• 过去IT业界遇到这样挑战,而一创意,不墨守成规的思考者成为了成功的那

    It has met challenges like these in the past and it has been the creative, out-of-the-box thinkers who have been most successful.


  • 研究结论绝非侥幸而得,其他的一研究得到了类似结论但是为什么一位姐妹就能更开心呢?

    These findings are no fluke; other studies have come to similar conclusions. But why would having a sister make you happier?


  • 最近看到过JSON用于保密数据讨论而且不是清楚多少了解其中的风险

    I saw some discussion recently about using JSON for secured data, and I'm not sure that everyone understands the risks.


  • 劳动分工,干坏事不例外;沉溺思考热衷于实践

    There is a division of labor, even in vice; some persons addict themselves to the speculation only, others to the practice.


  • 明显个体其他一更多资源,一看起来幸运。

    It's quite obvious that some individuals have more resources than others. Some people seem to be luckier too.


  • 表示支持最高法院号召必要驾者宽大一其一旦被定罪面临灰暗的未来

    Other pundits, though, have supported the top court's call to show leniency toward drunken drivers, saying people convicted of a crime would face a bleak future.


  • 德国的食物不受待见柏林活力地下俱乐部年轻的欧洲一点吸引力。

    The food is considered uninspired, too, and only Berlin has some cachet among younger Europeans for its vibrant underground club scene.


  • 观点认为,希腊话的犹太希腊布道。

    At least there's some idea that speaking to Greek Jews but also to Greeks.


  • 然而维基创意正在它们能力,一加入的链接如果垃圾信息的嫌疑可以另一些人删除

    However, the idea of wikis is also that they have a self-healing capacity; every link posted by someone can be easily removed by someone else if it appears to be spam.


  • 绝大多数来说地方就是伦敦对于些人来说,就是巴黎对于更少数勇敢来说,那就是美国

    For most, that place was London; for some it was Paris, and for a smaller but bolder few it was America.


  • Jenn对于这个模型兴趣关注读完之后做如是想。

    Jenn had some interesting concerns about the model, and now that I have read it, so do I.


  • 这个世界愤世嫉俗背后说别坏话的们,但是在这个世界上仍然值得我们之交往并且成为朋友的。

    In this world of cynics and back stabbers, there are still some people who are worth being friends with.


  • 通常治疗一个牙龈保护罩虽然会磨穿保护罩。如果磨牙是由于压力引起设法缓解压力。

    Usual treatment is a gum shield, though some people grind through these. If teeth-grinding is caused by stress, then the cause should be addressed.


  • 柯博拉强大力量在保护着如果是在10年前他们一个不能幸存

    COBRA: There are strong forces of light protecting those people. If this happened 10 years ago, maybe none of them would survive.


  • 至于生涯开始时候,现在记住当时是怎么打球的了,不是克利夫兰所以没办法每天都看见觉得一定还是运气成分的。

    As for the beginning of his career, it's harder to remember how he played, especially not being from Cleveland and seeing him daily, but I bet a bit of luck was involved.


  • 美国曾经很多管理留下积极遗产些人既不美国其他国家真切地记住

    The United States has had many administrations; some who have left a positive legacy, and others that are neither remembered fondly by the American people nor by other nations.


  • 幸运地在这场大灾难存活了下来,但是他们同时深深地受到了伤害,永远地失去了家庭

    Some people survived this catastrophe, but they've been deeply hurt at the same time, with those forever-gone families and homes.


  • 一样,遇到减肥问题。些人开始靠节食达到重的目的,看看已经成功些人

    Like anyone else, celebrities sometimes have trouble keeping the pounds off. Many start diets to achieve weight loss. Check out the ones who succeeded!


  • 随着求职市场稳定改善其他的求职应聘者遭遇未来雇主提出同样问题根本无法拒绝

    But as the job market steadily improves, other job candidates are confronting the same question from prospective employers, and some of them cannot afford to say no.


  • 而在枕头、坐垫席、靠垫席上,扇子风车之类图案看就感觉到丝丝清凉

    In some pillows seats, decorated seats, pillows gallery, and a fan or windmill embroidered such pictorial , so one can feel a trace on the cool of Italy.


  • 他们训练时间都会准时上课,几乎每一个英语知识即使个别教练懂英语,会尽自己最大努力去阐述重点部分,最后基本上都所成效

    They always show up for the training, almost every one has some knowledge of English and even those who don't, do their best to explain the most important things and somehow always succeed.


  • 正是了。美国可以外表看来很友善但是内心里可是一关心的。

    Wen-J, I think I understand what you mean. Some Americans can be friendly on the outside but not caring on the inside.


  • 海南胡椒胡椒胡椒之分。野胡椒种植的胡椒要小,呈浅褐色,一般认为野胡椒纯属天然,因而香味浓烈

    Three kinds of pepper are grown and processed in Hainan: white pepper, black pepper and wild pepper. Wild pepper is smaller than cultivated pepper but has a stronger flavor.


  • 即使能力负担飞机通常选择租用包机,更加方便低调一

    Even those who can afford to own planes often lease or charter them instead, offering a layer of ease and anonymity.


  • 正好放进去,不是特别吻合,因为疤痕。年轻看着自己,看起来不再完美以前更美丽了,因为心中流淌到了的心里。

    Thee young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.


  • 正好放进去,不是特别吻合,因为疤痕。年轻看着自己,看起来不再完美以前更美丽了,因为心中流淌到了的心里。

    Thee young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.


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