• 考虑把照片发布网络时,她儿子角度出发如果同学父母看到浴缸里挺起胸脯的照片,他会怎么

    But when she considered posting them online, she took the perspective of her son: How would he feel if his classmates' parents saw photos of him chest-up in the bathtub?


  • 产生情绪,包括视为道德情绪的情绪,例如内疚愤怒一次,这种对利他行为的解释,也是进化论角度出发的。

    This gives rise to some emotion including emotions that could be viewed as moral emotions, like guilt and anger, and again, grounds altruistic behavior in an evolutionary perspective.


  • 所以所有重点观念上,我的观念,我的角度出发的,不能成为你们的观念。

    So my entire emphasis is upon perception It's my perception, which from my point of way, which may not be yours.


  • 方面我们并不幅画或者阅读一首诗歌或者一个哲学体系那样同一个角度出发因此这些事物影响而产生的感受也不同

    We do not view them from the same station, as we do a picture, or a poem, or a system of philosophy, and are, therefore, apt to be very differently affected by them.


  • 我们就是尽量精神健康角度出发城市变成个更适合生活地方

    What we can do is try and make cities better places to live in from the view of mental health.


  • 如果真想做个成功作家必须消费者角度出发对于他们来说,形式内容互为补充的。

    But if you want to succeed as a producer, you have to think about your consumers. For consumers of articles, style and substance are complements.


  • 食品企业角度出发重要的一点是,这些功能食品模糊食品药品的界限,为企业带来获得更高利润更快增长的大好前景

    Best of all, from the food companies' point of view, these "functional foods", which blur the line between foods and drugs, hold out the promise of higher margins and faster growth.


  • 社会角度出发教育应该单纯成长机会更为积极东西

    Education, viewed from a social standpoint, must be something more positive than a mere opportunity for growth.


  • 那么真正工作大局角度出发保护自己,保护公司做出正确的决定。

    And the true job is to protect yourself, your company, from an overall perspective, to do the right thing from the overall perspective.


  • 两者都匿名的,因此,纯粹利己的角度出发没有分享理由

    Both are anonymous, so from a purely self-interested perspective, there's no reason to share at all.


  • 认为发现人们你的建议,某一个角度出发时,角色就是权衡轻重。

    When I think you realize that people give you advice in a given perspective, your role is try to weigh that.


  • 他们这种角度出发他们可能的,因为V2更多关注运作流程不是服务生命周期

    Based on their perspective, they would be correct since V2 focused more heavily on operational processes rather than service lifecycle.


  • 通常经验表明组织自身决策角度出发或者是根据数据业务价值保留的数据。

    Usual practices indicate that organizations used to retain old data out of their own discretion or due to data's business value.


  • 这些宇宙飞船一直地球科学研究提供丰富数据资源照片的选择仅仅美感的角度出发

    These space craft have been prolific sources of data for earth scientist, but the new shots were chosen solely based on aesthetics.


  • 用户情景客户角度出发要求包含极少包含实现细节问题

    User Stories are requirements told from a customer perspective and contain little or no implementation details.


  • 这种监视可能计算机管理角度出发或者广泛情况下,是为了随时了解现实世界事件天气金融事务医疗保健等等

    This occurs from a computer management perspective or a much more broad scope of keeping up to date on real world events such as weather, financial transactions, healthcare, etc.


  • 涵盖了开发人员角度出发全部相关目标

    It covers all the relevant objectives from a developer's point of view.


  • 目的使主要内容浮出成为聚焦点视觉角度出发极简设计意味着沉静并将基本元素作为中心思想

    Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics.


  • 功能测试用户角度出发编写的,并且关注用户兴趣的系统行为

    Functional tests are written from the user's perspective and focus on system behavior that users are interested in.


  • 他们必须做出自己选择当然各自角度出发不同国家中央银行不同的目标,不同的权限

    They have to make their own choice and it follows from that, of course, that central Banks in different countries have different objectives, different terms of reference.


  • 不是在评判这种态度还是而是交流角度出发指出不是一个好的表现

    I'm not saying whether this is right or wrong; I'm just pointing out that from a communications standpoint it doesn't deliver the message very well.


  • 然而许多印度角度出发他们中国印度洋周围友好国家修建公路港口管道视作旨在遏制印度的“珍珠链战略

    Many Indians, for their part, see China's building of roads, ports and pipelines in friendly countries around the Indian Ocean as a "string of pearls" strategy designed to choke India.


  • 我们影片处理成经典的叙事电影,《源代码》中当然有些技术角度出发

    While there's certainly a technological Angle to Source Code, we approached the film as fairly classic film storytelling.


  • 你们发现这些案例里有许多关于我们需要使贫困人口参与例子他们具有能力,具有改善生活的愿望的角度出发

    You will find in these case studies many examples of how we need to engage poor people in terms of having them as people who are rich in capacity and rich in desire to improve their lives.


  • 大部分搜索引擎营销商只他们自己的角度出发来看待搜索引擎。

    Most search marketers are used to looking at things from a single perspective: that of a search marketer.


  • 产品负责人决定功能发布时间使客户满意度最高获得最高ROI角度出发安排预算

    The Product Owner decides on the functionality, the release date and the budget to maximize customer satisfaction and ROI.


  • 所以说得相对稳妥一点,我们仍然不能确切地理解为什么进化角度出发人们一些与自己利益抵触事情

    So, it's safe to say we still don't understand exactly why, evolutionarily speaking, people regularly do things that go against their own interests.


  • CELA呼吁加强管制承建商进行更多培训以及自己健康角度出发制定能源效能方案

    CELA called for tighter pollution controls, more training of contractors and a greater regard for health in designing energy efficiency programmes.


  • CELA呼吁加强管制承建商进行更多培训以及自己健康角度出发制定能源效能方案

    CELA called for tighter pollution controls, more training of contractors and a greater regard for health in designing energy efficiency programmes.


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