• 改造客观世界同时改造主观世界

    We should transform our subjective world while transforming the objective world.


  • 中国现代通俗的话说是改造自己的主观世界

    Using Chinese present popular wording that is to remould one 's subjective world.


  • 本文认为,克尔凯郭尔哲学思想的主要倾向主观世界返回

    This paper holds that Kierkegaard's philosophical thought is apt to return to the subjective world.


  • 文明是指人类改造自然、改造社会改造主观世界积极成果

    Civilization means human transforms the natural, the society and the subjective world's positive achievement.


  • 批判性思维是对主观世界反思评判一种反思式思维活动。

    Critical mode of thinking is a reflection and cristism on the subjective world.


  • 进而讨论语义的模糊性客观世界主观世界语言世界关系。

    It also points out that semantic belongs to the objective language world, and also come from the objective world and peoples subjective world.


  • 进而讨论语义模糊性客观世界主观世界语言世界关系

    Based on the discussion this thesis expounds respectively the fuzzy of semantic and its relation with the objective world, the subjective world and the language world.


  • 西认为客观世界逻辑之外还应有深刻的主观世界的逻辑。

    Nixida believes that there is deeper logics in subjective world beside the objective world.


  • 参加劳动过程中,人类不仅改变自然而且改变了自己主观世界

    In the course of participating in Labour man not only changes nature, but also changes his subjective world.


  • 是切实开展批评自我批评,改造客观世界实现主观世界的改造。

    Second, criticizing and self criticizing third remoulding the subjective would in the process of remoulding the objective world.


  • 最终落脚点放在学以致用上,放在解决实际问题能力上,放在改造主观世界

    And final stay dot should be put on the study STH in order to apply it, put on the ability that solves real problem, put in transform subjective world to go up.


  • 然而这种造假手法反映当代科学已经征服个每个领域即便是一个情人眼里出西施主观世界

    And yet such a forgery would perfectly reflect the contemporary faith in science to conquer every realm, even one where beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder.


  • 第四部分重点论述油画写生过程中的精神表达改造自己主观世界探索实践经验部分做起

    The fourth part focuses on the process of oil painting the spirit of expression, from the transformation of their own subjective world and the two begin to explore practical experience.


  • 作风内在本质自然流露,是内在要素外在要素的辩证统一,表现为对客观世界主观世界改造

    Style of work is a kind of spontaneous overflow of one's nature. It is the dialectical unity of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, and serves as understanding and changing the objective world.


  • 作为纯理功能之一概念功能,表达客观世界主观世界的信息内容理解与传译是翻译活动的关键所在。

    To understand and translate the ideational function, which expresses the main content of the world, is the essential part of translation activity.


  • 了解中产阶级个性,就必须研究他们处于不同阶级之间的夹缝的特性,从阶级关系变化去认识他们的主观世界

    However, in order to understand the social character of the middle class, we must examine the in-betweeness of their class situation and how changing inter-class relations shape their mentality.


  • 运用中介贯通主观世界客观世界一种重要的、不可或缺形式终极目标精神的自由创造

    This is you and I use "like" the intermediary, through the subjective world and objective world is an important and indispensable in the form of its ultimate goal is spiritual freedom and creativity.


  • 塞尔的生活世界相对于客观科学世界抽象的逻辑理念世界而言的主观世界直观世界而不是相对于先验意识而言的事实世界

    Husserl's life world is the subjective intuitive world against objective world of abstract ideas, not the facts of the world against transcendental consciousness.


  • 看看人们谈论艺术好坏时的那种紧张,就会意识到即便是艺术世界,“品味主观的”这个说法也市场。

    And yet you can see how great a hold "taste is subjective" has even in the art world by how nervous it makes people to talk about art being good or bad.


  • 自我”,简单说就是自我内在世界或者主观现实可以通过自省冥想自我反思达到

    "Self" simply refers to my owninteriorworld or subjective realities, which can be accessed byintrospection, meditation, and self-reflection.


  • 语义模糊性产生客观世界主观认识语言自身的特点密切相关。

    The origin of semantic fuzziness is closely related to the objective world, subjective world and the features of language itself.


  • 因为主观评判福布斯要求一些具有影响力提名他们认为的世界具影响力的7位人选,Gotta表示,这一份非常有趣的榜单

    And since this is all subjective, Forbes asked some influential people to name their top seven picks for the world's most influential people. Gotta say, that's a pretty interesting list.


  • 世界唯心所做主观、局限头脑片面短暂自我中心、悬挂记忆线索上。

    Your world is mind-made, subjective, enclosed within the mind, fragmentary, temporary, personal, hanging on the thread of memory.


  • 机器学习引入使得计算机能够处理一些涉及真实世界知识问题并且能够主观决定

    The introduction of machine learning allowed computers to tackle problems involving knowledge of the real world and make decisions that appear subjective.


  • 认为语言模糊性客观世界主观认识语言本身特征综合作用结果

    We hold the view that the fuzziness of language results from the comprehensive effect of the objective world, the subjective understanding and language itself.


  • 传统摄影数码摄影一样一种拍摄者客观世界主观选择

    Traditional photography and digital photography are both means a photographer can subjectively choose to face an objective world.


  • 我们日常生活轨迹(我们习惯自我认识主观意念)全部被抛到九霄云外,只剩下世界原始体验

    Our everyday life scripts-our habits, self-perceptions and assumptions-go out the window, and we are left with a raw experience of the world.


  • 内向态度会按照自我主观设想看待外部世界所以他们试图使外部世界变得内在自我相似。

    Introverted attitudes view the outer world in terms of the self's subjective ideal, so they attempt to make the outer world more like the inner self.


  • 古老毫无根据的“非此即彼”世界因为也是主观上的程度问题

    This is the age old "us and them" world view which has no basis empirically, for it is, again, all a matter of degree.


  • 古老毫无根据的“非此即彼”世界因为也是主观上的程度问题

    This is the age old "us and them" world view which has no basis empirically, for it is, again, all a matter of degree.


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