• 研究人物性格了解简爱社会环境描写主要人物分析不可小视的意义

    Study of his character character, to know Jane eyre social environment description and analysis of the main character is not negligible significance.


  • 对其版本著录人物分析叙事手法分析故事类型概括、篇目考证方面研究论文就有三十六篇之

    Its version of the record, character analysis, analysis of narrative technique, style, story summary, table of contents and other aspects of research papers have thirty-six much.


  • 真善美三维“错位”是“错位”理论核心一理论运用于小说人物分析提升人物形象美学价值

    As the core of Mismatch Theory, the Mismatch Theory in truth, goodness and beauty advances the aesthetical value of figure images when it is used in figure analysis.


  • 作品本身人物分析来看金斯匹格马利翁式窒息生命活力的精灵象征莉莎却正好是这种精神反面

    In view of from the work itself and the analysis of the characters, Hig-gins is definitely a symbol of Pygmalion 's devitalizing spirit; while Eliza is, in a sense, the reversal of it.


  • 本文第一章是对《赫索格人物分析,第二是对《洪堡礼物》的人物解读,第三对《更多人死于心碎》《拉维尔·斯坦》人物的阐释。

    The thesis is composed of three chapters and the first two chapters deal with Herzog and Humboldt's Gift separately and the third chapter examines More Die of Heartbreak and Ravelstein.


  • 论文拟从弗洛伊德人格理论视角分析裘德·福莱的人物特点。

    This thesis tries to use Freud's theory of personality to analyze the personal character of Jude Fawley.


  • 例如UIMA用于分析文本确定人物位置、公司关系比如找出包含数据中的 “谁是朋友 “与谁结婚”。

    For example, UIMA can be used to ingest plain text and determine the people, places, organizations, and relationships, such as "is friends with" or "is married to" contained in the data.


  • 其它一些笔迹分析结果则向人们证实了一些已知历史人物的性格特点。

    Other handwriting samples corroborated what is already known about historical figures.


  • 由于关于用户特定信息通常通过业务分析来确认,因此可以利用这些信息创建人物角色。

    Because certain information about users is often identified through business analysis, you can make use of it to create personas.


  • 尽管如此,邓那漫长精彩的一生仍然充满戏剧性全球化意义,这是值得人们详细分析人物

    And yet Deng led a long and remarkable life, packed with drama and global significance, one that deserves to be dissected in detail.


  • 所以在今天星期一我们学习心理理论,其代表人物分别,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和,伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论。

    So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.


  • 心理101课程班医学院、精神病分析研究所越来越多教授专业课和选修课使用小说电影中的人物作案例分析

    Increasingly, professors from psych 101 to medical schools and psychoanalytic institutes are using fiction and film in classroom assignments or outside electives.


  • 分析表示布鲁塞尔高兴的可能是欧盟委员会负责人巴罗佐,因为此次任命了相对不太出名人物,这意味着这两人权威威胁最小

    Analysts said the happiest man in Brussels was probably Barroso because the appointment of two relatively obscure figures represented a minimal threat to his authority.


  • 作为精神分析交叉性强颇为费力社会历史学科的标志性人物赖希一个言说不尽的话题——高傲自大、出言不逊、固执己见影响深远。

    As the hero of this erudite and engaging work of social history, Reich is a fascinating subject. He was arrogant and influential, tyrannical and abusive.


  • 人物他们关系评价分析表明他们之间的评价大都是负面的。

    The evaluative analysis of characters and their relations show their negative judgments of each other.


  • IDC分析FrankGens说“率领IBM公司整合普华永道咨询公司的关键人物而这对IBM公司转型起到了至关重要的作用。”

    "She was the key executive in leading the IBM integration of PricewaterhouseCoopers into IBM," says IDC analyst Frank Gens. "That was instrumental in IBM's transformation."


  • 文章试图从叙述模式、叙述视角人物塑造创作理念四个方面分析拉德小说《诺斯托罗莫》所体现出现代主义的艺术风格

    The art style of modernism in Nostromo by Conrad can be analyzed in four aspects: narrative model, narrative perspective, character molding, and creation thought.


  • 章主要分析了小说中的人物肖像描写以及主要人物所具有戏剧特点

    In this chapter, I analyze the portraits of some characters and the essential dramatic features of the major characters.


  • 分析主要风格流派设计理念设计特征追求目标及其代表人物主要作品

    And we analyze the design concept, characteristic, goal with their typical designers and works of the main styles and genres.


  • 第二具体分析荒凉山庄》小说人物阶级地位及其道德属性探讨维多利亚早中期社会三个典型阶级生存状态

    Chapter Two analyzes the class status and moral attributes of characters in Bleak House to explore the living situations of the three classes in the Victorian Age.


  • 如果法国女性主义观点来分析人物塑造我们得出不同结论

    However, if we analyze the characterization of Archer from the perspective of French Feminism, we may draw a different conclusion.


  • 通过分析戏剧人物话语角色转换来剖析人物的内在意图,可以深入人物内心帮助理解人物形象的塑造

    An analysis of the characters discourse role switching in drama will help delve into his inner world, thereby shedding light on the characterization.


  • 文章通过两部小说中的三个主要象征人物进行对比分析,从而了解到两位大师的象征艺术写作手法的异曲同工之妙。

    This article attempts to expound the excellent skills of symbolism in the three major characters and help the readers to understand their writing styles.


  • 人物形象凸显了莫里森女性主义叙事中所浸含的历史现实理性分析

    The portrayal of this character implies Morrison's rational analysis of history and reality from a subtle feminist perspective.


  • 第三章选取具体的事件进行分析说明自我斗争三个心理阶段人物行为特点

    The third continues the analysis about the main characters 'behaviors in the mental phases dominated by the id, the ego and the superego to show the characteristic mental features.


  • 运用人物形象分析、意象分析援引例证方法证明自己观点

    And the use of the images, image analysis and cited examples of the method prove their point of view.


  • 第四部分理论源于“他人就是地狱”,分析人物孤独隔绝境况。

    The fourth part goes to the idea of "Hell is Other People", analyzing the loneliness and isolation of the characters.


  • 本文试图根据美的特征本质分析人物带给观众美的原因

    This paper analyzes why the characters can bring the beauty to the audience based on the beauty features and nature.


  • 本文试图根据美的特征本质分析人物带给观众美的原因

    This paper analyzes why the characters can bring the beauty to the audience based on the beauty features and nature.


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