• 直到去世没有出现呼吸困难也没有脑功能丧失迹象

    There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.


  • 怦怦直跳,几乎不能呼吸有生以来从来没有这么害怕过。

    His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe, and he was more frightened than he had ever been in his life.


  • 牛津大学学习数学科学时,得了重病使不能说话没有机器帮助就不能呼吸

    When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he became seriously ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines.


  • 一动不动地躺着听着几乎没有呼吸

    He lay motionless, and listened, scarcely breathing.


  • 当时休息了,于是警卫便离开了,不过回来以后尝试叫醒艾米时,发现她已经没有呼吸

    She was in her bedroom after saying she wanted to sleep and when he went to wake her he found she wasn't breathing.


  • 随着说话跳开了,几乎没有她说,因为对于来说呼吸新鲜空气自由如此令人开心

    He bounded off as she spoke, scarcely stopping to listen, for it was so delightful for him to breathe the fresh air and be free again.


  • 工作之前穿上防护双手套一个带有呼吸系统安全帽所有一切都是为了把自己规整的实在,确保没有一丁点皮肤暴露在外

    Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.


  • 一个星期来到诊所,表情尴尬当初出院的时候忘了药方,所以出院后就没有吃药,而病情使呼吸困难

    He came to the clinic a week later looking very embarrassed. He had left without prescriptions, so he had been taking no medications since he left, leaving him short of breath.


  • 打完电话回去后,穆雷医生发现杰克逊已经没有呼吸告诉警方当时试图心肺复苏,同时杰克逊一个职员了救护车。

    Returning from making phone calls to find his patient not breathing, he told police he tried to resuscitate him and one of Jackon's staff called for an ambulance.


  • 巴拉克硬汉子,恢复呼吸接着工作,仿佛什么也没有发生过

    Barak was a tough customer; when he got his breath back, he went back to work as if nothing had happened.


  • 周末过后,家人决定帮助呼吸机器我们做了祈祷告别没有放弃

    Over the weekend, the family decided to take him off the machine that was breathing for him, and we all said prayers and good-byes, but Hugh didn’t go for it.


  • “这次手术正常手术的时间,”Sitanggang:“我们取出来时,几乎没有呼吸。”

    "It needed a longer time than normal to deliver this baby," Sitanggang said. "he was hardly breathing when we took him out."


  • 通常呼吸问题心脏功能缺陷体现,但虽然Sam偶尔停止呼吸的心脏却没有任何问题。

    Often breathing problems are a sign of a heart defect but Sam was given the all clear, although he continued to stop breathing.


  • 没有回应我们需要检查一下脉搏呼吸

    He's not answering. We'd better check his pulse and breathing.


  • 实际的,一个人没有呼吸表示没有生命

    For all practical purposes, if someone is not breathing, that's the sign that there is no life there.


  • 两个同伴现在起了眼睛,发出刺耳的呼吸可是小个儿的老人没有注意只沉浸自己的愤怒的回想中。

    Both his companions now had closed their eyes and were breathing hoarsely, but the little old man paid no notice, lost in indignant reverie.


  • 没有回答呼吸空气形成苍白的薄雾感觉到冰块正在包裹的胡须。瓦拉米尔双眼

    The gods made no reply. His breath hung pale and misty in the air. He could feel ice forming in his beard. Varamyr Sixskins closed his eyes.


  • 知道已经好几没有呼吸没有生命体征了。

    I knew then he hadn't been breathing, hadn't been alive for days.


  • 问,”拥有别的女人没有能力,你只需利用呼吸可以战胜强大的敌人,难道你只想一个女子吗?

    You have power no other woman has. You can defeat your strongest enemy with only your breath. Would you rather be a weak woman?


  • 没有回应检查一下脉搏呼吸

    He's not answering. You'd better check his pulse and breathing.


  • 无法睡眠没有朋友灰色愉快地动听-动听尾巴节奏儿子呼吸

    He couldn't sleep without his friend, the gray cat that would happily thump-thump his tail to the rhythm of my son's breathing.


  • 如果伤员没有回答或者唤醒尝试没有反应检查是否还有呼吸

    If the person does not answer you or respond to your attempts to wake them, check to see if the person is breathing.


  • 消防部门医务人员对此作出了反应,发现50岁杰克逊抵达一直地面没有呼吸心脏骤停

    The fire department's medical staff had responded, they found 50-year-old arrived in Jackson has been down to the ground, he has no breathing, cardiac arrest.


  • 事实上没有多少气了,现在只能一点一点呼吸这样下去不久就会心力衰竭

    There was not much to take away, for he seemed only able to inhale it by thimblefuls, and his heart would soon wear itself out, the way it was beating.


  • 现在没有知觉,也没有呼吸

    He's unconscious? He's not breathing?


  • 阿里说:“现在正常,没有呼吸困难”,没有必要手术

    "She is leading a normal life with no breathing difficulties," said Ali, adding that he saw no need for surgery.


  • 阿里说:“现在正常,没有呼吸困难”,没有必要手术

    "She is leading a normal life with no breathing difficulties," said Ali, adding that he saw no need for surgery.


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