• 销售者不能指明缺陷产品生产者也不能指明缺陷产品供货者的,销售者应当承担赔偿责任

    Where the seller can identify neither the producer of the defective product nor the supplier thereof, the seller shall be liable for compensation.


  • 产品责任目的使制造商制造产品任何缺陷造成损害负责

    The object of product liability law is to hold manufacturers accountable for injuries caused by any defects in their products.


  • 区分缺陷不合格概念重要的,是因为其中法律内涵特别是产品责任问题有关

    The distinction between the concepts defect and nonconformity is important as it has legal connotations, particularly those associated with product liability issues.


  • 销售者不能指明缺陷产品生产者也不能指明缺陷产品供货者的,销售者应当承担赔偿责任

    Where the seller can identify neither the producer of the defective product nor the supplier thereof, he shall be liable for compensation.


  • 企业责任及时弥补消除产品使用过程暴露出质量缺陷安全隐患

    Enterprise have responsibility remedy and dispel products use course expose quality defect and potential safety hazard that happen in time.


  • 雇主雇员侵权责任、在诽谤行为普通法责任中、销售缺陷产品应承担的责任中,都会发现此类规定。

    It is found in an employer's liability for the torts of her employees, in common law liability for defamation, and in liability for selling defective products.


  • 产品存在缺陷并且缺陷产品造成了他人的人身财产损害承担惩罚性赔偿责任客观要件

    Product has defects and defective products caused damage to the person or property, which is to assume liability for punitive elements of the objective.


  • 如果陪审团发现产品缺陷的,并且他们进一步判定缺陷造成伤害,陪审团有可能要求几个被告之间分配责任

    If a jury finds that a product is defective, and the jury goes on to determine that the defect caused the injury, the jury may be required to apportion liability among several defendants.


  • 产品责任缺陷设计生产销售弊端

    Product liability arises from three kinds of defects - design, manufacturing and marketing defects.


  • 产品责任保险法重要制度支撑其中许多规定存在着一些缺陷有待进一步完善

    Product liability law and insurance law is the most important institutional support, many of which provisions also exist some shortcomings, need to be further improved.


  • 采用严格责任归责原则情况下,对产品缺陷鉴定显得尤为重要

    With strict enforcement of the doctrine of liability fixation, it is important to identify the product defect.


  • 产品缺陷构成产品责任前提也是产品责任中的重要组成部分。

    The product defect is the premise of the constitution of the product liability, also is important in the product liability law.


  • 信息服务过程信息产品缺陷致害所引发法律责任问题大量涌现

    The problems of legal liability aroused by the damages of information products emerge in large Numbers in the process of informational service.


  • 只有产品缺陷制度有了深入认识理解,才能够整体产品责任制度加以认识和深化。

    Only by the comprehension of product defect legal system can we recognize and understand the whole product liability system.


  • 产品责任表示制造者加工者销售者其物品或产品内在缺陷状况造成人身财产损失所负的责任

    Products liability indicates the liability of the manufacturer, processor, or seller of an article for injury to person or property caused by a defect in or condition of the article.


  • 销售者不能指明缺陷产品生产者不能指明缺陷产品供货者的,销售者应当承担赔偿责任

    The seller can identify the producer of the defective product, also cannot suppliers of the defective products, the seller shall be liable for compensation;


  • 因而产品是否存在缺陷就成为产品责任认定中的重中之重

    Thus, whether a product has the defect becomes the best important part about the definition of the product liability.


  • 作为一种特殊侵权责任,确立终极目标缺陷产品受害人有效法律救济进而维护社会市场秩序

    As a special liability, product liability is created with the ultimate aim of offering effective legal relief to victims of product and maintaining the market order.


  • 每天收集客户流水线反馈产品质量情况,详细记录包括缺陷模式数量反映问题部门人员缺陷责任

    Collect production quality feedback from customer's production line, and make specific record, including defect mode, quantity, dept personnel reflecting problem, defect responsibility, etc.


  • 产品缺陷负有责任产品制造者销售者,因此在寻找责任承担者时,当然必须确认被告产品制造者或销售者。

    Where it is sought to hold the manufacturer or seller of an article liable for defects therein, the defendant must, of course, be identified as the manufacturer or seller.


  • 承担责任决条件证明争议产品某些方面存在缺陷危险

    The first prerequisite of liability in any products liability case is proof that the article in question was defective or dangerous in some way.


  • 获得的唯一救济联想保修条件全部责任,根据联想的选择修理更换缺陷产品,或在扣除折旧费后将您购买产品价款退还给您。

    Your exclusive remedy and Lenovo's entire liability under this warranty will be for Lenovo at its option to repair or replace the Product or refund your purchase price less any rebates.


  • 获得的唯一救济联想保修条件全部责任,根据联想的选择修理更换缺陷产品,或在扣除折旧费后将您购买产品价款退还给您。

    Your exclusive remedy and Lenovo's entire liability under this warranty will be for Lenovo at its option to repair or replace the Product or refund your purchase price less any rebates.


- 来自原声例句

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