• 排放的废气以及这种有机化合物混合时,氧化碳会在室温接近的环境转化成像果冻一样的黏稠状态

    When the emissions are mixed with water and the compound, the carbon dioxide turns into a sherbetlike consistency at virtually room temperature and under close to ordinary pressure.


  • 正常飞行高度超音速飞机制造的。1.5到2之间可能引起一些公众反应

    Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes. Some public reaction could be expected between 1.5 and 2 pounds.


  • 青光眼(绿内障)是致人失明原因增大时发病,最终破坏视网膜细胞

    Glaucoma, the second-leading cause of blindness, develops when pressure builds inside the eye and damages retinal cells.


  • 你们注意到反应堆里3个不同冷却系统主要的,个,还有第三系统系统,会真的进入环境中去。

    And you'll also note in a PWR we have three different cooling systems; the primary, the secondary and the third system which is the system that actually goes into the environment.


  • 正常飞行高度超音速飞机制造的。

    Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes.


  • 注入氧化碳过快注入岩石难以承受的数量,都要冒沙岩风险使氧化碳随着时间推移慢慢地被挤出

    Injecting the CO2 too quickly, or adding more than the rock can hold, risks fracturing the sandstone, allowing the CO2 to slowly leech out over time.


  • 美元走低,因为此前美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)减息接近的水平,打击了美元投资者的人气。

    The U.S. dollar took a beating, as the Federal Reserve's move to slash interest rates to nearly zero unnerved currency investors.


  • 曼联稳守领先优势,每当阿森纳上,欲挽回局面之时,他们便通过鲁尼、纳尼的速度朴智星的能量来积极反击,在一连串精彩的一脚传球中,卡里克与鲁尼互相传递,最后卡里克将球传给朴智星,阿森纳城门大开,最终韩国人攻入曼联的第三球。

    It was the Korean who got United's third after Arsenal had been caught out by a classic up-back-through one-touch sequence involving Carrick, Rooney, Carrick again and then finally Park.


  • 明确起见中省略了极管保护电路

    For clarity, the figure omits overvoltage diodes and protection circuits.


  • 由于采用了双阀孔结构设计,在最大下排放凝结水同时还有一个蒸汽系统设计的预设差系统在工作。

    Because of the dual-orifice design, there is a preset controlled pressure differential for the secondary steam system, while maximum pressure differential is available to discharge the condensate.


  • 过滤器排水差排水手动排水方式手动排水时当水位达到滤芯下方水平之前必须排除

    The filter pressure drainage and drainage are two ways to manually drain. Manual drainage when the water level below the level reached before the filter must be excluded.


  • 并用附加弯矩概念论述了区分杆的强度稳定问题的标志,说明杆的第类稳定问题和梁柱问题具有共性——属于强度问题。

    The criterion judging strength and stability problems may be obtained by using the concept of additional moment, and the general character of these structures is that they belong to strength problem.


  • 因此氧化碳监测仪提供了一种连续非侵袭性反应动脉血氧化碳方法氧化碳分直接肺泡通气决定

    Hence capnometry offers a continuous, non-invasive way to reflect the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood, which is directly determined by alveolar ventilation.


  • 呼吸中枢血液氧化碳变化反射性刺激发生

    Is the Respiratory center the carbon dioxide differential pressure change reflective stimulation occurs to the blood in bonds the code.


  • 介绍保证水堆核电站回路水汽质量措施。

    Furthermore, this article introduces the techniques to ensure the water vapor quality in secondary circuit of PWR.


  • 说明分式线性传感器及其测试系统柴油机水力功器磅秤读数P公斤)测量上应用

    The second is the application of this sensor which is used for measuring the parameter P (kq) of Diesel.


  • 如山般的地面上灰色老鼠

    And the road fix of the second recruit too such as mountain as the pressing of sea is toward the gray rat of ground.


  • 修复主管道工作早上完成工程人员必须管道试验收,并且逐户检查

    Work to repair the damaged gas pipe was completed on Tuesday morning, but engineers have had to repressurise and test the system, as well as checking each individual property.


  • 工程实践中的一个简单桁架优化设计问题入手,讨论考虑稳定性杆桁架的优化设计问题。

    Commencing with one brief joist rack optimizing design issue in the engineering practice, this paper discussed that optimizing design of two bar joist rack structures about pressure bar stabilization.


  • 烧结阶段一级颗粒的烧结同时进行烧结一级颗粒的烧结所控制

    In the second stage, sintering of primary and secondary particles occurs simultaneously, but the sintering of the compact is controlled by the primary particles.


  • 锅炉容器设备国际标准轮投票

    Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Pressure Equipment, International Standards, the second ballot.


  • 次侧增大,渗透通量分离因子减小

    The permeation rate and separation factor decrease while increasing downstream pressure.


  • 计算自动合闸装置设计人员提供理论依据也是分析异步电动机电容制动过程的基础

    The computation of residual voltage offers the theoretical foundation to the design of automatic secondary reclose, and it is also the analysis basis for capacity braking.


  • 研究了以阳离子改性丝光沸石催化剂,以甲醇为原料,固定床上甲胺选择性合成反应。

    The select(?)ve synthesis of dimethylamine from ammonia and methylalcohol using the cation modified mordenite as catalysts on atmospheric pressure fixed bed have been studied.


  • 介绍低分氧化碳回收技术基本原理、技术开发工作及其工业应用情况

    The keystone, development of new technology for recovering low partial pressure carbon dioxide and the status of industrial application are introduced.


  • 目的探讨连续多普勒超声评估尖瓣返流患者肺动脉中的作用。

    To confirm the utility of continuous wave Doppler echocardiography in assessing pulmonary artery wedge pressure in patients with mitral regurgitation.


  • 尽管峰值相对较小,但作用时间长有些次超过程中的超上升幅度甚至超过某些爆炸环境下最大

    Although the peak value of return shock is relatively low, the effect time is long and sometimes the scope excesses the maximal overpressure of some deflagration condition.


  • 猫咪有名的舒剂。

    Secondly, cats are known stress-relievers.


  • 火焰紧跟激波前缘的后面传播,峰值位置火焰面重合

    Flame front closely follows Shockwaves at the same speed, and location of peak overpressure is coincident with flame front.


  • 火焰紧跟激波前缘的后面传播,峰值位置火焰面重合

    Flame front closely follows Shockwaves at the same speed, and location of peak overpressure is coincident with flame front.


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