• 鲁维目前每年生产大米数量刚好满足国内需求

    In Teruvia, the quantity of rice produced per year is currently just large enough to satisfy domestic demand.


  • 可预见将来,特鲁维水稻总面积不会扩大每亩水稻产量也不会显著增加。

    Truvia's total rice acreage will not be expanded in the foreseeable future, nor will rice yields per acre increase appreciably.


  • 2009年,澳大利考瑞大学的玛丽·玛加特库鲁姆·布朗了解侧化方面是否存在普遍认知优势

    In 2009, Maria Magat and Culum Brown at Macquarie University in Australia wanted to see if there was general cognitive advantage in lateralisation.


  • 这些同样材料尽管非常适合庞大埃特鲁里风格却被佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期有效地利用创造出精致最优雅风格

    But these same materials, which so suited the massive Etruscan style, were effectively used by the Florentine Renaissance to create the most delicate and graceful of styles.


  • 了写了另一本书《回家的漫漫旅程》——讲述关于他与罗文一起前往非洲、澳大利和美国利桑那州的故事之外,鲁珀特还制作了纪录片《濒危动物》,由罗文担任主持人,讲述了那些濒临灭绝的动物。

    Besides writing another book, The Long Ride Home, about travelling with Rowan to Africa, Australia and Arizona in the US, Rupert has also produced the documentary Endangerous, with Rowan as host, about dangerous animals that are endangered.


  • 珠宝设计工艺意大利历史悠久,可以追溯到三千前的伊特鲁利人。 此次展览是意大利悠久手工艺传统的生动写照,正是这些设计工艺使意大利数百年来保持着珠宝设计领域的杰出地位。

    Jewellery design has a long history in Italy, which can be traced back 3,000 years to when the Etrurian civilisation boomed.


  • 意大利伟大特鲁里艺术的经典之一收藏瓜尔纳博物馆

    One of the most significant collections of Etruscan art in Italy is housed at the Museo Guarnacci.


  • 刚刚来到迪普斯鲁特镇不到个月一位店主埃塞俄比默罕默德·拉蒂·古鲁尔表示正在祈祷那些威胁不要变成现实。

    Mohamad Radi Gruer, an Ethiopian shopkeeper who arrived just two months ago to run a shop in Diepsloot, says he’s praying that nothing comes of the threats.


  • 但是据某些推测特·鲁利人在史前好像就已经占据片富饶的土地。

    The same site had likely already been an Etruscan settlement and, by some speculation, occupied since prehistoric times.


  • 他们为清洁煤,因为他们使用了一些过滤器实际上胡说八道,”公民团体默尔扎·马尔齐奥利,该组织位于附近古国伊特·鲁里的塔奎尼

    "They call it clean coal because they use some filters, but it is really nonsense," said Marza Marzioli of the no coal citizens group in the nearby ancient Etruscan town of Tarquinia.


  • 历史胜利者篇章,渐渐地特·鲁里人便历史章页里消失了。而古时伊族人的原始家乡之迷只是饱学之人圈内的讨论。

    Since history is written by the winners, the Etruscans were written out of it-though even in ancient times the question of where their original homeland lay was a matter of intellectual debate.


  • 出生于澳大利新闻集团董事长鲁珀特·默多克获得了美国公民身份,从而资格美国拥有媒体的所有权。

    News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch, an Australian by birth, acquired U.S. citizenship to be eligible for media ownership in the United States.


  • 阿尔伯塔省的贾斯帕不列颠哥伦比鲁珀王子港,乔治王子港过一夜

    Jasper, Alberta, to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, with an overnight stop in Prince George, BC.


  • 一张观赏太空前排座票,”特鲁格利,“社会上的一部分人是有足够的吸引力的,这些人的特点就是希望生活中充满挑战冒险。”

    A front-row seat of space, ” Truglia said. “I think that will appeal to a certain sector of society, people that want to adventure and live on the edge.”


  • 公元前7世纪建立公元前世纪落入罗马之前曾经重要的伊特鲁里城市之一。 在落入罗马之后命名为Volaterrae,为人熟知。

    Velathri, founded in the seventh century BC, was one of the most important Etruscan cities, before falling in the third century BC to Rome, after which it was known as Volaterrae.


  • 赢得Cosan家长地位之前,鲁本斯.奥米特.希尔弗伊.梅隆与其家族成员巴西法庭上对峙10

    Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello fought the other members of his family for ten years in Brazil’s courts before winning control of Cosan.


  • 澳大利首相凯文。鲁德参加威斯敏斯特寺举办的追悼仪式,几年上个月澳大利维多利发生森林大火中丧生173名死者

    30pm - Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to attend memorial service at Westminster Abbey to remember the 173 victims of Australia's bush fires in Victoria last month.


  • 期间,只有个叫史蒂夫·特鲁格利人,45岁,职业是电影特技演员,并且英国特种部队的一有一个类似计划:7月份的时候从美国上空跳下

    But Steve Truglia, a 45-year-old movie stuntman and a former member of the British Special Forces, said he planned a similar jump over the United States in July.


  • 鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)出生澳大利

    Rupert Murdoch was born in Australia.


  • 历山德拉鲁特休斯顿,得克萨斯。伊卡萨20口径并排式。

    Alexandra and Truett, Houston, TX.Ithaca 20-gauge side-by-side. "guns."


  • 20世纪40年代澳大利98%的人口为安格鲁·卡尔特人,80年代人口组成主要是意大利人和希腊人少数欧洲人以及已经开始潜移默化的混入其中越南人

    In the 1940s Australia was about 98% Anglo-Celtic; by the 1980s a few other Europeans, mostly Italians and Greeks, and latterly some Vietnamese, had started to leaven the mix.


  • 历史文献表明佩鲁贾片地区(吉科莫·马泰奥广场(Piazza GiacomoMatteott)下方),存在着一个古旧的伊特鲁里(etruscan)城墙,在历史学和考古学方面都重要的文物。

    Historical documents show that in this part of Perugia (below Piazza Giacomo Matteott) an old etruscan city wall exists, which is important historically as well as archeologically.


  • 大多数历史学家认为伊特·鲁利社会在2500多年到达了顶峰

    Most historians believe that Etruscan society reached its height more than 2500 years ago.


  • 吉尔开始考虑是否阿德里永远生活在一起,又是否要让格特·鲁德斯坦当编辑

    Gil starts to wonder if he would live forever with Adriana and let Gertrude Stein be his editor.


  • 曼图意大利北部城市,位于维罗那西南偏南方向,原为特鲁里人居住地,后于1714年割让奥地利最终于1866年回归意大利。人口60,932。

    A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in1714 and was finally returned to Italy in1866. Population, 60, 932.


  • 特·人:古代伊特·鲁里本地人居民

    Etruscan: a native or inhabitant of ancient Etruria.


  • 伊特·鲁里人时期气象学大有进展。但正如大家所,与其说科学,倒不如说它是门艺术

    Meteorology has advanced considerably since the Etruscans' day-but as we all know, it is still more an art than a science.


  • 罗马原始部落古代罗马三个分支拉丁人、萨宾人和伊特·鲁利人。

    Any of the three divisions of the ancient Romans, namely, the Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan.


  • 伊特鲁里卡皮托利尼山上朱庇特建了大庙广场地区水排干

    The Etruscans built a great temple to Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill and drained the forum area.


  • 伊特鲁里卡皮托利尼山上朱庇特建了大庙广场地区水排干

    The Etruscans built a great temple to Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill and drained the forum area.


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