• 马克思是从商品交换发来揭示价值本质

    Marx revealed the essence of value by analyzing Commodity Exchange.


  • 这些有一些可能不是时间使用它们应该被交换

    Some of these pages might not be used for long periods of time, making them good candidates for swapping out.


  • 标志交换加入我们新的插图风格其他品牌元素

    It's more than a logo swap out, incorporating our new illustration style and other brand elements.


  • 几个还想交换因为他相信现在球队基本没有希望了。

    A few months ago, he wanted out of town because he believed the situation was hopeless.


  • 这是因为内核驱动程序需要访问这些内存期间这些页面不能交换

    They need to be locked because the memory will be accessed by kernel-mode drivers and cannot be paged out for the duration of the access.


  • 使得数据交换现了很多问题并且需要这些编码之间的差异编写应用软件

    This made data exchange problematic and required application software to be programmed for differences between these encodings.


  • 如果不在,或是没有空余内存度器会交换内存中的一个普通过程所需过程。

    If it is not, and if there is no free memory region, the dispatcher swaps out a process currently in memory and swaps in the desired process.


  • 一个必然的结果:或许不必要不需要失败交换版物,那些非主要趋势的物品,做成汇集

    One inevitable result-perhaps unintended and certainly unwanted-is the failure of non-trade publications, which are outside the main stream, to make it into these collections.


  • 这种实践并没有增加Eclipse中的项目结构复杂性相反好处可以轻松地交换实现捆绑包

    This practice does make the project structure in Eclipse a bit more complex, but the benefit is that you can swap out the implementation bundles much more easily.


  • 决定将哪些交换具体算法取决于所用Windows版本可能最近最少访问算法一种变体

    The precise algorithm used to decide which page should be swapped out depends on the version of Windows you are using; it's probably a variation of the least-recently-accessed method.


  • 不过它们可以交换之前,必须找到映射那个一个进程这样那些进程相应页页表条目才可以被更新

    However, before they can be swapped out, every single process mapping that page must be found so that the page-table entry for the page in that process can be updated.


  • 因为许多框架中,都存在针对主要业务对象服务接口,所以对于交换进和交换这类接口的不同实现应该有所体验

    Because interfaces already exist for the main business objects and services in many frameworks, you've likely had experience with swapping in and out different implementations of such interfaces.


  • 重要更改处理分页问题即使系统拥有足够的空闲内存数据库服务器频繁地交换计算性页面也可能导致这个问题。

    The most important changes were made to address paging issues, where database servers frequently page out computational pages, even though the system has enough free memory.


  • 是因为服务器服务器框架交换时,可以一个单元旋转生产通过其他单元处理负载从而进行内存CPU升级

    This is because a cell can be rotated out of production, with the other cells handling the load while servers or server frames are swapped out so that memory and CPU upgrades take place.


  • 火箭队主教练范甘迪坚持认为将弗朗西斯交换出去是因为得到特雷西·麦格雷迪。 范甘迪说,球迷应该欢呼声不是嘘声欢迎史蒂夫·弗朗西斯再次回到丰田体育中心。

    Jeff Van Gundy insisted again that the deal was made to acquire Tracy McGrady rather than to move Steve Francis.


  • 不过,两者还是有所不同麦格雷迪度过了在奥兰多糟糕赛季要被交换出去,而弗朗西斯则为火箭队作了重要的贡献,他不想离开火箭队,所以当他交换出去的时候,他感到失望震惊。

    The departures were vastly different. McGrady had come off his team's worst season of his tenure and wanted to be dealt.


  • 值列pi/po(换进/换页面),表示了对多少页面进行交换

    The key columns are the pi/po (page in/page out), which indicate how many pages have been exchanged.


  • 交换较高数值表示存在许多进程使用太多内存需要它们进行

    High Numbers in the swapped column indicate that there are two many processes using too much memory that need to be swapped in and out.


  • vmstat工具线程/进程信息内存/交换使用率、换进/换页面磁盘I/O、页面错误CPU统计信息

    The vmstat tool outputs thread/process information, memory/swap usage, page ins/outs, disk I/O, page faults, and CPU statistics.


  • 离子交换软化某种离子交换形成水垢离子水中容易生成水垢离子置换来,从而使得到软化。

    Ion exchange softening method is to use a certain scale forming ions in the ion exchanger, will be easy to generate the scale of calcium and magnesium ion in water, making water softening.


  • 离子交换软化某种离子交换形成水垢离子水中容易生成水垢离子置换来,从而使得到软化。

    Ion exchange softening method is to use a certain scale forming ions in the ion exchanger, will be easy to generate the scale of calcium and magnesium ion in water, making water softening.


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