• 此类举动泼冷水效应亚洲协会报告

    Such moves have a chilling effect, the Asia Society report says.


  • 午餐演讲有亚洲协会会长卜励德主持美国各界人士300出席

    The luncheon was presided over by Nicholas Platt, president of Asia Society, and attended by nearly 300 people from all walks of life in the United States.


  • 希望亚洲协会继续促进中美人民之间相互理解友谊发挥积极作用

    It is hoped that Asia Society continues to play an active role in promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples.


  • 亚洲协会同伴一道培育世界文化交流努力

    The Asian Cultural Council looks forward to working with you and your colleagues to help foster international cultural exchange.


  • 原先实验室建于1860年,用作亚洲协会行政办公用房

    The old Laboratory, also built in 1860, holds the Asia Society's administrative offices.


  • 南加州亚洲协会六月30号庆祝晚宴授予布来恩特这一荣誉

    Asia Society Southern California will honor Bryant on June 30 at its annual gala dinner in Los Angeles.


  • 亚洲协会书刊研究目的必须雇用一些梵文先生来替一些机械工作

    For the purposes of the Asiatic Society's publications and researches, he had to employ a number of Sanscrit Pandits to do the mechanical work for him.


  • 半个世纪亚洲协会成立时,亚洲深陷冷战的僵局,贫困肆虐,前景苍凉

    A half century ago when the Asia Society was founded, Asia was frozen in a cold war, wracked by poverty, and seemingly destined for desolation.


  • 亚洲协会负责人朱迪-基拉昌中国,很少制度性障碍阻挠女性实现职业上的成功

    In China, there are fewer institutional barriers for women trying to succeed professionally, says Judi Kilachand, an executive director at the Asia Society.


  • 一个新的两层亭式建筑,由产中国南方暗绿色石材覆盖,漂浮在上方用作亚洲协会入口

    A new two-story pavilion building, clad in dark green stone sourced from southern China, floats above, serving as the Asia Society's entrance.


  • 今天这里高朋满座,嘉宾云集,机会一次亚洲协会盛会上大家讲话,我感到十分荣幸

    It is nevertheless a great honour and privilege to be invited once again to the Asia Society gathering and to be speaking in front of this very distinguished audience.


  • 8月份举行亚洲协会会议上,美国巴基斯坦特别事务代表理查德·霍尔布鲁克表示“洪水影响每一个人。”

    Speaking at the Asia Society in August, Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special representative for Pakistan, explained "the water has affected everyone."


  • 美国亚洲协会一项新的报告称亚洲获取安全稳定水源愈发困难,“这会地区安全产生深远影响”。

    Reduced access to a safe, stable water supply in Asia "will have a profound impact on security throughout the region, " according to a new Asia Society report.


  • 8月份举行亚洲协会会议上,美国巴基斯坦特别事务代表理查德·霍尔布鲁克表示“洪水影响每一个人。”

    Speaking at the Asia Society in August, Richard Holbrooke, U. S. special representative for Pakistan, explained "the water has affected everyone."


  • 这座蜿蜒穿过丛林连接新旧建筑,象征亚洲协会使命增强东西方联系保卫临灭绝的野生栖息地

    Symbolizing the Asia Society's mission to enhance connections between the East and West, and to safeguard an endangered wildlife habitat, the bridge zigzags through the jungle, linking old and new.


  • 际能源协会去年报告说,世界上有近15亿人没有电可用,其中大多数人生活在撒哈拉以南非洲、印度和亚洲其他国家。

    The International Energy Association reported last year that nearly one and a half billion people in the world had no electricity to use, and most of them live in sub---Saharan Africa and in India and other countries in Asia.


  • 行业组织世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)报告亚洲投资者一季度实际上抛售黄金,西方人则大举购买黄金,推动金价大幅上升。

    The World Gold Council, an industry body, reports that Asian investors were actually net sellers during the first quarter, while westerners bought heavily and sent prices soaring.


  • 访问亚洲许多协会

    I visited a number of research institutes in Asia.


  • 代表着亚洲-太平洋地区国家级专业会计机构的利益,拥有24个司法管辖区内31家会计协会成员

    It represents national professional accounting organisations in the Asia-Pacific region and has a membership of 31 accounting organisations in 24 jurisdictions.


  • 目前亚洲神学协会历代志释经书。

    Presently, she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association.


  • 一飞跃式的增长主要归结于印刷行业技术领先者场地需求增加,当然,也应归功于我们亚洲行业协会合作的加强

    This dramatic growth is due to increased space requirements of the industry's technology leaders along with increasing cooperation with associations in Asia.


  • 同年,学院更太平洋亚洲旅游协会颁授教育培训金奖确认学院课程内容质量

    In the same year, IFT received from the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) the Gold Award in "Education and Training", which acknowledged the content and the quality of IFT's programmes.


  • 巧合,我过去亚洲儿童牙科协会紧密交流正好能帮助我给与亚洲儿童更好的治疗。

    Due to a tight contact to the Asia association of pediatric dentistry. I am familiar with the specific need and dental problems of the Asia Kids.


  • 巧合,我过去亚洲儿童牙科协会紧密交流正好能帮助我给与亚洲儿童更好的治疗。

    Due to a tight contact to the Asia association of pediatric dentistry. I am familiar with the specific need and dental problems of the Asia Kids.


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