• 人均消费量(零售)。

    Per Capita Consumption of Meat, Poultry, and Fish (Retail weight, lb).


  • 直到2002罗非鱼才勉强进入美国海鲜消费排名当时人均消费量0.3

    The fish didn't even make the top 10 list of consumed seafood in the U.S. until 2002, when it squeaked by with average consumption of just 0.3 lb. a year.


  • 如今哈萨克马铃薯仅次于小麦重要粮食作物人均消费量为90公斤

    Today, the potato is Kazakhstan's most important food crop after wheat, with average per capita consumption of a high 90 kg a year.


  • 计算人均消费量所带来道德困境并不仅限于粮食领域。它们非常切合全球变暖问题

    The moral dilemmas thrown up by calculating per capita consumption are not confined to food. They apply just as acutely to global warming.


  • 人均消费量较小意味着亚洲的啤酒消费市场有着广阔的增产空间。”麒麟啤酒报告总结

    "There is more room for further growth in Asia down the line because Asians' per capita consumption is relatively small," the Kirin report said.


  • 吧,乐观主义者说道那我们看看人均消费量,2001年至2006年个季度总共上升了17%。

    All right, say the optimists, let's look at consumption per head, which rose 17% in total between 2001 and the second quarter of 2006.


  • 只有10%农村居民人均消费量促使许多国内全球制造商加强他们生产能力挖掘这种潜在潜力

    Low per capita consumption with rural penetration of only 10% has prompted many domestic and global manufacturers to step up their production capacity to tap this latent potential.


  • 然而欧洲第五大咖啡进口国、受危机影响程度意大利相仿的西班牙人均消费量已经2007年水平。 。

    Spain, however, the fifth-largest European importer and another country hard hit like Italy by the crisis, has seen per capitaconsumption back at 2007 levels.


  • 表格说明世界上不同地区消费数量差异,通过人均消费量的对比:巴西359立方米,而刚果共和国只有8立方米。

    The table illustrates the differences in water consumption in some areas of the world by contrasting the amount of water use per person: 359m3 in Brazil compared with only 8m3 in the Congo.


  • 即使众多人工甜味剂制成产品上市后,人均消费量依然在增加

    Even after numerous products made with artificial sweeteners became available, sugar consumption per capita continued to rise.


  • 而1890年之后人均消费量开始下降

    Per capita consumption of chewing tobacco declined after 1890.


  • 1920年代美国年度人均卷烟消费量达到一千,广告商开始女性作为目标市场。

    By the 1920s annual per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States approached one thousand, and advertisers began targeting women.


  • 这个数字已经考虑到了人口增长的情况,假设人均能源消费量可以下降50%。

    This takes into account the growth of America’s population and assumes that per-capita energy consumption could drop by 50 percent.


  • 这种鸡蛋广告宣传灵感来源于美国曾经类似的活动,但日本上述首次,而日本一向也被认为世界上人均鸡蛋消费量最高的国家。

    The AD campaign, inspired by similar advertising in the United States, is the first of its kind in Japan, said to be the world's largest per capita consumer of eggs.


  • 番茄并非中国人主要食品产业数据显示中国的人均番茄消费量0.6公斤相比之下美国25公斤。

    Tomatoes aren't a staple of the Chinese diet -- industry figures show consumption of just 0.6 kilograms per person, compared with 25 kilograms in the U.S.


  • 2009年德国人均消费量下降到少于110捷克爱尔兰奥地利都要少,预计今年消费量还将下滑

    By 2009 German consumption per head had fallen below 110 litres, less than in the Czech Republic, Ireland and Austria. Another fall is expected this year.


  • 澳大利亚堪称豪饮国度,根据世界卫生组织公布的统计结果,该国人均每年啤酒消费量德国、英国比利时之后,位居世界第14位。

    Australia has a reputation for being a nation of heavydrinkerscoming in at number 14 for beer consumption per capitabehindGermany, the United Kingdom and Belgium, says the WorldHealthOrganisation.


  • 目前非洲人均能源利用大洲中最低的,全球能源消费量的3%。

    For now, Africa has the lowest per capita energy use of any continent and makes up only 3 percent of global energy consumption.


  • 中国人均石油消费量只是美国十三分之一,换言之,还有很大增长空间

    But China's per capita oil consumption is only one-thirteenth of the U.S. — in other words, there's a lot of room to grow.


  • 番茄并非中国人主要食品产业数据显示中国的人均番茄消费量0.6公斤

    Tomatoes aren't a staple of the Chinese diet -- industry figures show consumption of just 0.6 kilograms per person, compared with 25 kilograms in the U.


  • 瑞士人均巧克力消费量高于世界任何其他国家。 这并不奇怪,因为瑞士拥有众多世界知名的巧克力公司,诸如瑞士莲,Cailler-Nestle,TobleroneTeuscherSprungli等等。

    Switzerland consumes more chocolate per person that any other country, and with world-renowned companies like Cailler-Nestle, Toblerone, Lindt, Teuscher and Sprungli calling it home it’s no wonder.


  • 足以表现中国人近期产生巧克力喜爱。估算,现在中国人均巧克力消费量为每年100北欧人均摄入量的百分之一。

    The average Chinese person is estimated to consume only 100 grams of chocolate a year-a hundredth or so of the amount devoured in northern Europe.


  • 举出数据证明1967年以来,以色列人均消费量下降了巴勒斯坦人消费量上升了那时候以色列占领占据着约旦河西岸地区。

    He produced figures suggesting Israeli water consumption per person had fallen since 1967, when Israel captured and occupied the West Bank, while Palestinian consumption had risen.


  • 除了荷兰北欧人是世界上人均咖啡消费量最多国家。

    After the Dutch, Scandinavians have the highest coffee consumption per capita in the world.


  • 人均禽肉消费量远远超过牛肉猪肉所以综合农业块领域涨势强劲

    Per-capita consumption of poultry far exceeds that of beef or pork, so growth in this segment of agribusiness is strong.


  • 第三表格我们看到巴西刚果人口数量、土地灌溉面积人均消费量巨大不同。

    Thirdly, from the table, we see the huge disparities between Brazil and Congo in population, irrigated land area and the average water consumption per person.


  • 第三表格我们看到巴西刚果人口数量、土地灌溉面积人均消费量巨大不同。

    Thirdly, from the table, we see the huge disparities between Brazil and Congo in population, irrigated land area and the average water consumption per person.


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