• 位于纽约音乐神经功能研究所执行董事联合创始·塔美诺已经临床实践中证实原理

    Connie Tomaino, the executive director and co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurological Function in New York City, has seen evidence of this mechanism in her own clinical practice.


  • 索特有居民714,地处农村,极其偏远

    Consort has a population of 714 and is about as rural and isolated as you can get.


  • 普茶既不是万能不是神奇饮料有些能帮助消化增长活力,”

    "Kombucha is not a cure-all or a magical drink, but some people say it helps with digestion and energy," he said.


  • 他们一起揭露富士员工真实生存状况

    Together, they have found out the real living conditions of Foxconn workers.


  • 是个严肃沉默的小个令不安习惯:眼睛一不眨地看,就好像没有丝毫共同之处

    She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common.


  • 有些味道却步朋友理解为什么要普茶。

    She said some people are put off by the smell and her friends don't understand why she drinks it.


  • 代理很多时间简历注意他们如何对申请药店工作进行比较的。

    Connie: the agents spend lots of time looking at resumes. Notice how they compare people who are looking for a job in a pharmacy.


  • 富士一位发言解释道,这位员工拍照或许为了检测设备忘了删除了。

    The spokeswoman explained that the workers may have taken the photos to test the device but neglected to delete them.


  • 一周培训之后,我们已经知道了:富士,你已经不能当做”来对待,你只是机器

    After a week of training, we concluded that at Foxconn, we shouldn't treat ourselves as human beings, we are just machines.


  • 他们富士工作是因为尽快一些想挣到钱后东西

    They work at Foxconn because they want to make money as quickly as possible. Some want cash to buy the things they make.


  • 星期的一次接受采访中,深圳富士发言刘坤大部分这些自杀者要么精神极度低迷,要么是严重情感问题

    In an interview a few weeks ago, Liu Kun, a Foxconn spokesman in Shenzhen, said most of the victims either had been severely depressed or had serious personal problems.


  • 当时,相信越来越全球化市场中取得成功需要具有一定规模,那时对可以斯带来这样规模的合伙的寻找也正接近尾声。

    Mr Varin was near the end of the search for a partner that would give Corus the scale he believed it needed to prosper in an increasingly global market.


  • 13世纪兹塔克扫荡墨西哥中部陶蒂华这座繁华城市(在公元400年左右繁华时期)已经神秘建造者们遗弃很长一段时间

    By the 13th century when the Aztec swept into central Mexico, the once teeming city—which reached its zenith around a.d. 400—had been long since abandoned by its mysterious builders.


  • 葛兰素史克公司发言珍妮弗·阿姆斯特朗电子邮件里公司也宫颈癌疫苗无关的疫苗研究计划

    GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) has "no plans" to study the company's competing vaccine Cervarix outside of cervical cancer, Jennifer Armstrong, a company spokeswoman, said in an E-mail.


  • 埃里克·托尔G.O.P.弗吉尼亚州国会议员共和党首席代理指出:好像喜急首都一样。

    Eric Cantor, G.O.P. Congressman from Virginia and Republican chief deputy whip: it was almost as if panic had struck the capital.


  • 关于抽象绘画调性音乐关系文献汗牛充栋,、勋二书信往来也互联网上找到

    An enormous literature exists on the relationship between abstract painting and atonal music, and the extensive Kandinsky-Schoenberg correspondence can be found on the Internet.


  • 跑过去不久那些殴打考克斯警察意识他们了,于是停了下来。

    Shortly after Conley ran by, the police officers beating Cox realized that they had made a terrible mistake, and the beating stopped.


  • 我们强调麦切斯托将军受到调查”,检察长发言加里莫霍告诉记者罗湾斯格博罗夫

    "We can state emphatically that Gen. McChrystal is not under investigation," ig spokesman Gary Comerford tells special correspondent Rowan Scarborough.


  • 富士苹果电脑AAPL-新闻-丰田TM - 新闻-生产大部分产品电子产品制造商今年薪金增长了20%。

    Salaries rose 20% this year for companies like Foxconn, the electronics manufacturer that makes most of Apple ( AAPL - news- people)'s products, and at Toyota ( TM - news- people).


  • 1854年今天亨利戴维梭罗发表了情思精妙文理清晰的文章,叙述马萨诸塞州科德城附近小木屋里基本上独自一度过时间。

    Today in 1854, Henry David Thoreau released his nuanced and readable account of two years that he spent largely alone in a cabin near Concord, Massachusetts.


  • 它还不是最怪异,最啧啧称奇的当剑桥大学西蒙·•莫瑞斯称为怪诞虫的古生物。

    Weirdest of all was Hallucigenia, described by Simon Conway Morris, of the University of Cambridge.


  • 公司大会上讲到,富士现已拥有1万名机器数字计划在明年增加至30万,年内最终达到100万。

    Speaking at a company event, Gou said Foxconn already had 10, 000 robots and would increase the number to 300, 000 next year and a million within three.


  • 41岁的拉德利托·菲茨杰拉德公司当债券经纪,他从不错过晚餐

    Mr. Ladley, 41, a bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald, would not miss dinner with the family. "we."


  • 这个属于鄂尔多斯处在戈壁滩边缘新区设计容纳大约30万但是居民表示什的不到该数字的十分之一。

    The new section of Ordos city on the edge of the Gobi desert was designed to accommodate about 300,000 people but residents say fewer than one-tenth of that number live in Kangbashi.


  • 菲亚特控股权家族34岁继承约翰·埃尔 ,即将取代卢卡·蒙泰泽莫洛(Luca di Montezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者

    This, along with the news that John Elkann, a 34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat, would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman, cheered investors.


  • 菲亚特控股权家族34岁继承约翰·埃尔 ,即将取代卢卡·蒙泰泽莫洛(Luca di Montezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者

    This, along with the news that John Elkann, a 34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat, would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman, cheered investors.


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