• 正如我们现在腾堡革命花了时间影响处于争议

    The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time; its effects are still being debated.


  • 一系列,关于父母多大程度上起作用,在流行文化很大争议的,我们将会门课里用很多时间,来讲这个问题

    You — It's been a series ofa huge controversy in the popular culture to the extent of which parents matter and this is an issue which will preoccupy us for much of the course.


  • 尽管如此,资优生差生成绩差距还是很大(存在激烈争议的)证据表明,学生难以腾出更多时间进行创作

    But the achievement gap is still wide, and there is (hotly disputed) evidence that students are afforded less time for creative inquiry.


  • 罗氏又虽然合同通常规定争议仲裁条款,由于争议仲裁代价高昂耗费时间,还损坏破坏商业关系所以分歧通常由双方和议解决

    But dispute arbitration, as is typically laid out in contracts, is an expensive and lengthy process that can damage or destroy commercial relationships, so disagreements usually are settled, he says.


  • 第二种一些争议可以承认那种小时面试实际上分钟探测接着后面的五十五分钟全是垃圾时间,再上其他四个同事

    Second, and with some controversy, you can admit that an hour interview is actually a five minute sniff test followed by 55 minutes of wasted time, multiplied by four colleagues.


  • 谷歌决定允许员工20%时间任何做的事情上,开始争议现在已经开始被效仿

    Google's decision to allow its staff to spend 20% of their paid-for time to work on whatever they want was controversial at first, but has started to spread.


  • 人们争议也许对的全世界人们同样情感幽默感恐惧感,但是对于时间态度却是很相同的。

    While it arguably may be true that people worldwide share the same emotions, humour and fears, not everyone possesses the same attitude to time.


  • 不幸的是,关于一个受控制方式燃烧森林技术使用时间、使用地点以及最佳使用方式的争议不过才刚刚开始。

    Unfortunately the debate about when, where and how best to use the technology for burning the wooded landscape in a controlled fashion has barely begun.


  • 但是博学分析家当中对于时机、对于多时间内将价格提到可观水平存在激烈争议

    But there is a ferocious debate among knowledgeable analysts about timing, about how fast carbon prices should rise to significant levels.


  • 服务慢了,排队时间长了,一个无争议的离婚案现在就要花去半年时间

    Service has got slower, waiting times longer. An uncontested divorce now takes about half a year, she says.


  • 所以人们争议几个世纪什么才是正统,直到世纪君士坦丁大帝皇朝延续了时间

    So you have debates about orthodoxy for centuries, but it's with Constantine in the beginning of the fourth century, and he had a long dynasty.


  • 补充一下,球员罚出场一个争议判罚因为同一时间违反条规则是否应该被出示两张黄牌在规则上还有待确认。

    I should add that sending the diver off is a contentious call, because the way the Laws treat a player who is committing two yellow card offences at the same time isn't clear.


  • 巴马上星期了几天时间批评前任教会牧师赖特。这位牧师发表了一系列具有争议性的评论被认为奥巴马竞选活动造成伤害

    Obama spent part of the past week criticizing his former church pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who had made a series of controversial comments that considered harmful to Obama's campaign.


  • 接下来,让我们时间顺序回顾布兰妮争议的十大时刻

    We rounded up a Britney timeline of her most controversial moments.


  • 复古时期起始时间鲜有争议一战结束一个清晰标志然而截止日期却略有争议

    There is little debate about the start date of the vintage period-the end of World War I is a nicely defined marker there-but the end date is a matter of a little more debate.


  • Bentley表示,移民局的办事处已经暂缓办理案件时间了,大概当时律师们表示婚姻法案有“法律上的小争议”。

    Mr. Bentley said the agency’s field offices had suspended cases for a short period, perhaps a week or two, while lawyers clarified a “narrow legal issueconcerning the marriage act.


  • Hibernate继续使用争议有效目标,就编程模型(经典)另一个(JPA)需要花费时间资源一样。

    The continued use of Hibernate is arguably a valid objective, as moving from one programming model (classic) to another (JPA) takes time and resources.


  • 社会人种学家莉兹·珀伦(LizPullen曾花费一个时间跟踪研究Twitter500名人气用户follower的数量排列)和备受争议的推荐用户(suggestedusers列表

    Sociologist and ethnographer Liz Pullen spent a month tracking the top 500 Twitter users (as ranked by number of followers) as well as the much-contested suggested users list.


  • 两个英国人和名法国人分别独立工作很多争议信贷时间

    These two, an Englishman and a Frenchman respectively, worked independently and there was much dispute over credit at the time.


  • 这位热切迷人争议执行官是否还有时间重振公司有望成为硅谷2016年引人瞩目的的戏码之一

    Whether the intense, glamorous and controversial executive will get more time to fix the company promises to be one of Silicon Valley's most prominent dramas of 2016.


  • 因此争议解决大概经历时间,前提是双方坚强立场后退

    So a flare-up of the dispute can be expected from time to time, with both sides falling back on their entrenched positions.


  • 北约俄罗斯已经同意立即开始启动欧洲导弹防御盾牌谈话这个华盛顿发起项目引起时间争议

    Nato says Russia has agreed to begin talks immediately on a European missile defence shield, a project first put forward by Washington that has long caused friction.


  • 德国首都新机场启用时间争议不断第四推迟

    The opening of a controversial new airport in the German capital is delayed for a fourth time.


  • 德国首都新机场启用时间争议不断第四推迟

    The opening of a controversial new airport in the German capital is delayed for a fourth time.


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