• 泰勒已经提名亚当接替者。

    Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement.


  • 亚当做了一连串对他很有利工作

    Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead.


  • 亚当按了一个按钮然后等着乘坐电梯

    Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift.


  • 亚当上帝寻求指导

    Adam sought guidance from the Almighty.


  • $103是从亚当太太薪水中扣除的。

    The $103 is deducted from Mrs. Adams' salary.


  • 什么?”亚当怀疑地问道

    "What is it you want me to do?" Adams asked suspiciously.


  • 十分同情亚当太太失去了父亲孩子们

    My heart goes out to Mrs. Adams and her fatherless children.


  • 亚当在撞车事故中平安脱险,受了点划伤擦伤

    Adam walked away from the crash with just cuts and grazes.


  • 最后2个回合中,教士队力挫特里亚当,跑垒得4分。

    The Padres scored four runs off Terry Adams in the last 2 innings.


  • 巨人得分二人搭档亚当∙库彻恩伯特∙布鲁尓领队。

    The Giants are led by the scoring duo of Adam Courchaine and Gilbert Brule.


  • 亚当昨天轻松获胜无异于告诉人们奥运代表队应有位置

    Adams staked his claim for a place in the Olympic team with his easy win yesterday.


  • 开始,斯图尔特·莱斯利·戈达德,又叫蚂蚁亚当就知道成为明星

    From the very beginning, Stuart Leslie Goddard, a.k.a. Adam Ant, knew he was going to be a star.


  • 为什么医学院医生不喜欢亚当

    Why did the doctors at the medical school dislike Adams?


  • 亚当兄弟莱恩太太割草机割

    The Adams brothers used Mrs. Lane's mowers to cut the grass.


  • 夏娃劝服,说服亚当上帝所禁止的

    Eve persuaded by the serpent, persuades Adam to do what was forbidden by God.


  • 医学院医生喜欢亚当因为与众不同

    The doctors at the medical school didn't like Adams very much because he was too different.


  • 亚当一切牲畜空中飞鸟田野走兽都起了

    Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field.


  • 两个的时间,最好朋友亚当东欧旅游。

    He would like to spend two months visiting Eastern Europe with his best friend Adam.


  • 因为就像第一创世故事里亚当夏娃诺亚告知多子多孙

    Because like Adam and Eve in the first creation story, Noah is told to be fruitful and multiply.


  • 只是无意中听到一些研究生谈话关于亚当院长派对的?

    I just have overheard some graduate students' talking, something about a party for Dean Adams?


  • 埃迪斯科文大学教育学院海伦·亚当博士调查儿童读物中的文化多样性

    Dr. Helen Adam from Edith Cowan University's School of Education investigated the cultural diversity of children's books.


  • 亚当埃及金字塔荣耀但是发现金字塔建立奴隶不幸之上的。

    Adam glorified the pyramids of Egypt, but he discovers that they are built on the misery of slaves.


  • 可以看看叶芝的诗歌《亚当诅咒》,看看诗人是如何谈论一美学理想的。

    You could go to Yeats' poem Adam's Curse to see how the poet talks about this aesthetic ideal.


  • 亚当诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾地说,美丽值得之努力的,隐藏这种努力

    Yeats, in "Adam's Curse", regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.


  • 在《亚当诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾道这种美丽值得之劳作的,掩盖这种劳作

    Yeats, in Adam's Curse, regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.


  • 在这里,“银发网上冲浪者”活动组织者之一吉尔·亚当给出了认为老年人应该上网的理由

    Here, Gill Adams, one of the organizers of Silver Surfers' Day, gives her top ten reasons why all older people should get connected.


  • SimonBlackmore英国哈珀亚当大学研究农业技术认为轻型自主机器人可能解决这个问题

    Simon Blackmore, who researches agricultural technology at Harper Adams University College in England believes that fleets of lightweight autonomous robots have the potential to solve this problem.


  • 亚当医学院毕业成为医生后,其他一些医生一起开办了自己医院名为Gesundheit学院”。

    When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called "the Gesundheit Institute", together with some other doctors.


  • 离开医院时,亚当决定成为名医生所以美国弗吉尼亚州医学院当他那里时,他一种不同方式做事

    When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to Medical School in Virginia, USA , but when he was there he did things in a different way.


  • 出差周前这个国家旅游时,收音机收听关于已故英国作家道格拉斯·亚当杰作银河系漫游指南相关评论。

    Traveling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business, I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams' masterwork "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" on the radio.


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