• 可能意味着回归更小田地农作物种植成网格不是成行果树修剪以便于收割。

    This could mean a return to smaller fields, with crops planted in grids rather than rows and fruit trees pruned into two-dimensional shapes to make harvesting easier.


  • 因此不同所说的那样,蛞蝓应该能将身体一个三个更多个的驼峰隆肉式。

    So a sea slug could shape its body into the one, two, three or more humps that different people say they have seen.


  • 第一毛线从中间分开使一个X。 然后再将剩余毛线第一层略长度(我的4英寸),组成捆,起来。

    Divide the sides of the first bundle in half so that it’s the shape of an X. Cut a second bundle of yarn into shorter lengths than the first (mine were 4shorter) and tie.


  • 选项卡(三角)上,看到特定文档字段列表如图1所示。

    On the second TAB (with the triangle), you get a list of the fields of the specific document, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 理论——让我们姑且这么称呼吧,则一方面可以我们能够继续使用矿物燃料,另一方面也保证燃烧产生氧化碳不再污染空气

    Wedge theory, if it may be so described, balances that with thinking about ways to continue using fossil fuels while keeping the carbon dioxide that generates out of the atmosphere.


  • 浴室也是完全改建用了黑色白色六角大理石地砖和白色的壁砖。

    We did a total remodel of the second bath, with black and white marble hex tiles on the floor and a white tile wainscot.


  • 他们修饰一种特殊表面覆盖被称为体的哑铃原子

    They tinkered with a particular type of silicon whose surface is covered with dumbbell-shaped pairs of atoms called dimers.


  • 明显图案飞马座四边:即构成飞马躯体

    Its most noticeable star pattern is the Great Square of Pegasus: four second magnitude stars marking the body of the horse.


  • 类似的原因也影响着麦克维所说三角中的个端点:私人股本公司

    A similar issue affects the second point on Mr McVey's triangle; private-equity firms.


  • 组成冬季六边毕宿五、五车、北河(北河三)、南河三、参宿七和天狼星

    The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.


  • 客厅,一间浴室卧室,这两间卧室中的间和一座螺旋楼梯相连,楼梯出去便是花园

    They went over a tolerably large ground-floor; a second floor consisted of a salon, a bathroom, and two bedrooms; near one of the bedrooms they came to a winding staircase that led down to the garden.


  • 例如,(0,1,2)按逆时针方向定义第1个三角顶点,而个三角为(1,2,3)按照顺时针方向定义的。

    For example, (0, 1, 2) defines the first triangle's vertices counter-clockwise; the second triangle (1, 2, 3) is defined clockwise.


  • 随着下个动画片功夫熊猫上映人们对拳()的兴趣日渐浓厚。

    With next month's release of the children's animated film Kung Fu Panda II, interest in the leopard, tiger, snake, dragon and crane styles of combat practised here looks set to boom.


  • 简言之矢量数据利用简单的拓扑实体线多边笛卡尔坐标系统中固定它们描述地理特征

    In short, vector data take the simplest topological entitiespoints, lines, and polygonsand anchor them within a 2-d Cartesian coordinate system to describe geographical features.


  • 卡罗莱娜大学有位年级名叫AlexFeintuch过去年中,20岁的已经营养品花费了超过1000美元。

    OVER the course of a year, Alex Feintuch, a 20-year-old sophomore at the University of South Carolina, spent more than $1, 000 on fitness supplements.


  • 希望此次剧本写作磋商成功,史蒂芬·有望儿子JoeHill合作,父子人携手写集剧本出来。史蒂芬·金儿子Joe Hill同样也是一位恐怖小说的作家,作品有《》。

    Should negotiations pan out, King is expected to co-write an episode with his son, Joe Hill, the author of the horror novels "Horns" and "Heart-Shaped Box."


  • 针对图像几何相似性本文提出一种基于等腰直角三角压缩算法

    We put forward an compression algorithm based on isosceles right triangle according to the geometric similarity of binary images.


  • 一个部分系列教程涵盖创造上面网纹多边整个过程部分

    This is the second section of a two part tutorial series covering the entire process for creating the textured low poly wheel above.


  • 相对充满粒子然后探测器相连的圆筒混合线圈”中电场调整为分层。

    The two clouds of oppositely charged particles are then superimposed by adjusting electrical fields in a cylindrical "mixing trap" lined with detectors.


  • 如果两个函数声明返回类型完全匹配个函数声明视为第一个的重复声明。

    If the return type and parameter list of two functions declarations match exactly, then the second declaration is treated as a redeclaration of the first.


  • 例如三角切断穿过之间网格放置在一个平面和坐标平面之外

    For example, one triangle shape was cut out crossing the grid between the first floor and the second, and placed beyond the X and Y coordinate plane.


  • 浴室也是完全改建用了黑色白色六角大理石地砖和白色的壁砖。

    We did a total remodel of the second bath, with black and white marble hex tiles on the floor and a white tile wainscot .


  • 平衡计分具有特征企业实践较为常见服务性企业,互联网思维企业

    The more common practice of Balanced Scorecard in crossbow shape has the characteristics of two types: one is the service enterprises, the two is the Internet thinking companies.


  • 标准采用方法,而次型化标准等价矩阵合同对角化,文中利用初等矩阵和初等变换之间的关系。

    Method of completing square is often used when transforming a quadratic form into a normal one, whose process is equivalent to making the relevant matrix contract diagonal.


  • 一个新的系统进行了测试,(里塞尔0封闭三叶软骨里塞尔1)能够最佳预测400至425之间数字评分

    A new system with three groups was tested, and the second group (Risser 0 with closed triradiate cartilage and Risser 1) was the best predictor of a digital skeletal age score of between 400 and 425.


  • 本文采用步法任意多边优化排样技术进行研究

    This paper had been carrying out a study on the layout technology of arbitrary polygons with two-step theory.


  • 条滚道滚道球面外圈之间装配滚子的轴承

    Two groove of the inner ring and outer ring groove for the ball between the form of a drum, equipped with roller bearings.


  • 用餐中间布饰鸟笼吊灯镶嵌蓝色马赛克的黄铜,无间隔的室内外使人身其中时感觉更亲近自然。

    The second floor's main dining area has the birdcage chandelier and the blue flower mosaic with brass frame as the center points.


  • 用餐中间布饰鸟笼吊灯镶嵌蓝色马赛克的黄铜,无间隔的室内外使人身其中时感觉更亲近自然。

    The second floor's main dining area has the birdcage chandelier and the blue flower mosaic with brass frame as the center points.


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