• 一项早期研究表明我们电视时,我们大脑大多表现出缓慢阿尔法,这表明我们的兴奋程度程度低,类似做白日梦的状态。

    An early strain of research claimed that when we watch television, our brains mostly exhibit slow alpha wavesindicating a low level of arousal, similar to when we are daydreaming.


  • 托罗2013年通过日本高考进入东京大学

    Torobo passed Japan's national college entrance exam and got into the University of Tokyo in 2013.


  • 感谢那契序列可以很容易发现枯枝与滚草的渐进层次非常类似吊灯

    Thanks to the Fibonacci sequence you can easily find dead twigs and tumbleweeds with graduated tiers resembling a chandelier.


  • 肖恩拉托作家职业撰稿人工作团队致力生活方式规划的研究,让生活蓝图更加没有,更多信息可以登录他的微博。

    Sean Platt is an author and professional ghostwriter, and part of the crew at the lifestyle design site, Your Life's Blueprint. Life's better when you follow him on Twitter.


  • 上周安达尼科群岛首府布莱尔去世。该岛2004年遭受海啸毁灭性袭击

    She died last week in Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which were hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004.


  • 所有电磁麦克斯韦大约150年前创立的四个数学公式的支配。

    All these electromagnetic waves are governed by four mathematical expressions established almost 150 years ago by James Clerk Maxwell.


  • 另外还有一个奖项授予那些致力推广爱德加·爱伦影响个人组织企业这个奖项著名作品命名

    An award also goes to an individual, organization or business for working to continue the influence of Edgar Allan Poe. The award is named for Poe's most famous work.


  • 一些保守派政客热衷令人不快潮头浪尖部分担心如果他们这样做,不负责的民粹主义者取代他们位置

    Some conservative politicians have been eager to clamber aboard this unpleasant bandwagon, partly out of fear that if they don't irresponsible populists will take their places.


  • 一些保守派政客热衷令人不快潮头浪尖部分担心如果他们不这样做,负责的民粹主义者取代他们位置

    Some conservative politicians have been eager to clamber aboard this unpleasant bandwagon, partly out of fear that if they don’t irresponsible populists will take their places.


  • 车臣人和警察审判莫斯科举行,此涉嫌2006年谋杀俄国记者安娜·利特·科夫斯·卡娅。

    The trial began in Moscow of three men, two Chechens and a former policeman, accused of involvement in the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist, in 2006.


  • 场面类似15年前加州硅谷当时第一企业家新的网络泡沫时代的企业家

    He says the scene resembles California's Silicon Valley 15 years ago, when the first wave of entrepreneurs paved the way for the new wave of dot-com era entrepreneurs.


  • 来自科罗拉多大学德校区科学家们不能确定海水消失原因他们相信更多的有关海洋猜想证据仍旧地表之下

    Scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder are unsure why the water vanished, but many suspect traces of the ocean remain in ice buried deep beneath the surface.


  • 说:“最终我们脑部治疗方法的补救问题上受制副作用产生的多少。”

    Our ability to remedy problems in the brain may ultimately be limited by how many side effects occur, ” said Boyden.


  • 本图,德国工程师,1990年毕业于波兹曼的蒙大拿州立大学,获化学工程硕士学位,2001年加入科赫-格力奇公司

    Bentu, a German engineer who earned his master's degree in chemical engineering from Montana State University in Bozeman in 1990, joined Koch-Glitsch in 2001.


  • 那种固执认为卡洪塔斯史密斯之间存在爱情故事想法主要应归功史密斯本人无法抗拒男性魅力

    The persistent notion of a love affair between Pocahontas and Smith owes much to Smith's own pose as a man of irresistible appeal.


  • 第二病例来自西爪瓦省德9岁男童,他116日出现症状,1月23日住院1月27日死亡。

    The second case, a 9-year-old male from Depok Municipality, West Java, developed symptoms on 16 January, was hospitalized on 23 January and died on 27 January.


  • 达瑞克幸运的是,这种记忆问题容易修复只要专注记住的东西就可以了。

    Luckily, this kind of memory problem has an easy fix, says Poldrack: Simply pay undivided attention to whatever you really want to recall later.


  • 第二来自躲避索马里阿富汗得战火非洲欧洲中东等地的难民。

    The next one was made up of those fleeing violence in Africa, Europe and the Middle East: Somalis, Afghans, Kurds.


  • 1990年代洛杉矶郊外设厂生产光盘但是成本过高,他2006年把工厂华盛顿州

    In the 1990s, he manufactured them outside Los Angeles, but says costs were high, so in 2006 he chose the city of Spokane in Washington State for his new plant.


  • 情况大白天下,拉德被捕显示传递以色列情报从来就没有流落来美国人敌国,苏联人的手中。

    Information has come to light since Pollard's arrest that shows that the intelligence he passed to Israel never made its way to the United States' enemies, such as the Soviet Union.


  • 冲击高温核辐射产生相关后果很大程度上取决引爆高度

    The relative effects of blast, heat, and nuclear radiation will largely be determined by the altitude at which the weapon is detonated.


  • 光是一种电磁X光紫外线红外线无线

    Light is an electromagnetic wave, with a longer wavelength than X-rays and ultraviolet, and a shorter wavelength than infra-red, microwaves and radio waves.


  • 一个喷绘季节,”,“相较喷绘,推荐这种体型人着线条衣服。

    "It's a very print-heavy season, " Saboura says. "But I'm more of a fan of texture for this body type than I am of print.


  • 一个喷绘季节,”,“相较喷绘,推荐这种体型人着线条衣服。

    "It's a very print-heavy season," Saboura says. "But I'm more of a fan of texture for this body type than I am of print.


  • 一个喷绘季节,”,“相较喷绘,推荐这种体型人着线条衣服。

    "It's a very print-heavy season," Saboura says. "But I'm more of a fan of texture for this body type than I am of print.


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