• 公共选择理论主流经济学相比分析框架显著特征

    The theory of public choice has remarkable characteristics in analytic framework compared to the main-stream economics.


  • 按照主流经济学宏观经济理论通过各种渠道拉动内需

    According to macroeconomic theory of mainstream economics, Numbers of measures should be taken to stimulate the domestic demand.


  • 主流经济学认为经济作为现代文明引擎能够永远增长下去。

    Mainstream economics states that economy, as the engine of modern culture, can grow forever and ever.


  • 西方主流经济学中,经济效率源于个人价值判断基础的个人效用最大化

    According to the mainstream Western economics, economic efficiency originates in individuals 'utility maximization based on individuals 'value judgement.


  • 企业能力理论源于战略研究组织行为学交易费用经济学源于主流经济学

    Enterprise competence theory stems from strategic research and organizational behaviorism while transaction cost economics from mainstream economics.


  • 主流经济学采用一个“先验”假设:“市场其他社会组织形式”更好。

    Mainstream economics does not assume apriori that markets are preferable to other forms of social organization.


  • 主流经济学向来不缺反对的声音,这次未能预测金融危机使得人们更有理由其进行反思

    MAINSTREAM economics has always had its dissidents. But the discipline's failure to predict the financial crisis has made the ground especially fertile for a rethink.


  • 个例子,主流经济学模型严重依赖均衡范式一种人们没有动机改变行为状态

    For example, mainstream economic models rely heavily on the concept of equilibrium-a state in which nobody has an incentive to change their behaviour.


  • 我们课堂上学经济学大部分是凯恩斯主义经济学主流经济学教科书经济学

    We learnt in class economics mostly Keynes economics, called the mainstream economics, textbook economics.


  • 主流经济学排除价值判断现实问题尤其是对穷人行为解释常常陷入理论贫困状态

    Mainstream economics refuses value judgment so they often get into theoretic difficult position on realistic topics, esp. on the explanation of the poor's behavior.


  • 这种批判不仅挑战现代主流经济学理论基础而且经济学范式构建具有重要理论价值。

    The criticisms not only challenge to the theoretic foundation of mainstream economics, but also have the importance for the construction of new paradigm of economics.


  • 国外主流经济学管制理论研究曾经一度集中于管制激励方面相对忽视管制治理结构的研究。

    Research on the regulatory theory abroad mainly focuses on the regulatory incentive rather than on the structure of regulatory governance.


  • 指出,在主流经济学企业家职能研究经历一个肯定否定、否定之否定的螺旋式上升过程

    The paper points out that the research to entrepreneurial function has undergone a spiral process of positiveness, negation, negation's negation in the realm of dominant economics.


  • 经济学中的经济人假设稀缺性假设一起,构成经济学,主要是现代主流经济学重要基石

    Economic Man hypothesis in economics with the scarcity assumption forms the two most important foundations of modern mainstream economics.


  • 诺贝尔经济学经济奖项,是获得者学术影响力学术地位得到主流经济学界认可的标志。

    The Nobel economics Prize is the highest award in the field of economics, which is also the sign of the academic influence and status of winner be recognized by the mainstream economists.


  • 博弈论自从引入经济研究中以来,逐渐成为主流经济学一部分甚至可以说成为微观经济学基础

    Since game theory was introduced into the economic research field, it has become one part of the economics mainstream and even the basis of microeconomics.


  • 本文对于经济增长出现环境问题进行系统总结主流经济学对此相应解释方法进行了总结

    This text has carried on the systematic summary to the environmental problem appearing in the economic growth, and Classical economics summarizes corresponding explanation methods of this correctly.


  • 这样中国经济学才能进入世界主流经济学之中,中国经济学才能获得被称为“皇冠”的诺贝尔经济学奖。

    Only in the way can Chinese economics enter into the main stream of world economics and Chinese economists get the 'Nobel prize of economics'.


  • 中国经济持续高速增长受到世人关注的重要原因在于主流经济学框架难以有理论对这种现象给予合理解释

    One of the most important reasons for this intensifying interest is that, it is hard to provide a reasonable explanation within the mainstream economics frameworks.


  • “非典”爆发扩散,既是我国经济严峻考验挑战也是对我国主流经济学经济学家的“霸权”地位的严峻挑战。

    The breaking-out and its pervasion were not only a severe test to the economy of China but also a stern challenge to the "Overlord Position" of mainstream economics and economists in China.


  • 主流经济学关于失业问题研究通常集中在工资缺乏伸缩性情形工资伸缩性条件可能出现的失业则缺乏应有的关注

    The research about unemployment of mainstream economics usually leans to the case that the wage lacks flexibility, and has not given enough attention to the unemployment under wage flexibility.


  • 经济人假设西方主流经济学核心概念灵魂也是传统经济增长范式理论支柱,对它们进行批判和反思是本文的主要任务。

    The economic Man theory is the core concept and soul of the main stream of western economics, it is also the foundation of the growth paradigm of the traditional economic theory.


  • 不到20的时间中,女性主义经济学异军突起,短时间内建立起自己学科阵营成为主流经济学阵营中一只强有力的新生力量

    In less than 20 years, Feminist economics grew rapidly and established its own academic camp. It became a powerful new force for the non-mainstream economics camp.


  • 经济学理性假设以及由该假设所演绎推理出来理性选择理论,始终当代主流经济学核心但是,人们对“理性假设”的现实性却一直持怀疑批评态度

    Though under constant suspicion and criticism, economic rationalist assumption and the rational choice approach stemming from it has always been the core of the contemporary mainline economics.


  • 经济学理性假设以及由该假设所演绎推理出来理性选择理论,始终当代主流经济学核心但是,人们对“理性假设”的现实性却一直持怀疑批评态度

    Though under constant suspicion and criticism, economic rationalist assumption and the rational choice approach stemming from it has always been the core of the contemporary mainline economics.


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