• 假设赢了不过还是很大疑问—成为五十年以来第一获胜英格兰人

    If he winsand it's a big if —he'll be the first Englishman to win for fifty years.


  • 威廉姆·帕克美国杜克医学院外科助理教授还是这个研究成果第一作者强调只是一种假设不是实验证明

    William Parker, the senior author of the study and an assistant professor of surgery at Duke, emphasized that this was a hypothesis, not experimental proof.


  • 假设程序员结对工作不是每个人独自工作。

    Suppose he lets his programmers pair, rather than having everybody work separately.


  • 进一步假设因为骄傲不会乞求自由发现这种假设很难令人信服,因为从来就没有这种想法

    And even supposing that, because of his pride, he did not beg for freedom, I find it difficult to believe that this thought did not obsess him.


  • 撰写许多书籍包括最近出版:《贫穷终结共同财富》,上述著作当中,富裕国家重新考虑它们全球财富的基本假设

    He is the author of numerous books, including, most recently, "the End of Poverty" and "Common wealth," in which he challenges wealthy nations to rethink their basic assumptions about global wealth.


  • 记忆背叛了并且这里提出关于记忆遗忘问题变得重要起来,我假设这里有某种重要事情发生不为过

    His memory has failed him and, given the general importance that I'm attributing to problems of remembering and forgetting, I think it's safe to assume that something important is going on here.


  • 预算是建立美国未来经济增长以及开支计划成本控制这些不现实假设上。

    His budget rests on unrealistic assumptions about America's future economic growth and about the cost of his spending programmes.


  • 假如个人不用正眼看美国人可能会觉得,你应该要的动机起疑,或者假设喜欢你。

    If a person doesn't look you in the eye, Americans might say you should question his motives-or assume that he doesn't like you.


  • 假设所有的高玩具都收起来了,令非常满意。这时可以一些别的任务图画书放回书架的脏衣服放进装脏衣服篮子里等。

    Assuming that Bobby gets his Legos put away to your satisfaction, you can move on to another task, such as putting his picture books on the shelf or placing his dirty clothes in the hamper.


  • 假设农夫史密斯不喜欢吃鱼但是渔夫琼斯小麦不得不寻找另一种史密斯接受的商品比如黄油不是为了自己而是为了和史密斯进行交换。

    Suppose that Smith dislikes fish, but Jones, a fisherman, would like to buy his wheat. Jones then tries to find a product, say butter, not for his own use but in order to resell to Smith.


  • 假设我俩美国相识,不大可能有意和我组建一支乐队的,由于最近刚被派驻到了北京高兴找到音乐上知音

    Had we met at home, it's unlikely he would have been interested in forming a band, but newly relocated to Beijing, he was excited to find a musical outlet.


  • 我们相信有用唯一理由,是因为我们相信过去有用,所以我们假设将来有用

    The only reason we believe that it has worked because we believe that it has worked in the past therefore we assume it will work that way in the future.


  • 假设一个精神分裂症忽然听到一连串杂音,坏人可以看看心理在做什么

    Say a person with schizophrenia starts hearing a cacophony of voices telling him that he is a bad person; he could look at his psych dog to see what it is doing.


  • 假设这个开始不是一个坏人但是只是一些错事,有没有过,过去所作所为引发什么

    Start from the assumption that the person isn’t a bad person, but just did something wrong. What could he have been thinking, what could have happened to him in the past to make him do what he did?


  • 假设这个开始不是一个坏人但是只是一些错事,有没有过,过去所作所为引发什么

    Start from the assumption that the person isn't a bad person, but just did something wrong. What could he have been thinking, what could have happened to him in the past to make him do what he did?


  • 然后瑞尔换成播音员嗓音假设正在采访:“认为是博瑞尔发明了麦金塔”。

    Then Burrell would shift to his radio announcer voice, playing the part of an imaginary interviewer. "No, I thought that Burrell invented the Macintosh", the interviewer would object.


  • 广泛的同时也是比较准确假设认为每一个出访地都很好的联系所以不大可能只找一家比较差的餐厅就餐。

    It's widely (and correctly) assumed that he has good connections everywhere he visits, so he's unlikely to wind up at a dud.


  • 假设一座尖塔,搭的非常漂亮,,“等妈妈回家了,让看看哦“,然后睡了

    suppose he builds some labrid tower, it's very impressive, and he says "Please show it to Mum " when she comes home" and he goes to bed.


  • 现在我们假设某天给了一张写着sbcglobal.net网站地址纸条告诉你关注

    Now let's say the future "his" to your "Hers" hands you a slip of paper with his sbcglobal.net address scrawled on it and tells you to hit up his inbox.


  • 惊呆了,我我可能颤抖--devor回忆起看到邮件时候.几周之后表现得更加的冷静--我假设是在将要去洗澡或做其什么似的时候写的邮件.

    I was stunned. I think I was shaking, ” Mr. Devor recalled of the moment the e-mail message appeared in his in-box.


  • 当时怎样相处假设现在遇到类似雇主,你怎样与共事

    How did you get along with them? Purpose that you met this kind of employer, how will you work with him?


  • 卡洛·安切洛蒂同意这样的想法,在周末曾经假设小罗加盟,也设想了加盟后的球队战术。

    Carlo Ancelotti seems to agree and this weekend explained how he had been working out the tactics to suit such a formation.


  • 假设我站,旁边有个胖子没有假设一个活动门上,我只要转动转盘就像这样。

    Suppose standing on the bridge next to the fat man, I didn't have to push him, suppose he was standing over a trap door that I could open by turning a steering wheel like that.


  • 假设我们之前赶到又进呢?那怎么办呢?

    What if/Say he goes home before us and can't get in? What will he do then?


  • 所以假设预计是最快出口那么东部平台

    So assuming he's anticipated the fastest egress, it's the east terrace.


  • 所以假设预计是最快出口那么东部平台

    So assuming he's anticipated the fastest egress, it's the east terrace.


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