。”汤普生先生几乎不动声色地那个陌生人过于随便态度使感到意外

    "That's my name," said Mr. Thompson, almost quietly, he was so taken aback by the free manner of the stranger.


  • 你们不要轻易地被打败,不要随便便地选择一张舒适床上等待天使离开人世。

    He claims you shouldn't go down easily, taking the option of laying on a comfortable bed and awaiting for the angels to take you away.


  • 为什么没有或者随便什么家伙身上的时候,直截了当的回应道:“武器,”然后抬起点着自己额头继续,“吾亦为武器。”

    When I asked him why he did not carry a sword or, indeed, any weapon at all, he simply replied, "My body is my weapon. " Then raising his hand and tapping his forehead, he added, "As is my mind.


  • 今天男朋友要带最喜欢餐厅,还哥今天请客不差钱你随便点。

    Today, my boyfriend told me he was taking me out to eat to his favorite restaurant.


  • 毫不慌乱:“先生也是受过教育的,怎么感情随便冲动呢?

    He still nowise and flurriedly says:"Wrap a Sir, you are also educated and how let feelings literally excite?"


  • 认识哈利·波特,”迪安,“我认为真正——救世之星随便什么词。”

    "I know Harry Potter," said Dean. "And I reckon he's the real thing - the Chosen One, or whatever you want to call it."


  • 只是随便的,谦虚,“画了一个下午。”

    "It's just a modest little daub" he said self-deprecatingly. "It only took me an afternoon to paint. "


  • 我全面调查了这件事,确实做了深入探访。 我不想坐在这里随随便便地没有做错,而是人误解了事实真相逃跑努力,但无法翻过院墙,我祖父试了几次终于翻了过去墙外两个小时

    But the fact of the matter was they tried, they couldn't get over the wall, he went and had one more go, and waited for them for two hours on the other side of the fence.


  • 如果美国认为可以随便摆脱这种责任美国经济带来灾难性后果。

    He said, if the American people all think that they can get rid of this duty, this will bring the catastrophic effect to the American economy.


  • 压力管理协会主任心理医生尼尔:“随便个人深呼吸,吸气肯定胸腔鼓起。但这种呼吸方式是错误。”

    Ask anyone to take in a deep breath and they will no doubt puff out their chest as they inhale - but this is wrong, says Neil Shah, psychotherapist and director of the Stress Management Society.


  • 朋友立即起身打开了书橱,很大气地:“随便看吧。”

    He immediately stood up, opened his big bookcase and said generously, "Have a good look, please."


  • 朋友立即起身打开了书橱,很大气地:“随便看吧。”

    He immediately stood up, opened his big bookcase and said generously, "Have a good look, please."


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