• 落基斑疹热一种共患的立克次体

    Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans.


  • 友好可爱所以它们群中嗅探时不会吓到

    Sniffer dogs are friendly and cute, so they don't scare people as they sniff through the crowds.


  • 团队已经尝试寻找类似行为——例如能否通过观察学会一起——没有发现

    His team have tried to find such behavior in dogslike whether a dog can learn a dog-human ball game by watchingbut found none.


  • 是不是巴马的收养行为只是被安排像是一次救助或者至少模糊界线堵住那种“奥巴马那里弄了只纯种狗”的批评呢?

    Was his adoption engineered to look like a rescue - or at least blur the line to head off criticism that the Obamas had picked a purebred from a breeder?


  • 来自日本协助演示如何帮助残疾

    Three types of assistance dogs from Japan will show how they help disabled people.


  • 来自日本协助——一只助听两只介助演示如何帮助残疾

    Three types of assistance dogs from Japan: two guide dogs , a hearing dog and two mobility dogs , will show how they help disadvantaged people.


  • 国家地理杂志有一次引述世界级的蚂蚁专家鲍勃泰勒话说30个斗牛蚂蚁就可以咬死

    The world expert on them, Bob Taylor, once was quoted in National Geographic as saying that 30 could kill a person.


  • 其他还有美国主持约翰尼·卡歌手约翰尼·卡什莱西

    Among other names on the list were US TV host Johnny Carson, singer Johnny Cash and canine star Lassie.


  • 继承的是父亲牧羊三世遗产,而冈瑟三世则是德国伯爵夫卡洛塔·利斯坦的唯一遗产继承

    This dog actually received his inheritance from his father, Gunther III, a German Shepherd who received an inheritance from Karlotta Liebenstein, a German countess.


  • 这只名叫霍普德国牧羊将前爪放在割草机扶手上,一样推动机器前进

    Hope, the German shepherd, can place his front PAWS on a lawn mower's handle and push the machine along like a human operator.


  • 媒体大鳄泰米哈达每年举办白宫记者午餐会肯尼迪中心联欢会华盛顿的各种活动召集权力气味犹如侦探一般敏锐。

    From Tammy Haddad's annual White House Correspondents' brunch to the Kennedy Center's galas, Washington hosts and hostesses follow the scent of power with the keenness of bloodhounds.


  • 在那里他们模拟灾区环境下进行练习,训练场景让想起毛骨悚然的现实悲剧嗅探在倒塌的建筑中搜寻,搜救大声呼喊以便发现可能生还者

    There they conduct exercises in a simulated disaster zone which are an eerie echo of real tragedies: sniffer dogs scrabble over collapsed buildings and rescuers call out to potential survivors.


  • 州军事指挥官“牛头詹姆斯.德拉蒙德准将是个使印象深刻的有着优秀的作战记录

    The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record.


  • 寒冷的冬天,一家通常一起呆在唯一有供暖设施的房间里包括他们家迷你腊肠

    During winter, the entire family, including the miniature dachshund, gathers here, which is often the only room heated.


  • 牛头自己特点它们长着被吓到的脸。

    But bulldogs have character. They have a certain look... they're the kind of dog you look at and you get scared.


  • 牛头自己特点,它们长著被吓到的脸。

    But bulldogs have character.They have a certain look... they're the kind of dog you look at and you get scared.


  • 伯纳德一种体型庞大、忠心耿耿的狗狗,它们自从几千年前罗马将它们的祖先带到阿尔卑斯山后就一直生活那里,名字取自圣伯纳德修道院。

    The Saint Bernard is a large hearty dog that has been living in the Swiss Alps since ancient Romans brought its ancestors there thousands of years ago.


  • 每年夏天,义大利海滩度假地会迎来数百万的游客。 据义大利海岸防卫介绍他们每年营救的落水者数量达3000——而这些救生就曾救过

    With millions flocking to Italy's crowded beaches each summer, the Italian Coast Guard says it rescues about 3,000 people every year - and their canine helpers are credited with saving several lives.


  • 可信朋友一位画家画出了2000年前护卫可能是什么模样古老部落,莱斯特部落埋葬他来守护他们宝藏

    Faithful friend: an artist's impression of how the guard dog might have looked 2, 000 years ago before ancient tribe the Corieltauvi buried it to 'guard' their treasure.


  • 美国海豹突击队队员迈克·福赛斯(MikeForsythe),还有——见上图——创造一项新的世界记录,他们30,100英尺高空跳下,成为“高空/空降第一”。

    A U.S. Navy SEAL, Mike Forsythe, and his dog, Cara -- pictured above -- recently broke the world record for "highest man/dog parachute deployment" by jumping from 30, 100 feet.


  • 主要是原因地面机器设计初衷前往搜救救援无法到达的地方——比如高度20英尺(6米)以上瓦砾堆。

    That's mostly because ground robots are designed to go places where dogs and people can'tsuch as into piles of rubble more than 20 feet high.


  • 美国俱乐部(American Kennel Club)的发言LisaPeterson赞同这项研究结论

    Lisa Peterson, a spokesperson for the American Kennel Club, agrees with the study's conclusions.


  • 其实著名伯纳德Barry,在它作为救援期间,共救助过50到100,它十分受喜爱,即使是去世后,们为了纪念它在Le Cimetièredes Chiens,法国狗狗墓地,建起一座纪念碑。

    The most famous alpine-rescue Saint Bernard was named Barry, and he’s credited with saving between fifty and 100 people during his tenure as a rescue dog.


  • 一些小型作为自己宠物另一些饲养各种鸟类鱼类做为他们的宠物。

    Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.


  • 电视节目主持-本。佛阁乐,36岁也是主,他的亲密无比,这他带来了无数快乐回忆引领找到了生命的另一半

    Television presenter and dog owner Ben Fogle, 36, says his relationship with his dog has brought countless happy memories and also led to him meeting his now wife, Marina.


  • 常见于感染

    It occurs primarily in dogs and horses, but can also affect humans.


  • 环氧合酶- 3是环氧合酶家族发现成员大鼠小鼠中的结构分布活性不尽相同

    COX-3, a new member of the COX family, has various structure, distribution and activity in different species such as dog, human, rat and mouse.


  • 毫无疑问,牧羊比赛那些热衷于朋友们展示他们牧羊技巧牧羊设计的。

    The sport was no doubt devised by shepherds keen to impress their friends with the skills of their sheepdogs.


  • 毫无疑问,牧羊比赛那些热衷于朋友们展示他们牧羊技巧牧羊设计的。

    The sport was no doubt devised by shepherds keen to impress their friends with the skills of their sheepdogs.


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