• 可能会告知我们产生颜色选择相同颜色我们能够解决标志标签您的产品

    You may advise us to produce the color of your choice or same colors. We can fix your logo and label on your products.


  • 物体边缘产生一系列颜色使图像变得模糊不清。

    This creates a spectrum of colours at the edges of objects which blurs the image.


  • 皮肤颜色生活地点暴露在外的皮肤面积大小,都会影响的身体所能产生维他命D的量。

    Skin color, where you live and how much skin you have exposed all affect how much vitamin D you can produce.


  • 这种环境鼓励思想自由交流从而形式功能颜色材料方面产生更多创意彻底改变了人们家具设计态度

    This environment encouraged a free interchange of ideas, which led to more creativity with form, function, colour and materials that revolutionised attitudes to furniture design.


  • 同的化学物质会产生不同颜色的火焰,包括亮橙色和深绿色。

    Different chemicals produced different colors of flames, including bright orange and dark green.


  • 一定程度上,磁场这些粒子结构发生改变,有照射它们产生串扰颜色

    The structure of these particles changes in a magnetic field in a way that producesinterferencecolours when light is shone on them.


  • 同样着色剂棕榈石蜡产生不同颜色效果。

    The same colorant will give different color tones with palm and paraffin waxes.


  • 由于各种原因数字摄像机会产生噪声,所以在之间像素很难维持完全一样颜色

    Due to various issues with digital cameras involving noise, pixels will rarely maintain their exact color value between frames.


  • 布朗说如果喜欢颜色,那建立一个色彩为基础的归档系统,从而让你使用产生愉悦感。

    'If you like color and you create a colorful file system, it creates happy feelings when you use it, ' she says.


  • 因此某种特定颜色就能通过刺激特定大小量子点来产生

    Light of a particular colour can therefore be produced by exciting dots of a specific size.


  • 按钮颜色无形中暗示点击产生结果尤其是红色的按钮暗示着”危险“,如果用户点击打算关闭窗口的话。”

    The color of the button implicitly suggested the consequence of clicking it, especially the red button, which suggested "danger" if the user clicked it but didn't mean to close the window.


  • 由于湍流快速变化折射视线中会影响不同颜色,这种影响也各不相同一般恒星产生一种闪烁效果

    Rapidly changing refraction due to turbulence along the line of sight affects different colors of light by different amounts and generally produces a twinkling effect for stars.


  • 身体产生黑色素类型数量决定皮肤头发眼睛颜色

    The type and amount of melanin your body produces determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes.


  • 电极之间电压同时会使胶囊粒子产生一个位移这样就改变了颜色

    Applying a voltage between the electrodes causes a simultaneous shift in the particles in all the capsules in a block, thus changing its colour.


  • 如果我们希望产生这种无效区域,那么我们必须使用标签后面使用颜色然后这种颜色来代替标签角落的透明图像

    If we prefer not to have the small dead space, we need to use a flat color behind the tabs, then use this color in the corner of our tab images instead of making them transparent.


  • 威尔金森微波各异性小组运用计算机程序发现产生声谱微波大小比例,正象棱镜转换波长颜色

    The WMAP team used computer programs to find the proportion of wave sizes generating the sound spectrum, just as a prism converts light wavelengths to color.


  • 可能发现食物产生新的爱好,对你餐食滋味质地颜色香气更加敏感

    You may discover a new love of food as you become more aware of the flavors, textures, colors, and aroma of your meals.


  • 半边视网膜上锥体能够产生不同的光过滤颜色

    Cones in each half of the retina are adapted to produce different light-filtering pigments.


  • 总的来说皮肤颜色皮肤中一种叫做黑色素细胞产生黑色素多少而定的。

    Overall skin coloration is determined by the degree to which cells in the skin called melanocytes produce the pigment melanin.


  • 这种材料表面产生张力时,就会产生波纹表面,并且改变还会影响激光器发出的颜色,并且会随着张力的改变而变色。

    When the strain is removed, it forms a ripply surface, and the spacing of the ripples affects the colour of the laser light, which varies as the material is stretched.


  • NIST科学家们证明精确频段综合通过19位数字的重复可以产生各种特定颜色

    NIST scientists also have demonstrated the most precise synthesis ever of optical frequencies, generating specific colors with a reproducibility of 19 digits.


  • 标记中的是以正常视图风格产生使用不同字体磅值颜色

    The words inside the tags are rendered in the style of the "normal" view, i.e. with different fonts, weights, colors, etc.


  • 作为紫外线灼伤皮层反应,身体产生更多黑色素使皮肤颜色变深。

    In response to the UV rays frying your inner layer of skin, your body produces more melanin pigment that darkens the skin.


  • 氩气产生蓝色绿色产生其他几种颜色两种气体混合可以产生整个可见光谱中的颜色

    Argon emitted blue and green light, krypton several other colours, and mixing the two gases made a laser that could emit across the visible spectrum.


  • 产生颜色差异原因清楚有可能两种地形表面成分差异造成的。

    The origin of the color differences is not yet understood, but may be caused by differences in the surface composition between the two terrains.


  • 年轻我们头发的颜色毛囊里的黑细胞产生色素造成的。

    When we are young, our hair is colouredby the pigments produced by cells in the hair follicle known as melanocytes.


  • 年轻我们头发的颜色毛囊里的黑细胞产生色素造成的。

    When we are young, our hair is colouredby the pigments produced by cells in the hair follicle known as melanocytes.


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