• 现场使用专属贵宾休息室免费享用午餐饮料

    Exclusive use of VIP Lounge with complimentary food and beverages;


  • 唐人街享用午餐参观大英博物馆,在牛津大街自由购物

    Lunch in London 's Chinatown then visit British museum with free time for shopping in Oxford Street.


  • 讨论完教学观摩回馈之后我们行人移师到“古拉爵”享用午餐

    After giving feedbacks about the demo, we moved to Grazie and enjoyed a great lunch.


  • 美国纽约华尔街金融业巨头时尚白领通常喜欢著名牛排享用午餐

    In New York, the financial giants in Wall Street and the white collars of fashion usually like to enjoy lunch in noted steak house.


  • 世界上没有免费午餐只要奥斯陆通行票,就可以免费乘船,也可以免费享用午餐

    And who said there's no such thing as a free lunch? Well, with my Oslo Pass, the trip and the lunch are included.


  • 上周最新一个例子中,有100多人出现社交网络平台Ning位于加州帕罗·奥多办公室享用午餐

    In the latest example, more than 100 people turned up for lunch at the offices of Ning, a social networking web platform, in Palo Alto last week.


  • 埋藏鳗鱼跳出或者像是酒醉一般来游去,或者只是漂浮在水中,等待海豚开始享用午餐

    Buried 6 eels jumped out of the sand and either swam around as if they were drunk or just 7 floated there waiting for the dolphins to start their lunch.


  • 时间女伴身边流逝我们坐在一起享用午餐看似不经意地提起,她和丈夫正在考虑组建家庭

    Time is running out for my friend. We are sitting at lunch when she casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family."


  • 我们首先看到是喧嚣繁忙阿斯旺市区,一排排大型游船停泊岸边,戴着太阳帽游客们早早地就河畔餐馆享用午餐了。

    First we watched the bustle of downtown Aswan, where giant cruise ships lined the Banks, and tourists in sun hats enjoyed early lunches at riverside restaurants.


  • 圣诞节当天上午教堂做完礼拜后,王室成员们于下午一点享用午餐午餐主菜通常桑德灵汉姆宫饲养只大火鸡

    Following their Christmas morning visit to the church, lunch is served at 1:00 PM, usually a giant Turkey reared on the estate.


  • 先生往往英国商人式银行家们正惬意享用午餐,未经约会来到潜在客户面前,—番讲辞之后,就可以签合同。

    While English merchant bankers engaged in an agreeable lunch, Mr Thornton would arrive unannounced at prospective clients, make his pitch and seal the deal.


  • 罗梅罗表示目标不是破纪录接受采访时,罗梅罗正与其爱好爬山父亲继母加德满都的泰美尔旅游区享用午餐

    But Romero, sitting over lunch with his climbing father and stepmother in Kathmandu's tourist district of Thamel, said he was not after setting climbing records


  • 带上好的午餐外卖食品,一起到野外边欣赏美景享用午餐如果计划公园野餐,你们可以享受两个人在一起平和安静

    Prepare a lunch or grab some take-out and enjoy a scenic lunch together. Bonus points if you plan it at a time the park will be quiet so you can enjoy some much-needed peace and silence together.


  • 3月11日地震的第一波前同事杰弗里·刘易斯资深工业界高官日本备受争议的六所村核燃料处理厂里享用午餐

    On March 11, when the first foreshock struck, my colleague Jeffrey Lewis and I were having lunch with senior industry officials at Japan's controversial Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant.


  • 无论想吃顿物所值的午餐还是一家绝佳餐厅享用一顿轻松晚餐这里都是您的最佳选择。

    Whether you'd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you.


  • 元旦那天,自己家里享用漫长午餐,然后打了个。这时,妻子凯茜踢踢他的他叫醒。

    Now he was at home, taking a nap after a long lunch, when his wife, Cathy, kicked his foot to wake him up.


  • 午餐时,把吃剩的饭菜当便当——晚餐的时候多些饭菜,这样可以在第二午餐享用剩余的饭菜了。

    Brown Bag the leftovers for lunch - Always cook enough at dinnertime so you can enjoy lunchtime leftovers the following day.


  • 作为上班族午餐时分享用健康选择,沙拉已经英国主要街道出售,但研究表明,其中大部分含盐量已经到了具有潜在威胁水平

    Usually regarded as a healthy option by workers popping out of the office for lunch, many salads sold on British high streets have potentially harmful levels of salt, research has shown.


  • 谈话之后,我们尽情享用残雪丈夫烹制的美味午餐

    Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.


  • 世界报报道说,今年夏天外出度假法国人不再悠闲地享用精致午餐而是三明治英国人发明的破食品),危机严重性由此可见一斑。

    Underlining the gravity of the crisis, Le Monde reports that French holiday-makers are eating sandwiches (a wretched English invention) instead of decent leisurely lunches this summer.


  • Mines 一起享用了一顿由鸡肉、桃子、核桃仁豌豆烹饪而成午餐后,Mines 表示,承认她出发之前的确还有所顾虑。

    Over a lunch of chicken with peaches, crushed walnuts and snap peas, Ms Mines admits that, before she moved, she was somewhat afraid of the South.


  • 这座城市最北边,有荣格塔哈(MtNgongotaha),游客可以乘坐天空缆车(Skyline Gondola)登上山顶,在风景绝佳的餐厅内享用一顿丰盛的午餐

    On the northern edge of the city, take a Skyline gondola up Mt Ngongotaha, where a restaurant offers lunch with a view.


  • 贫民午餐桌上有了一席之地,享用前所未有饕餮大餐

    Also, I had my dinner from the workhouse table, and it was one of the biggest meals I have ever eaten.


  • 知道说真的;他拿起来,说了谢谢接受礼物然后享用他吃的最丰盛的午餐

    He saw then that she really meant it; he seized the food, nodded his thanks and acceptance of her present, and then made a more splendid meal than he had known ever since he was a goat-herd.


  • 为了解决这个问题公爵夫人想出聪明办法邀请一些朋友下午四至五点钟时与一起享用一个下午餐

    To solve this problem, the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five o 'clock.


  • 享用免费午餐允许人家打开你家的后门。

    You should enjoy free lunch, what have to allow a family to open your home is postern.


  • 明媚阳光伴着清扬喷泉声,这不仅是享用一顿慵懒舒适长午餐的理想场所,更是感受米兰才有的那种特殊的浪漫风情的休憩地。

    Beside the fountain babbling in the warm sunshine, you can enjoy a slow and easy lunch and have the romantic experience as if in Milan.


  • 摆满新鲜海味 黑潮市场享用海鲜午餐海边阳台现场烧烤从市场内购买的新鲜海产。

    Enjoy a seafood lunch where you get to cook it right here on one of the many charcoal barbeque pits located on the seaside terrace.


  • 摆满新鲜海味 黑潮市场享用海鲜午餐海边阳台现场烧烤从市场内购买的新鲜海产。

    Enjoy a seafood lunch where you get to cook it right here on one of the many charcoal barbeque pits located on the seaside terrace.


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