• 留给单个能源公司市政公用事业选择各自清洁能源。

    But it would be left up to the individual energy companies and municipal utilities to choose their respective sources of clean energy.


  • 凯恩斯事业选择很大程度上缘于阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔此人同样在很大程度上引领新的思维方式

    Alfred Marshall, the man most responsible for Keynes's career choice, was also the one most responsible for the new way of thinking.


  • 尽管他们实际上也是主流文化叛逆分子,但在接受教育事业选择上他们却都走一条传统道路

    For as much as9 they are a part of the counterculture, they all had more of a classic approach to education and a career.


  • 满足基本需要要求努力奉献一旦那些基本需要得到满足,好好一看生活事业选择

    Meeting basic needsrequires effort and dedication, but once those basic needs are met, take a good look at your life and at your career choices.


  • 满足基本需要要求努力奉献一旦那些基本需要得到满足,好好一看生活事业选择

    "Meeting basic needs" requires effort and dedication, but once those basic needs are met, take a good look at your life and at your career choices.


  • 本儒一个事业有成的计算机程序员一样,选择通过买房

    Gong Benru is a successful computer programmer who, like Yang, chooses to save up his cash to buy a house.


  • 选择国外工作增进事业成功机会

    I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.


  • 大多数选择通过捐款实现他们使命时,SK集团依据主席崔氏的指导,将重点放在社会公益事业

    While most have chosen to do their part through donations, SK Group has focused its efforts on social enterprises under the guidance of chairman Chey Tae-won.


  • 我们意识到,当时我们正在选择最后我们往往惊讶我们的生活,工作或者事业不是我们所想象的那样。

    We aren't always conscious of all of that as we are making our choices and often end up surprised that our life, work or business does not look like we want it to.


  • 认为试管育婴技术可以缓解那些因为事业追求推迟孩子夫妇压力,因为选择试管方式自然生育效果更高。

    He believes IVF can ease the pressure on couples who have delayed having children to pursue a career, because going for the test-tube option will be more effective than trying for a baby naturally.


  • 那些能潜在的设计师追求自己选择事业文化改变正在慢慢发生

    The cultural changes that have enabled would-be designers to pursue their chosen careers have happened slowly.


  • 大部分选手他们选择事业筹集资金并且这天结束时候,能够大型小型各种慈善机构筹集上百万元

    Most runners raise money for their chosen cause and at the end of the day, millions will be raised for all sorts of worthy causes and charities, small and large.


  • 如果我们选择我们以前做事方式考虑新的方法跟上新的潮流的话,我们就无法取得事业成功

    We cannot achieve Professional success if we choose to do business the way we've always done, without considering new approaches and embracing changing trends.


  • 在一定程度上由于很难孩子事业之中找到平衡许多非常有能力女性选择工作时间可预测工作,比如人力资源或者会计

    Partly because it is so tricky to juggle kids and a career, many highly able women opt for jobs with predictable hours, such as human resources or accounting.


  • 所以首先选择生活各个领域想要的是什么,如事业自我实现、人际关系健康财富。

    So the first step is to choose what you want in each aspect of your life (career, self esteem, relationships, health, and finance).


  • 尼克尔女士过去主修心理学电信行业工作多年,由于热爱最后选择了目前的事业

    Ms. Nichols got her degree in psychology and worked in the telecom industry for years before pursuing a career that caters to her passion for dogs.


  • 本儒一个事业有成的计算机程序员一样,选择通过买房

    Gong Benru is a successful computer programmer who, like Yang, chooses to save up his cash to buy a home.


  • 也许从事照顾他人职业特别是医疗事业(从业人员)的选择应该少地基于化学成绩更多地基于对敏感个性同情心考虑

    Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy.


  • 个人精神信仰选择事业创办一家企业唯一重要因素

    I think that one's spiritual beliefs are the single most important factor in choosing a career or a company to work for.


  • 这些结婚他们事业有成结婚,并且选择较好的伴侣

    People are marrying later, when they are already settled in careers, and they're choosing better partners.


  • 有些选择动物性物品捐给支持有关纯素事业慈善机构

    Some people choose to donate any money they collect from the sale of their old animal based goods to charitable organizations that support vegan-related causes.


  • 她们学历事业成功的,越倾向于这个选择

    The more highly educated and successful they are, the more likely they are to have made that choice.


  • 允许加入中学爵士乐队并且参加田径队比赛,我被允许追求自己选择事业

    I was allowed to play in my middle school's jazz band and run on its track and field team, I've been allowed to pursue the career of my own choosing.


  • 选择一个事业促进演说管理指导团队的时候应该相信自己直觉

    You must trust your instinct when deciding on one specific business motivational speaker to rule and guide your team.


  • 我们兴趣爱好来说,我们经常选择后者因为我们都趋向一个兴趣爱好都变成我们的目标事业

    And when it comes to our interests, I think we often do the latter, because we have a tendency to turn every interest into a project.


  • 考虑完以上之后仍然认为自己可以开创选择事业那么已经准备好创业了。

    If, after considering all of these issues, you still think you can make a go of the business you have chosen, then you are ready to go.


  • 考虑完以上之后仍然认为自己可以开创选择事业那么已经准备好创业了。

    If, after considering all of these issues, you still think you can make a go of the business you have chosen, then you are ready to go.


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