• 地震发生后,新闻便报导是个震央在宜兰外海五点七级地震。

    The news reports on it, just after it had happened, said it was a 5.7 off of Ilan.


  • 比如马来西亚:美国出口猛跌GDP仍然保持了快速的增长,2006年马来西亚全年GDP增长为百分之五点七,而上年度第三季度为止它已经增长了百分之六点

    Take Malaysia: exports to America plunged, yet its GDP growth quickened from 5.7% at the end of 2006 to 6.7% in the third quarter of last year.


  • 八月二十二十一日,也就是周五周六下午五点工作人员关闭所有SR 530路段的通道OSOloop入口之间太阳能道钉安装在高速公路中心线位置

    Crews will close all lanes of SR 530 from 7am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, between both entrances to Oso Loop Road to install the solar studs in the centerline of the highway.


  • 不能别人提起搏击因为搏击会礼拜六凌晨两点礼拜天早上点那五个小时内存在

    You don't talk about fight club because except for five hours from two until seven on Sunday morning, fight club doesn't exist.


  • 昨晚正准备下来周五的“读者问答”帖子克丽丝打来电话。

    Kris called me at seven o 'clock last night, just as I was sitting down to write the Friday "Ask the Readers" post.


  • 跟踪几天后,警方接到嫌犯藏身河岸的消息,于星期五下午二十分采取行动,当地居民发出警告,要求他们留在自己的家中以防不测。

    After days of tracking, police responded to reports that Moat was on a riverbank at about 7:20 p.m on Friday. They warned residents to stay indoors for their own safety.


  • 忘了课后讨论会今晚开始还有几场分别在今晚八点周五下午一点半周一上午

    Don't forget sections start tonight at seven o 'clock and there's another set at eight o 'clock and then Friday afternoon at one thirty and Monday morning.


  • 摄入点五肉豆蔻导致痉挛10克就会引起幻觉

    Ingesting 7.5 grams will cause convulsions, and eating 10 grams will cause hallucinations.


  • 发射场系统总指挥周五下午四点三十分,航天员将计划进行中国第一次“太空漫步”。 神舟号将于25飞天。

    The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission's ground operation has said.


  • 通过五到话题可以回顾一周甚或个月的经历,知道从哪儿开始

    By including 5-7 major talking points you can look back a week or even a few months later and still have a good idea about how to start a blog entry.


  • 合肥这类优质原料用于二点五厘米点五厘米的作物。

    But finer materials such as compost should only be two and a half to seven and a half centimeters high.


  • 迈克斯留意镜子座钟。钟上指针点钟,一会儿分钟

    Max watched the mirror and the clock. The hands of the clock marked seven o 'clock, and then five minutes past seven.


  • 数值模拟研究手段法井网、法井网以及油层、多油层聚合物波及系数及驱效果进行模拟;

    The sweep efficiency and oil displacement effect of polymer flooding in seven spot and five spot patterns for single and multizone reservoirs were simulated by numerical simulation.


  • 新的一年开始好事二连三,心情四季如春,生活五颜六色缤纷,偶尔八点财,烦恼抛九霄云外!

    New Year wish good barrage, mood and life colorful, permanent spring-like colourful, occasionally, little trouble at all!


  • 耶,到时再说吧礼拜五晚上到时再看做什么

    No, let's play it by ear. I'll pick you up at seven on Friday. Then we can decide what to do.


  • 可以第五找到一点关于的事情,或者在第五本中找到一些意义的事情,然后你会在第本中发现一些难以置信的重要的关于她的内容。

    You'll find out a lot more about her in book five, or you'll find out something very significant about her in book five, and you'll find out something incredibly important about her in book seven.


  • 点三十分,只好拖着寂寞身影回家即食面。为什么星期五晚月光总是特别凄凉

    You can only go home with your lonely figure to have instant noodle at seven thirty. Why Friday moonlight is always so bleak?


  • 纳斯达克综合指数本周上升了3.8个百分点,这是2010年以来的最高五日增幅。

    The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced 3.8 percent this week, the biggest five-day gain since July 2010.


  • 奥多姆阿里扎只能等到明年一号才能考虑续约问题,周五训练过后谈话中来看,他们似乎一点担心自己未来

    Odom and Ariza can't negotiate new deals until July 1, but neither seemed concerned about his future when they talked Friday after practice.


  • 我们计画星期五晚上点半在我家举行“准新娘礼物参加吗?

    We plan to have a bridal shower at my home next Friday night at seven thirty. Would you be able to join us?


  • 品牌企业经营过程分为、经营要点可以概括为点。

    The operating process of brand enterprise is divided into five steps.


  • 报告指出,驾驶执照车辆牌照办事处坦承把二00年十二月漏缴道路税收比率至百分之二点五是可能的事。

    The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) now admits it will not hit its target of reducing the overall evasion rate to 2.5 percent by December 2007, the report said.


  • 五月二十六日晚上点钟香榭丽舍大道找基督山伯爵,找父亲

    Go to the Count of Monte Cristo, Avenue des Champs elysees, on the 26th of May, at seven o 'clock in the evening, and demand of him your father.


  • 五月二十六日晚上点钟香榭丽舍大道找基督山伯爵,找父亲

    Go to the Count of Monte Cristo, Avenue des Champs elysees, on the 26th of May, at seven o 'clock in the evening, and demand of him your father.


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