• 所以对于吸血鬼这种文类洛奇说法:“主人公成为自己命运缔造,同时也无法控制力量受害。”

    So the vampire genre, Lodge says "allows the protagonist to be both the author of her own destiny and the victim of forces beyond her control."


  • 大蛇代表着精神力量能量这个持有那个能够持有这些能量人,使用它们利益整个人类星球

    The Serpent represents Psychic Power and Energy, and the Serpent Holder is one who can hold these energies and use them for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet!


  • 场景中的大多数工作提供一方的处理程序完成的,必须消息头中恢复证书检验使生效。

    The majority of the work for this scenario is in the provider-side handler, which must recover the certificate from the header, verify it, and validate it.


  • 相关对于欧洲单一市场及其竞争秩序保留,尽管民族主义所诟病。

    Linked to this should be the preservation of the single European market and its competition rules, which are under attack from economic nationalists.


  • 上个世纪,男子气慨养成,几乎完全围绕着男人给予保护思想建立起来坦率的说,女人不再需要这些了。

    Masculinity has been constructed over the last century almost entirely around the idea of men as providers and protectors, and frankly, women don't need that any more.


  • FAP基本上一个演讲疯狂事情——这些听众做点动起来,就可以欺骗自己说观众多么沉醉迷人演讲

    FAP is basically a speaker getting his rocks off by having the audience do things that he can fool himself into believing are a sign of how interested they are in his fascinating speech.


  • 经济危机产生了影响,这次记忆唯一的一次拉美无辜的旁观而不危机的导致

    The financial crisis briefly interrupted this growth, but it was the first in living memory in which Latin America was an innocent bystander, not a protagonist.


  • 稍有例外情况垃圾信息散布确实试图直接站点访问广告以及对他人财产进行纯粹蓄意破坏。

    The minor exceptions to this are cases where the spammer really is trying to advertise directly to readers on that site and cases of pure malice or mischief.


  • 然而平行的这些外界参与应当担负第二责任

    In parallel with this, however, a second duty falls on those outsiders.


  • 某些机构已经挤入现有银行它们客户,这些机构实际上在夺取关系主导权,削减银行的消费特权价值

    Some are already inserting themselves between incumbent Banks and their customers, in effect hijacking the relationship and reducing the value of the Banks' consumer franchises.


  • 同样重要印度国家消费谋求获得第二第三电视机

    Just as important, consumers in countries such as India are acquiring second and third television sets.


  • 上海股市缩水银行通货膨胀高于存款利息的现象此起彼伏,女士投资想要获利,房地产

    With Shanghai's stock market falling, and bank interest rates lower than inflation, Ms. Ren says there are no alternatives to property for investors seeking a profit.


  • 普特南声称成功关联的至关重要条件说话以及提及间的合适因果关系。

    Putnam claims that one condition which is crucial for successful reference is that there be an appropriate causal connection between the object referred to and the speaker referring.


  • 不过尽管玻利维亚人以藜麦食已有数个世纪,但多年来安第斯山区仍然稀罕物,直到最近,才进驻保健食物商店,才有研究对其展开研究

    But while Bolivians have lived off it for centuries, quinoa remained little more than a curiosity outside the Andes for years, found in health food shops and studied by researchers — until recently.


  • 巴黎自由市场主义可能相信在防守道义立场(必要)观点时常令人咋舌

    In Paris the idea that a free-market liberal may believe he is defending a moral position (rather than a necessary evil) often causes surprise.


  • 差距如此以至于研究显示许多失业人口在救济期间届满前不会正经找工作的。

    The gap is so small for many unemployed people that studies show that they do not begin a serious job hunt until their unemployment benefits are about to expire.


  • 不论如何,列格研究所调查仍显示印度有近百分83的企业所有认为印度个“企业家走向成功天堂”。

    After all, that Legatum Institute survey found that 83% of Indian business owners also thought the country "a good place for entrepreneurs to succeed".


  • 问题所在我们这些个人投资没有办法让管理层改变主张

    But it's just about impossible for any of us individual investors to get management to change its mind about anything.


  • 凯文:“这样的话,自知自我中心主义,对应聘很有帮助的吗?”

    Kevin: "So, candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?"


  • “司路公交车伦敦具有历史感标志一,流线型轮廓使同大本钟一样容易辨识。

    THE red Routemaster bus is one of London's abiding ICONS, its curvaceous silhouette as recognisable as Big Ben.


  • 几千年来瑜伽练习一直通过调息法(字面意义控制生命气)调节心理身体

    Yoga practitioners have used pranayama, which literally means control of the life force, as a tool for affecting both the mind and body for thousands of years.


  • 不论有意纯属巧合,西摩仿佛创造投影

    Intentionally or not, he seems like a projection of his creator.


  • 批评认为没有绝育系统百分有效的饲养鱼类将不可避免地逃出来。同时,这种基因工程三文鱼野生三文鱼冲击未知的。

    Critics say that no sterilization system is perfect, farmed fish invariably escape and the impact of a genetically engineered salmon on wild stocks is unknown.


  • 有人认为拼写词源联系一起,因此不能随意改变词拼写,但戴维斯坚持,“人类语言所有我们有权改进语言,使更好的为人类服务。”

    I think it is an ownership thing, that it is our language. 'Davis argued that people felt that spelling was linked to the origin of words.


  • 区域决策西方决策暂时希望加沙以巴勒斯坦内部和解告终

    Regional and Western policymakers have tentatively hoped that intra-Palestinian reconciliation would end the siege.


  • 区域决策西方决策暂时希望加沙以巴勒斯坦内部和解告终

    Regional and Western policymakers have tentatively hoped that intra-Palestinian reconciliation would end the siege.


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