• 英国《卫报》影评人泰勒•柯林斯用“幽默”一词来形容的观感受

    "Quiet hilarity" is what The Guardian's movie reviewer Tyler Collins describes how he feels about the show.


  • 攻击Pearlstein人多来自硅谷或许的观撰写文章华盛顿被人接受

    Of notice, Pearlstein's detractors are all of the Silicon Valley variety. Perhaps his ideas will gain more acceptance in Washington where he writes?


  • 对于我们价值摈弃D. H.劳伦斯彻底

    His rejection of our values is far more complete than that of D. H. Lawrence.


  • 辩称自由企业俄罗斯价值传统相容的。

    Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.


  • 李云孔子谈谈家庭价值

    Li Yun would like to have talked with Confucius about his family values.


  • 带来危险查尔斯亲王既有奢侈生活品味,又有等级分明世界

    The danger will come with Charles, who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world.


  • 讨论一下政治哲学以及家庭价值的看法。

    I'd like to have discussed with him his political philosophy and his idea about family values.


  • 者可以通过一个主题来表达对人性或世界的想法。

    The writer may express his or her thoughts about humanity or a worldview through a theme.


  • 幽默幽默小品创作特别重视幽默的审美价值,创造了滑稽机警的“”的美感情趣。

    His thinking and writings on humor paid attention to the aesthetic value of humor, which includes farcicality, wittiness, and laugh.


  • 柏拉图式正义关于和谐到,是关于城市和谐灵魂的和谐。

    The Platonic idea of justice concerns harmony, he tells us, both harmony in the city and harmony in the soul.


  • 而且正如我们看到保罗基督反对食物规矩限制的,以至于这个问题发现自己雅各和彼得有冲突

    And, as we have seen, Paul's vision of Christ was opposed to rules and restrictions around food, to the extent that he found himself in conflict with James and Peter on the subject.


  • 无论发生了什么事,过多的杀戮显然都已改变人生因为看到熟悉那些角色相比会有一些细微的变化

    Whatever happens to him in Overkill clearly changes his outlook on life though, because as you'll see, he starts off with a slightly different character compared to the one you're familiar with.


  • 整个世界开始一个岩石做水池并且开始做星系的研究

    His whole world view began in a rock pool and swept up to a study of the stars.


  • 走马地带过早期罗马时代处顺势拐笔探索一下中世纪城邦重要性或是威尼斯光荣分支

    He canters through the early years, with a few diversions to explore the importance of city-states in medieval days or the glorious offshoot that was Venice.


  • 有着宽广的战略视野对于细节近乎轻浮漠视顽强的道德来对待市民有着极大偏见生活

    He combined great strategic vision with almost frivolous indifference to detail, a steely moral view of life with shocking prejudice about his fellow citizens.


  • 嗜好包括远足游泳

    His hobbies include hiking, swimming and birdwatching.


  • 结果便是带给读者清新自由现代音乐创作。 让他的许多前辈伯尼其中)不能望其项背

    The result is a refreshingly open-ended view of contemporary music-making that puts many of his predecessors, Burney among them, to shame.


  • 感叹今天年轻人道德是怎么了。继续'知道那些电视电影唱片公司问题只是刚刚开始

    He goes on, like many before him, to bemoan the immorality of young people today, saying: 'I do know, though, that the TV, movie and record companies' problems have only just begun.


  • 如果当初从事主流物理领域挑战同代人时间空间,那么肯定能够谋取大学里的职位

    Had he focused on mainstream physics rather than challenge his contemporaries' notion of space and time, he would have undoubtedly received an academic job.


  • 哥白尼美学反对等分,这是否定托勒密的天体运行系统的重要动机

    Copernicus' aesthetic objections to [equants] provided one essential motive for his rejection of the Ptolemaic system....


  • 当人们越来越多地审视世界时,用“翼”祈祷支撑飞行恐怕遇到困难

    But sustaining flight on a wing and a prayer could be difficult for Huckabee as he faces increased scrutiny of his view of the world.


  • 曼奇尼认为阵容需要皮尔洛一样的(具有大局的)组织者,填补认为能获得冠军的阵容,尤其是帕特里克.维埃拉极有可能夏天退役

    Mancini feels he needs seen-it-all operators such as Pirlo in his squad as he builds a title-winning team at Eastlands, especially as Patrick Vieira is widely expected to quit this summer.


  • 曼奇尼认为阵容需要皮尔洛一样的(具有大局的)组织者,填补认为能获得冠军的阵容,尤其是帕特里克.维埃拉极有可能夏天退役

    Mancini feels he needs seen-it-all operators such as Pirlo in his squad as he builds a title-winning team at Eastlands, especially as Patrick Vieira is widely expected to quit this summer.


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