• 人类以前一直都要面对环境变化

    Humans have faced environmental changes before.


  • 人类以前认知创造游戏完全颠覆了。

    The whole game of creation according to man's understanding is turned upside down.


  • 第一头一度允许杰米小狼进入狼窝因为生产作为秘密的事,人类以前从未尝试过这种行为

    At one point, the alpha female allowed Jamie to enter the wolf den after she gave birth to pups -- behavior never previously attempted by humans since female wolves keep the birthing process private.


  • 我们身体以前就是因为我们现在生存环境人类以前的生存环境有很大的不同。进化人类为了适应野外的恶劣生存环境而产生的。

    Our own bodies are worse off than most simply because of the many differences between the wilderness in which we evolved and the modern world in which we live.


  • 人类出现很早以前地球上就出现鱼类爬虫类鸟类一些哺乳动物

    Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals.


  • 一些律师事务所现在使用人工智能软件扫描阅读堆积如山法律文件这些工作以前高薪人类律师完成的。

    Some law firms now use artificial intelligence software to scan and read mountains of legal documents, work that previously was performed by highly paid human lawyers.


  • 如果早期人类没有以前那样频繁地移动融合他们可能继续进化不同物种

    If early humans hadn't moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species.


  • 人类为了养活以前更多的人口需要获得可耕地因此大量砍伐树木

    To feed the larger population, humans need to obtain arable land, so there is a massive clearing of trees.


  • 人类很早以前就知道武器用处

    Man early learned the usefulness of weapons.


  • 表明人类在进化研究以前曾有开展但是个人生育成功生理变化直接作比较分析认为还是第一次。

    Research suggesting humans are evolving has been carried out before, but this is believed to be the first that directly compares reproductive success of individuals with physiological changes.


  • 关于超生物体观点以前,当时其它领域研究人员认为人类拥有一套不同内部生态系统

    The notion of a superorganism has emerged before, as researchers in other fields have come to view humans as having a diverse internal ecosystem.


  • 他们类似电视时代大概很久以前甚至人类想到要在天空搜索智慧生命信号之前就到来过去了

    Their analogue TV age probably came and went long ago, before humans even thought about searching the sky for signs of intelligent life.


  • 研究人员通过检验老鼠大脑发现了一基因表达变化,其中一些以前认为与人类酒精上瘾有关

    Examining the rats' brains, the researchers found a change in the expression of a number of genes, some of which had previously been linked to alcoholism in humans.


  • 实际上,史上很多冰河时代,而且大多人类出现很久以前

    But in fact there have been many ice ages, most of them long before humans made their first appearance.


  • 这次试验中使用动物老鼠,这种动物以前用于试验的线虫果蝇起来已经接近人类了。

    But that is much closer to humans than the nematode worms and fruit flies which were the subjects of previous successful experiments on drug-induced life extension.


  • 你们地球上任务就是以前这些生世补偿人类带回正义

    Your mission on earth was to make up for these former lives, to bring back love and justice to humanity.


  • 几乎肯定扭转人类预期寿命的上升趋势——所以我们的寿命将以前

    It is almost certainly going to reverse the rise in life expectancy - so we start living shorter lives than before.


  • 2050年以前几百万百无聊赖人类将把自己冷冻起来,以便移居未来世界历险

    By 2050, he said, millions of bored human beings would freeze themselves in order to emigrate into the future to find adventure.


  • 但是因为电脑人类很多倍,计算时,我们希望突破新的界限——可以解决我们以前不能达到问题

    But since computers are much faster than humans when it comes to computation, we hope that new frontiers will be broken - enabling us to solve the problems that were unreachable before.


  • 所有折磨大海破坏分子中,二氧化碳只为其一。从很久很久以前人类就把海洋当作垃圾桶来使用了。

    OF ALL the blights afflicting the sea, carbon dioxide is just one. Man has used the oceans as a dustbin for far too long.


  • 发明这些陶罐陶钵以前人类只能将食物储存在地洞里或者树皮树藤编织篮子里,这样容易被老鼠之类小动物吃,同时也很受天气影响。 比如篮子吧,磨损得快,也容易受干受潮。

    Before the discovery of the pot, people stored their food in holes in the ground or in baskets - both vulnerable to thieving creatures and, in the case of the baskets, to wear and to weather.


  • 很久以前缺乏沟通的时候,人类可能这个器官寻找配偶

    Once upon a time, humans would have used this organ to locate mates when communication was not possible.


  • 虽然舞蹈被认为人类一种基本表达方式,但以前很少引起神经生物学家的关注

    Even though dance is a fundamental form of human expression, neuroscientists have given it relatively little consideration.


  • 以前还是人类的时候,我所有女人一样梦想永恒青春

    Some time ago, when I was a human being I was dreaming about the perennial youth, the thoughts that were so peculiar for every woman.


  • 不过,在大约600以前人类女性开始称作bitches

    But around 600 years ago female human animals began to be called bitches.


  • 10年以前解码人类基因序列使一些感到失望。他们原来希望这个进展能够加速研发严重疾病治疗方法。

    Decoding the human genome a decade ago has disappointed some people who were hoping for the speedy development of cures for devastating illnesses.


  • 200万以前, 人类祖先经常制造种生理设备”--鞋子。 这种设备有很多特点,后跟很大,鞋底有弹性

    About 2 million years ago, the ancestors of modern humans evolved the physiological "equipment" for running--long legs, large buttocks, and springy structures in the feet, among other features.


  • 十万以前人类开始变得越来越,越来越不向前突起

    Over 100, 000 years ago, the human mouth started getting smaller and protruding less.


  • 十万以前人类开始变得越来越,越来越不向前突起

    Over 100, 000 years ago, the human mouth started getting smaller and protruding less.


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